
Chapter 864: Full-level Boss Dressed As a Peasant Girl

 Chapter 864: Da Niu is Shock

Da Niu and his wife took a deep breath, wondering if they had heard correctly.

Village Lord?

Not only them, but even Ah Xiang and Fu Xiangdi were stunned, wearing bewildered expressions.

Shu Yu chuckled. "When I mentioned her achievements earlier, I was referring to this."

Da Niu shook his head, coming back to his senses, and anxiously asked, "Grandma, what's going on? What heating packs? Ah Yu actually met the emperor? Please, tell us."

He couldn't even focus on eating, but the old woman waved her hand and said, "Eat first, it's getting cold."

Da Niu was anxious, and finally, he showed the excitement befitting his age.

He felt that Uncle Erbai's family had encountered many incredible things on their journey.

He ate quickly, and Grandma, seeing their urgency, didn't delay and explained the matter of the heating packs in detail.

After finishing her explanation, she took them to see the imperial edict.

Da Niu and the others held their breaths. This was the imperial edict!!

They didn't dare to touch it, but they recognized a few characters, at least they recognized Ah Yu's name and the words "village Lord."

After struggling to read it, they immediately burst into laughter. "Not only did my sister return from exile, but she also became a village Lord! A village Lord!"

Zhou Qiao was also extremely excited. She had thought that they would face countless difficulties in the future, but now it seemed that the entire Lu family would rise to wealth and fortune.

In the vast Jiangyuan County, who could compare to Ah Yu?

Da Niu also wanted to see that magical heating packs. Da Hu had just told him that the heating packs didn't require firewood or charcoal; it only needed water to cook rice.

But it was too late in the evening, and their grandmother urged them to go back.

"Forget about the heating packs and such. Let's see it tomorrow. We've been on the road all day, and you should all rest."

Da Niu slapped his forehead. He had neglected it.

"Then, Grandma, Uncle, you should rest early. Qiao Qiao and I will go back first."

Shu Yu said, "Take one of the carts back, and we'll close the shop for a day tomorrow. Let's all go back to Shishi Village together. Oh, in the morning, we need to visit the county office and inform the county magistrate. Da Niu after you go to the southern part of the county, inform your third Uncle and third aunt. We'll all come back."

Da Niu nodded. "Okay, after I finish in the southern part of the county, I'll wait for you at the city gate."

After he finished speaking, he didn't delay any further. Shu Yu's cart was still at the door, so he took the reins and returned to the shop with Zhou Qiao.

The Lu family had a lot to do the next day, so they went to bed early after washing up.

Da Niu and Zhou Qiao walked slowly. By this time, the sky was getting dark, and most of the shops on Ningshui Street had already closed.

The two entered the house from the back yard and thought about the preparations they needed to make for their return to the village in the early morning.

After finishing their tasks, lying in bed, they found it difficult to fall asleep.

Da Niu was excited, and at first, Zhou Qiao was also thrilled. She was happy that Uncle Erbai's family had returned and that Shu Yu had been acquitted and become a village Lord.

Her little sister-in-law had a noble status and a reasonable and easygoing personality. Getting along with her was also good. With such a sister-in-law, no one would dare to bully their family in the future.

But soon after, she began to worry.

Da Niu was an observant person and initially thought that his wife was also happy. But as he saw her tossing and turning, she seemed to have something on her mind.


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife



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