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Chapter 866: Full-level Boss Dressed As a Peasant Girl

 Chapter 866: Prosperous Lu Sanzhu

Da Niu nodded and explained his plan to Zhou Qiao. "Ah Yu said that sunflowers have a high value when they mature. Ah Yu also values them a lot. Just during dinner, she asked me about the sunflowers. I estimate that once things stabilize, she will start planting them on a large scale."

Zhou Qiao couldn't help but turn her head. "Ah Yu is already the village lord. Will she still plant flowers?"

Village lord received an annual salary, and her current status was more distinguished than those young ladies from wealthy families. Those young ladies spent their days at home embroidering and studying, and even when they went out, it was to appreciate flowers.

Da Niu chuckled. "You don't understand Ayu. She likes to rely on herself in everything. Even though she's the village lord, she won't miss out on any money-making opportunities. When she's ready to plant sunflowers, I'll go to Ah Yu and offer my help. We'll see where she buys land, and we'll go there."

But regardless of the location, Shishi Village was unlikely.

The available land there was only scattered, ranging from one to two acres.

However, Ayu had mentioned that sunflowers looked best when planted in a large area.

After listening to Da Niu's words, Zhou Qiao felt relieved. She knew that they couldn't hide from her mother-in-law forever, but for now, she really didn't want to deal with her mother-in-law, especially with her mother-in-law starting to urge them to have children.

Finally, the couple fell asleep peacefully.

Early the next morning, Da Niu and Zhou Qiao tidied up a bit and drove the cart to the south gate of the county town.

They arrived very early, and there were still few people on the streets. Most of the shops along the way were still closed, except for a few breakfast stalls that had already set up.

As a result, their journey was smooth, but even so, it took them quite some time to reach the south gate.

Da Niu stopped the cart and went to knock on Lu Sanzhu's courtyard gate first.

Lu Sanzhu was planning to buy a few steamed buns and mantou for breakfast. Now that he had received a few pay raises, he could occasionally go out to buy food when his wife felt lazy and didn't want to cook breakfast. It was simply blissful.

Who knew that as soon as he stepped into the courtyard, he heard a knocking sound on the door.

"Who is it so early in the morning?"

As he walked towards the door, Lu Sanzhu furrowed his brow. A bad premonition flashed through his mind. It couldn't be that something had happened again, right?

The Lu family had been quite unsettled lately. Last time, Er Niu was sent back home from the private school, and before that, Lan Hua's marriage was canceled.

And now, here they were, both husband and wife coming together. It happened at a critical moment when he hadn't gone out to work yet. Something major must have happened.

Lu Sanzhu didn't really want to get involved. He found it troublesome, so he turned his head and shouted into the house, "Child's mother, Da Niu and his wife are here. Hurry up and get up."

Then, he turned back to the couple standing at the door and said, "Da Niu if you have something to discuss, go find your Third Aunt. I have to go to work. It's not early anymore, and if I don't leave now, I'll be late."

He was about to leave without even buying breakfast.

Da Niu knew Lu Sanzhu quite well and could immediately see through his thoughts.

Feeling a bit helpless, he quickly reached out and grabbed Lu Sanzhu's arm. "Uncle, wait a minute. I came here to share some good news with you."

Lu Sanzhu instantly stopped in his tracks. "Good news?"

With a skeptical gaze, he scanned the couple from head to toe. Da Niu was an honest person and wouldn't lie to him.

Feeling reassured, Lu Sanzhu turned back. "What good news? Tell me."


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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