
PWDLAW Chapter 372 The Plaque is Ready

 Chapter 372 The Plaque is Ready

She thought, this guy shouldn't be as stubborn as an old fossil.

Chu Heng furrowed his brows slightly. Seeing Ye Muyu's serious expression, he couldn't help but think about where Ye Muyu's previous life was. If he didn't take care of her and make concessions, she might be homesick.

"Well, you're right. From now on, we won't drink chicken soup at night but milk." Chu Heng agreed.

Ye Muyu was a bit surprised. She thought he would be more persistent but he agreed unexpectedly fast. This was beyond her expectations.

Chu Jin and Chu Ziluo exchanged glances, confirming their thoughts.

Dad would listen to Mom.

In the future, they should please Mom!

These two children were truly insightful.

"Quickly eat." Chu Heng generously urged her to eat. He even made sure to shave off the faint stubble on his face, just to make himself more pleasing to Ye Muyu.

His facial features were perfect, with a straight nose, deep eyes, and even his thin lips were quite sexy. Coupled with the constant clean fragrance he maintained, bathing twice a day, it was inevitable for people to take a few more glances at his appearance.

Seeing his attitude, Ye Muyu obediently finished her dinner.

At night, she sat on the bedside, already finishing Chu Heng's outer garment.

Chu Heng came back.

Ye Muyu was a bit surprised and looked at the sky outside, "Why is it so early today?"

After staying here for a long time, Ye Muyu gradually learned to tell the time by looking at the sky.

"I haven't told you about Lu Sangqi's identity yet. I thought you'd like to know." Chu Heng said.

Hearing this, Ye Muyu quickly made room for him, curious about this matter. Mainly, she was afraid that Lu Sangqi would hold a grudge and implicate her.

Chu Heng sat down on the bedside and was quite satisfied with her movements.

"Lu Sangqi Lu Sangqi is..."

Chu Heng explained Lu Sangqi's identity and the hidden contents of the medical book.

"So, you mean that Doctor Lu took away the medical book before the old imperial physician in the palace who belonged to the Land family could finish reading it?" Ye Muyu asked.

"Yeah." Chu Heng nodded.

"Why did Doctor Lu leave home for so many years?" Ye Muyu asked.

Chu Heng replied, "Because Doctor Lu's original wife died in childbirth six years ago, both mother and child perished."

"Ah," Ye Muyu exclaimed in surprise. Although she had guessed that there was a story behind Doctor Lu, she didn't expect it to be so tragic.

She whispered, "I hope Doctor Lu can come out of it." Since he was willing to return the medical book to the Land family, he should have forgiven them, right?

As for more inside information, Chu Heng was not very clear and Ye Muyu didn't plan to ask again.

The night quickly passed.

The next morning.

After getting up, changing clothes, and having breakfast, Ye Muyu along with Chu Heng went to the county office. In the past two days, the bookshelves in the county office had been purchased by Luchuan. Even the plaque was customized. Looking at the plaque on the shop with the four characters "Bo Lan Bookstore," Ye Muyu felt its majestic and imposing atmosphere. It seemed to be written by a master calligrapher.

"Who wrote these characters?" Ye Muyu couldn't help but ask.

Chu Heng had just gotten off the carriage, "Xie Chunbo, written by Mr. Xie, the director."

Zhang Yue was a juren and because his family background was not prominent, he failed to obtain an official position. Although the courtyard of the county school did not have real political power, it was still a position of some significance. In any case, it was an official position.

▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife  

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▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife



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