
Chapter 62: You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!

  Chapter 62 Unexpected Harvest

The two knocked on the door, and soon a man with a yellowish complexion and coarse clothes opened the door, looking surprised at Chen Xue and her father.

Although the two were not wearing gorgeous clothes, even their ordinary attire was of higher quality than the coarse fabric the man wore. Moreover, their demeanor couldn't be hidden.

Seeing Chen Xue and her father, the man showed a nervous expression. "Esteemed guests, is there something you need?"

"We want to buy something..." Chen Yuan got straight to the point. They didn't have time to dawdle; they were meeting Xu Tian in two hours.

"Buy something?" The villager looked puzzled. Why would these two come to his house to buy something? And judging by their attire, they were obviously wealthy city folk. What could he possibly have that would interest them?

"It's not convenient to discuss it out here. Can we come in?" Chen Yuan glanced around. He knew rural folks were gossipy, and buying and selling cattle was illegal, so the more discreet, the better.

The villager hesitated for a moment but ultimately agreed. After all, they were wealthy city people, and he didn't dare to offend them.

So, he opened the door and invited them in.


As they entered, they heard sheep bleating instead of cows mooing.

"Our place is a bit messy..." The villager felt embarrassed. The yard was all dirt, with even the smell of cow dung lingering, and it was his first time meeting city people, so he didn't know how to act.

"Dad, dad..."

Just then, two little girls ran out of the house. The little girls were wearing only one old coat that seemed too big for them, obviously something someone else had worn. Because of the cold weather, their cheeks were a little rosy, and they had two small braids, but when they saw the two strangers, they abruptly stopped.

The second girl behind didn't stop and crashed into the back of the first one, causing both little girls to fall to the ground.


"Sis, why did you run into me?"

"You stopped suddenly, why did you stop?"

"Sis, stop copying me!"

"I'm not copying you!"

The two little girls, lying on the ground, didn't get up immediately but started chatting, which seemed amusing.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. My daughters are still playing around." The villager apologized and hurried over to help the two little girls up. "Go inside and play, Dad still has something to do."


The two little girls got up and turned back to look curiously at Chen Xue and her father, and when they saw that even her father was looking at them, they seemed to be caught and hid behind their father, peeking out with two little heads.

"Kids, want some candy?"

Chen Xue took out a few candies from her space, walked over to the two little girls, crouched down, and handed them the candies.

The two little girls seemed unfamiliar with candy, their big eyes filled with curiosity. Then they grabbed their father's clothes and looked up at him.

"If the esteemed guests give you something, just take it. Don't forget to thank them."

The villager knew that the two were not ordinary people. A few candies might be precious to him, but to the esteemed guests, they were nothing.

Chen Xue handed over the candies, then took the opportunity to pat the little girls' heads.

The two little girls took the candies, then politely thanked her and even handed one to their father.

Seeing this, the villager felt a little relieved. The two strangers seemed to have a good impression of them now.

"We were just passing by and saw you had two cows. We wanted to ask if you had any plans..." Chen Yuan paused, not finishing the sentence, but he believed the villager understood what he meant.

Sure enough, upon hearing Chen Yuans words, the villager's expression changed immediately, and he even looked a bit panicked, glancing around anxiously.

"Esteemed guests, you must be joking. How could these cows be..." The villager stammered, clearly knowing the consequences of buying and selling cows, so even though he had a good impression of the two, he refused without hesitation.

Chen Yuan understood his concerns and quickly reassured him.

"Don't worry! We came here avoiding others, and we'll leave immediately. Nobody will find us."

"Esteemed guests, you don't need to say more. This matter might just cost you some silver, but for us, it's consequences we can't bear..."

Feeling that outright refusal might offend the two, the villager explained hastily, "Our village chief comes by from time to time. If he finds out we're missing a cow, we won't be able to explain..."

Chen Xue and her father fell silent. They suddenly realized they had been too naive.

So, Chen Yuan clasped his fists and said, "We were too presumptuous..."

Seeing this, the villager became anxious. "Esteemed guests, please don't say that. It's my fault."

"In that case, we'll take our leave."

Although they wanted to buy a cow, if the other party didn't want to sell, there was nothing they could do. Moreover, as the man had said, their investment was just some silver, but for him, it was something they couldn't afford. Besides, he was now a criminal, so if the buying and selling of cows were exposed, the consequences would be the same as for the villager.

Lightly sentenced at best, or exile at worst.

In short, they couldn't ruin a family just for their own selfish desires.

Seeing the two about to leave, the villager, remembering that Chen Xue had given candy to his children, had a favorable impression of them and called out to stop them.

"Although cows... can't be sold, if esteemed guests don't mind, we still have a few lambs at home. Would you like them?"

Chen Xue and her father were initially disappointed, but upon hearing the villager's words, they were taken aback for a moment. Then Chen Xue showed a look of joy.

Lamb meat! They could make lamb hotpot! And lamb fat could also be used for hotpot base.

Most importantly, there was sheep's milk. In her previous life, she could drink cow's milk every day, but here, there was no cow's milk, or rather, there was, but it was from yellow cows, not dairy cows.

In any case, if they had a ewe, she could drink sheep's milk every day. Sheep's milk was more nutritious than cow's milk, and even if consumed long-term, it wouldn't make one fat.

You see, in her previous life, sheep's milk was called the "king of milk," which showed its value.

This was pure, natural milk without additives.

Moreover, even if they couldn't finish drinking it, they could use it to wash their faces. If they wanted to indulge a bit, they could even take a sheep's milk bath.

After all, which woman didn't love beauty?

Furthermore, the wool on sheep could be used to make wool sweaters, woolen scarves... Sheep wool was so warm!

Chen Xue didn't expect that since they couldn't buy a cow, they would have this unexpected harvest.

"There are a few lambs just born at home, but because winter is coming, we can't afford to raise so many lambs. If esteemed guests need them, we can sell them at a lower price..."

The rustic villager said, then quickly ran to the nearby sheep pen and drove out a few little lambs.

"How many do you plan to sell?"

Looking at the little lambs, Chen Xue asked happily.

The villager hesitated for a moment before saying, "Three, I'll keep one for myself."

"Okay, I'll buy all three!"

"By the way, pick one male and one female for me."

Chen Xue had already made up her mind. She would let the lambs enter her space, feed them well, and then have them produce more lambs. Then she could drink sheep's milk every day and even wash her face or take a luxurious sheep's milk bath.

▶▶You Are Not In Exile, You Are Clearly Traveling!
:Check the Footnotes for the list of novels and the translations status 

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife



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