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PWDLAW Chapter 367: Eccentric Personality

 Chapter 367: Eccentric Personality

Ye Muyu nodded with a smile, "Sure, in the future, I'll enjoy the meals you cook."

"Madam, you're too kind. This is what I should do." Hu Shi considered Ye Muyu as the head of the household and was naturally loyal and diligent. "Madam, shall I proceed with making the pepper-sautéed fish slices?"

"Sure, I'll watch from the side." Ye Muyu nodded.

She walked to the side, cleaned her hands, and stood there guiding Hu Shi in the cooking process.

Time passed quickly.

"Mother." At noon, Chu Ziluo and Chu Jin returned.

The two of them called out from the doorway.

Ye Muyu turned around, picked up two cups of bitter melon tea from the cutting board and handed them to the two.

"Come, have a drink first. It's hot today, and I'm afraid you might get overheated and have heatstroke."

"First, wash your hands."

With Hu Shi doing the cooking, Ye Muyu wasn't in a hurry. Although the kitchen was a bit hot, she, being naturally cold, found it much more comfortable than Hu Shi. Hu Shi tied a towel around her forehead to prevent sweat from dripping.

This was also Ye Muyu's requirement, ensuring cleanliness in food preparation to avoid illness.

Chu Ziluo held a ceramic cup, looking at the greenish tea inside, took a sip, and said, "Ah, it's so bitter."

On the other hand, Chu Jin had already finished his cup.

"Ziluo, you can't be so picky. Keep drinking. This is bitter melon tea, it helps clear heat. Didn't you say you had mouth sores last night? It's probably due to excessive internal heat." Ye Muyu spoke gently, touched Chu Ziluo's head and coaxed her without allowing the child to refuse.

Although Ziluo was sensible, she was still a child. Where would she like something bitter?

"Mother, I understand." Chu Ziluo had been troubled by mouth sores, making it difficult for her to eat and sleep. Yesterday was bearable but today it became more severe.

Now that she heard it could be helpful, even if it was bitter, she pinched her nose and drank it.

Chu Jin didn't feel much, anyway. Since his mother said it was good stuff, he drank it. It was better than taking medicine, which had a strange taste.

"Mother, I'll go to the study to paint." There were no lessons at noon, so Chu Jin seized the opportunity to paint more Zhuge Suo.

Now that he had saved up a lot of silver, he felt elated every time he counted it.

Chu Jin entered the study, saw Chu Heng, and was not as afraid of him as before.

However, he still respectfully called him 'Father.'

"Father, I'm going to paint." Chu Jin sat obediently on the side, stole a glance at Chu Heng,/ and seeing that he didn't look over, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Holding his breath, he slowly painted. As he became more natural in his movements, the quality of his paintings improved significantly.

On the other side, after drinking the bitter melon tea, Chu Ziluo heard from Zhang Shu that Doctor Qi had come for a visit. She hesitated for a moment, didn't tell her mother and quickly ran towards the hall.

Nenya followed behind her, afraid that her young miss might suffer.

Doctor Qi was a bad person.

"Doctor Qi, are you really here?" When Chu Ziluo entered the hall, Lu Sangqi, who was no longer angry, saw her come in but didn't lift his eyelids.

Seeing him not speaking, Chu Ziluo circled around him.

Being circled by her made Lu Sangqi dizzy. Unable to endure it, he spoke, "Little girl, what are you doing?"

"I'm checking if you're still angry." Chu Ziluo, sensing the fierce gaze on her, instinctively took two steps back, peering at him from behind the table without daring to get too close.

"I'm very angry, what about it? If you come closer, I'll push you." Lu Sangqi was just thinking about the chance to retaliate against Chu Heng's couple. Seeing Chu Ziluo rushing over, he thought of Ye Muyu's concern for this child and a malicious intent flashed in his eyes.


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▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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