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Chapter 63: You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!

  Chapter 63: Why Does This Sound So Familiar?

In the end, the villager sold Chen Xue a ram and two ewes, a perfect arrangement of two females and one male, reaching the peak of sheep ownership.

Originally, the villager asked for nine hundred wen for the three lambs, meaning one lamb cost three hundred wen. However, Chen Xue and her father knew that this price was too low. After some consideration, they gave the villager two taels of silver.

Although they were not lacking in money, they understood how important even a single coin could be for rural farmers. Every extra coin could mean an extra meal.

Chen Xue had grown up in the countryside in her past life, so she understood just how difficult it was for farmers to earn money.

They were not saints, but neither were they heartless. When they saw someone in need, they were willing to lend a helping hand.

Moreover, the villager didn't ask for a high price from them; instead, he sold the lambs at a low price, which was enough to leave a favorable impression on them.

Leaving amidst the villager's tearful gratitude, Chen Xue and her father were even given some local specialties as parting gifts, such as dried sweet potatoes and mushrooms.

"If we didn't buy a cow, buying three lambs is still good," Chen Xue remarked with a smile.

Chen Yuan nodded in agreement, but he was thinking about how to safely buy a cow without harming anyone else.

He didn't want to live with the guilt of causing someone to be sentenced or exiled just because they bought a cow.

Having worked in the Ministry of Revenue, Chen Yuan had seen and dealt with many cases of corruption and lawlessness. He knew that some people used various means to obtain beef and then gave it to influential families as favors.

Although he didn't want to engage in illegal activities, a little flexibility might be necessary. However, he hadn't yet figured out a good solution.

Keeping the idea of acquiring a few cows in mind, Chen Yuan left with Chen Xue to return to the city. When they found themselves in an empty area, Chen Xue stored the lambs in her space.

Back in the city, they took out a list.

"Grains, vegetables, hotpot ingredients... Did we miss anything?"

"Let's buy some bamboo hats!" Chen Yuan pondered. "We have many servants at home, and two carriages aren't enough to accommodate them all. When it rains, they have nowhere to hide. Bamboo hats and rain capes will come in handy."

Chen Xue naturally agreed and followed her father to the store.

The shopkeeper was delighted to see them buying many bamboo hats. "Are you planning to travel in the autumn?"

Although the Double Ninth Festival had passed some time ago, the enthusiasm for autumn outings remained high. The shopkeeper had already seen many people buying items for autumn outings.

"If you plan to camp outdoors, you might want to consider flint and steel, sickles, and... Thank you, boots. These are essential for mountain climbing and prevent slipping."

The shopkeeper enthusiastically introduced various items, seemingly convinced that they were going on an autumn trip. But crucially...

Chen Xue and her father exchanged glances, unsure of what to say. If they were honest and said they weren't going on an autumn trip but were actually in exile, they didn't know if the shopkeeper would still be so enthusiastic or immediately run to the county office to report them.

Although they inwardly complained, they were still very interested in the items the shopkeeper introduced.

Especially Chen Xue, who knew that the southern barbarians were similar to tropical regions in her past life, where it was very humid.

Moreover, outdoor living was inconvenient, and in the absence of lighters, flint and steel were the most convenient. There were also so-called bamboo hats, essential shoes for mountain climbing. Although they didn't need them now, they might in the future.

So, under the shopkeeper's enthusiastic guidance, they bought many items, spending a total of ten taels of silver.

"What's next?"

"It's time to buy food!"

Before Chen Yuan could finish, he was interrupted by Chen Xue. Although Xiao Die's cooking was good, without ingredients, she couldn't cook anything.

More importantly, Chen Xue hadn't tasted the delicacies of this world yet. Although she had memories from her past life, they weren't her own experiences.

Chen Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded. "Okay, let's buy some delicious food for your mother."

However, as they walked, Chen Yuan suddenly turned back, looking somewhat embarrassed as he glanced at Chen Xue.

"Ahem, Xue'er, I seem to have run out of money..."

He felt awkward because a voice inexplicably popped into his head, "Sure enough, Chen Yuan is broke."

Moreover, asking his daughter for money felt odd, but it was safer to keep the money in her space.

Chen Xue also felt a bit strange, as if she were the wealthy father asking for pocket money from her daughter.


You can't deny that the cuisine of another world has a unique flavor.

"Autumn pear paste, dragon's beard candy, sheepskin silk..."

In no time, Chen Xue returned with bags full of items, leaving Chen Yuan dumbfounded.

How long had it been...

"Cough, Xue'er, we're in exile, not on a vacation. It's not appropriate to bring so many things..."

Bringing back so much delicious food, the entire group of exiles would go crazy. By then, their entire Chen family would become targets of resentment.

"Dad, did you forget? I have my space!"

Chen Yuan slapped his forehead. "Look at my memory."

With that, he turned and left.

"Dad, where are you going?"

"I'm buying things for your mother. I saw a hairpin I liked, so I'm going to buy it for her. Also, some osmanthus cakes she loves, a few jin for her, and..."

In no time, Chen Xue watched in amazement as her father returned with bags full of items, leaving her speechless.

"Dad, didn't you just say we're in exile, not on vacation? Isn't it inappropriate to buy so many things?"

"But we have the space, don't we?"

Chen Xue: "..."

Makes sense!

But why does this sentence sound so familiar?!

Carrying bags full of items, the two strolled through the streets, not looking at all like criminals in exile.

"It's a pity your mother didn't come with us!" Chen Yuan regretted. A family of three strolling together would have been a true joy.

However, Captain Sun and the others would never agree to let them bring the whole family into the city. If they fled, where would he find people to track them down?

If they caught the criminals, it was fine, but if they didn't, he would be punished.

So, he had to leave someone behind as a hostage in the group.

Chen Yuan understood this, so he didn't bring anyone else into the city but left them all with his wife for protection.

"Where did they run off to?"

"Damn it!"

As Chen Xue and her father walked down the street,

 they suddenly heard two complaints. Turning around, they saw two bailiffs from the team, the same ones who had been tracking them before.

However, it seemed they hadn't found them yet.


Seeing the bailiffs passing by without noticing them, Chen Xue couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at!" The bailiff was angry. Hearing laughter, he turned and glared at Chen Xue.

Chen Xue immediately opened her mouth and pointed to it, indicating that she was mute.

"Such bad luck!"

The bailiff cursed and walked away, apparently not associating them with the two they were looking for.

After all, Chen Xue was now in disguise, looking completely different. With a change of clothes and hairstyle, she was unrecognizable, even to her own mother.

Watching the two bailiffs walk away, Chen Xue and her father looked at each other and burst into laughter.

▶▶You Are Not In Exile, You Are Clearly Traveling!
:Check the Footnotes for the list of novels and the translations status 

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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