
Chapter 198: After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium!

 Chapter 198: Tomorrow's Appointment

Zhang Mama dared not look at Ou Yan and kept her head down, serving Li Yusha on the side.

"Have Grandpa and Grandma been feeling better lately?" Li Yihan asked, his gaze shifting to his parents after serving Ou Yan some vegetables.

Recently, he had been busy with matters at the group headquarters or rushing back home to accompany his younger sister. It had been a week since he returned, and he hadn't visited Grandpa and Grandma yet.

"On the day of the awards ceremony, your grandmother woke up once, but then she slipped back into unconsciousness," Song Qiaoying said with concern. "We don't know when she'll wake up again."

"What caused it?" Ou Yan asked softly.

She had heard earlier that her grandparents were in poor health, but she hadn't asked for specifics.

"Your grandparents enjoy sports. About a month ago, when they were climbing the mountain, your grandmother accidentally fell. Your grandfather tried to catch her and fell down more than ten steps with her. Both lost consciousness on the spot. When they were taken to the hospital, they were already in deep coma," Song Qiaoying recalled vividly.

"CT scans showed that your grandmother had a skull fracture, brain contusion, and multiple fractures throughout her body. Your grandfather was even more severe because he acted as a human cushion for her. Not only did he suffer multiple fractures, but he also had fluid in his left chest cavity and intracranial hemorrhage. Both of them have a high risk of disability and death," Song Qiaoying said, remembering that day vividly.

"On that day, when they were being examined, your grandfather showed signs of shock, and your grandmother had acute respiratory failure, which frightened us," Song Qiaoying added.

Their vital signs were extremely unstable at the time, and the bleeding was deep, so surgery was not advisable. Hence, they were transferred to the ICU.

"They've been lying in the ICU until now. Your grandmother woke up twice, but your grandfather... hasn't woken up at all," Song Qiaoying said, her mood becoming heavier. "With a series of complications, the doctors said that the intracranial hemorrhage caused significant damage to their central nervous systems. They both have symptoms of coughing and difficulty in expectoration, so the doctors also performed a tracheotomy to assist their breathing."

The symptoms sounded severe, with any slight mishap potentially costing their lives.

Li Yuanfu also spoke heavily, "Over the past month, the entire ICU team has overcome numerous difficulties, from respiratory failure, shock, respiratory tract infections, anemia to electrolyte disorders. Each day poses new challenges. Although we don't know when they will wake up completely, we always hold onto hope."

"Are they in Jingkang Hospital?" Ou Yan asked.


Although Jingkang Hospital was the best public hospital in Beijing, it wasn't as attentive in terms of care as private hospitals.

"We have a hospital in Beijing called Li Ming Hospital. Your grandparents are recuperating there," Li Yuanfu explained. "Professional staff assist them with basic and specialized nursing care every day. They communicate with your grandparents and provide them with positive psychological suggestions to help them wake up soon."

"How are Grandpa and Grandma?" Li Yihan asked in a deep voice.

"They haven't shown any improvement. Your uncle has contacted top experts abroad and took them for treatment overseas some time ago," Li Yihan said, knowing that the situation with his grandparents wasn't much more optimistic than before, feeling even heavier.

"All right, let's not talk about these during the meal," Li Yuanfu was afraid the atmosphere would become too heavy. He picked up his chopsticks and served Ou Yan some food. "Here, eat more. Hasn't it been almost a month since you came back, Yan Yan?"

"Almost," Ou Yan said obediently, picking up the dish her father served her.

"It seems like the college entrance exam results are coming out soon?" 

"You can check them the day after tomorrow."

"That's great! Have you thought about which university to apply for?" Li Yuanfu smiled, "Let me say this first, as long as it's the university you want to attend, Dad will fully support you! Of course, if you don't want to go, Dad won't stop you! Everything is based on your happiness."

"Thank you, Dad."

Li Yusha beside them was jealous!

Li Yihan looked at the girl next to him with gentle eyes, "Nervous?"

Ou Yan: ???? What's there to be nervous about, it's just the college entrance exam results?

If her brother knew her level, he wouldn't ask such a question...

But to avoid worrying her brother, she still obediently replied, "Not really."

Li Yihan couldn't see any nervousness or anxiety in her eyes. She must be confident in her results, right?

"Big brother is going abroad the day after tomorrow. After work tomorrow, I'll take you to see Grandpa and Grandma?" This was his last deadline to delay! The French side had been urging him all along, and tomorrow would be his last day with his sister. Thinking of this, he felt a bit reluctant.

Although Li Yuanfu and Song Qiaoying also wanted the elders to see their granddaughter, the two had been in a coma, which was why they hadn't arranged for them to meet Ou Yan.

A cunning light flashed in Li Yusha's eyes. If Grandpa and Grandma didn't wake up, Ou Yan's visit would be in vain, and she wouldn't gain the elders' approval, wasting her trip!

But if Grandpa and Grandma suddenly woke up and saw Ou Yan's excitement, and their bodies couldn't handle the shock, if anything happened, Ou Yan would be to blame!

How could the Li family keep someone who caused the death of Grandpa and Grandma?

Such a good show must not be missed!

Thinking like this, she weakly said, "Dad, Mom, Big Brother, I also want to go see Grandpa and Grandma."

"Then let's all go?" Li Yuanfu thought to himself, with the whole family appearing together, maybe the elders would hear their voices and suddenly wake up?

"Yan Yan, I'll pick you up tomorrow afternoon," Li Yihan patted Ou Yan's head. "Let's eat first and talk later. The food is getting cold."

"Okay." Ou Yan thought to herself, someone is going to be jealous again. He hasn't been jealous less lately...

Fortunately, there was a hospital at home where Grandpa and Grandma could recuperate properly. If it were an ordinary family, with expenses of twenty thousand per day, sustaining it for over a month would have bankrupted them.

Tang Yiyang had said before that he had seen through human nature early on because he had witnessed countless farewells in the emergency room. Some relatives, upon seeing their family members admitted to the ICU, would reach out to pull out the tubes and give up treatment...

Some because they couldn't afford it, some because they were impatient...

In short, human nature was there for all to see, not only sighing but also heartbreaking.

"Yan Yan, what are you thinking?" Li Yihan served her a bowl of soup again. He had seen the little girl being calm just now, but now she seemed lost in thought. Was she worried about her college entrance exam results?

After all, she was still a child, no matter how well she concealed it, she was still young.

Thinking like this, Li Yihan spoke gently, "Don't worry, whether it's the college entrance exam results or anything else, Big Brother is here for you."

Not to mention elsewhere, just in Beijing, which university dared to refuse a member of the Li family?!

▶▶After breaking off the engagement, Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium!


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife



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