
Chapter 64: You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!

  Chapter 64: Esteemed... Individuals

Two hours later, after changing back into their original clothes, the two of them arrived at Wan Family Feast. Before they could enter, they saw Xu Tian hurrying over.

"Master Chen!"

Xu Tian greeted them and led them inside, apparently intending to have lunch together.

"This time I'll host the meal. We owe a lot to you and your family, so it's only right that I treat you."

"Master Chen, that's not necessary. You are my idol, and Minister Yang entrusted me to take good care of you..."

The two of them kept refusing, and Chen Xue coughed from the side, feeling helpless. "How about this, each of you pays half!"

"That works!"

"Great idea!"

The three of them didn't order too many dishes because Chen Xue and her father were already full. They had tasted various street foods and ended up quite satisfied.

However, just when Chen Yuan finished his meal, he realized that his daughter seemed hungry again. He touched his own stomach, feeling perplexed.

"Master Chen, what's wrong? Don't you like the food?" Xu Tian had been paying attention to Lord Chen's situation and assumed that he didn't like the dishes since he hadn't touched his chopsticks.

"No, I was just lost in thought!" Chen Yuan shook his head and hastily picked up a little bit of food symbolically.

Seeing this, Xu Tian quickly stood up and used his chopsticks to pick up a full scoop of food for Chen Yuan.

"Master Chen, try this. It's good for your health. The waiter said it has the effect of invigorating the kidney and enhancing male vitality..."


Chen Xue was enjoying her meal when she heard this and ended up spitting out the food upon hearing Xu Tian's words. She looked up and saw Xu Tian serving food to her father as if he were a devoted wife, even mentioning something about invigorating the kidney.

How could she not let her mind wander with such remarks, especially considering Xu Tian had been idolizing her father from the start and even mentioned idolization?

It wasn't entirely implausible.

After all, from the beginning, Xu Tian had only had eyes for her father, always referring to him as an idol or the like.

Admiring idols was normal.

And there were stories about men being with men.

But the crucial point was that Chen Yuan was her father. If he really accepted Xu Tian's advances, could he face her mother?

Although she had just crossed over, in the few days she had been here, Chen Xue's mother had treated her very well. She had already accepted the existence of her parents. If their relationship...

Thinking of this, she felt a bit anxious and resentful. "Dad, are you planning to abandon Mom?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, abandoning your mom?" Lord Chen glared at her, "Why are you talking about this out of nowhere!"

As he spoke, he suddenly realized something was wrong, recalling Xu Tian's words. He lowered his head to look at the bowl filled with food, then looked at Xu Tian in horror.

He immediately understood why his daughter had misunderstood. He hurriedly explained, "Xue'er, don't talk nonsense. My heart towards your mother is as clear as day and night. I've only been with your mother in this lifetime, and if I'm lying, may I be struck by lightning."

"I also believe that Lord Chen is not that kind of person!" Although Xu Tian didn't understand why Lord Chen suddenly made such a solemn vow, he knew that helping Lord Chen couldn't be wrong.

As soon as he finished speaking, both Chen Xue and Lord Chen turned their heads and glared at him, then shouted in unison.

"Shut up!"

Xu Tian was scared stiff and sat down on the chair, not daring to speak, trembling.

For the rest of the time, Xu Tian dared not speak again or serve food to Lord Chen. He quietly ate his meal alone.

Lord Chen took the opportunity to give Chen Xue a thumbs-up, praising her for rescuing him in time.

Chen Xue rolled her eyes, indicating that she wasn't just saving him; she was just telling the truth. If he dared to betray Mom, she wouldn't agree.

After some time passed, when everyone had eaten their fill and drank enough, they were ready to leave.

Only then did Xu Tian dare to speak up. "Lord Chen, do you want to pack some food for Lady Chen?"

Chen Xue and her father had indeed considered packing food, but the food at this restaurant wasn't very tasty, not as good as what they bought on the street.

Now that Xu Tian brought it up, if they refused, it might spread rumors that their marriage was on the rocks.

"Then pack a portion!"

After saying that, Lord Chen patted his body and realized he was out of money. He had no choice but to look at his daughter.

Chen Xue silently took out some silver from her space and handed it over. This scene was also seen by Xu Tian, who suddenly felt emotional.

Indeed, the rumors about Lord Chen being penniless seemed to be true.

So, he rushed to offer to pay, but was glared at by both Chen Xue and her father, so he didn't dare to speak up.

The three of them left the restaurant and headed towards the exile group. After all, Lord Chen was worried that his wife would go hungry, so he wanted to hurry back to feed her.

On the way, Xu Tian saw them carrying so many things and quickly found someone to rent a carriage to help them transport the goods.

Chen Xue and her father suddenly realized this and bought more things. After all, these were the provisions for the servants, and it was also to maintain appearances.

At least in the future, when they took things out of their space, they could explain that they bought them in the city.

The man pulling the cart saw Chen Xue and her father buying a cartload of goods and didn't get angry. Instead, he became even happier.

After all, it was rare to encounter such esteemed individuals. Seeing them buy things so generously, he would definitely not treat himself unfairly.

After all, with the two of them buying so many things, there were bailiffs serving as escorts on their travels, indicating that their status was not simple.

When they returned to the group, everyone was still resting, but when they saw Xu Tian and Chen Xue returning with a cartload of goods, they couldn't help but feel envious.

"Damn corrupt officials, may they not die a peaceful death!"

Some people muttered enviously, while others among the convicts wished they could rush over and snatch the goods, but seeing the bailiffs nearby, they didn't dare to act.

The two of them returned to their carriage and had the servants load the goods onto it. Seeing the convicts wearing shackles carrying goods and calling Chen Xue and her father "Master" and "Miss," the man pulling the cart was dumbfounded.

Could it be... You two are actually exiled convicts?

At first, he thought the two were wealthy people out for a trip, but who knew...

How could exiled convicts have much money? Even if they did, it would have been extorted by the bailiffs long ago. The man pulling the cart suddenly felt cheated.

Even though he had seen Chen Xue and her father buy a cartload of goods earlier, he still thought they were bought for the bailiffs.

However, when Chen Yuan gave him a couple of silver coins, his teeth almost fell out from smiling so much. He kept thanking them profusely, completely forgetting his earlier complaints.

Because Captain Sun and the others were still enjoying themselves in the city, the group couldn't set off yet. It seemed that they were going to rest here for the day.

However, no one complained about this; instead, they were all quite happy.

"Why are you all so happy?" Madam Chen walked over. "Did you buy something good that made you laugh like this?"

Chen Xue grinned and immediately jumped into the carriage, intending to share the good things with her mother. However, as soon as she entered the carriage, she felt like something was missing. After a moment, she remembered the little servant standing outside the carriage and pulled her in as well.

She was clumsy and couldn't make hot pot base like Xiao Die.

Plus, she had bought a lot of delicious food and wanted to share it with Xiao Die.

▶▶You Are Not In Exile, You Are Clearly Traveling!
:Check the Footnotes for the list of novels and the translations status 

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife



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