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Chapter 862: Full-level Boss Dressed As a Peasant Girl

 Chapter 862: The Golden Bracelet from Grandma

Grandma was delighted and went inside to get a bracelet, which she put on Zhou Qiao's wrist.

"This bracelet was prepared by me a long time ago. It's not something valuable. You're a good child, and I'm giving you this bracelet as a token of my affection."

The bracelet was made of gold, but it wasn't very heavy. However, for an elderly woman from a rural family, it was already a very precious item.

Shu Yu knew about this bracelet. Grandma had bought it when she was still in Heichang County.

In fact, when Da Niu and Zhou Qiao were first engaged, Grandma had prepared a silver ring for her. In Grandma's eyes, Zhou Qiao was the eldest daughter-in-law of the family, and her status was different.

Although the silver ring wasn't worth much.

But later on, when Zhou Qiao had to observe mourning for three years and the Lu family couldn't make ends meet due to Lu Erbo breaking his leg, Grandma sold that silver ring.

Now that their lives had improved, and Grandma had become more financially comfortable, whether it was Lu Erbai or Shu Yu, they never lacked pocket money for her.

With money in hand and the regret of not being able to attend the eldest grandson's wedding, Grandma specifically picked out a golden bracelet to give to Zhou Qiao.

Zhou Qiao didn't dare to accept it. When she got married, her mother-in-law only gave her a piece of good fabric. Her mother-in-law's generosity made her feel guilty.

"Accept it. This is the token of affection. Take good care of me in the future." Da Niu whispered beside her.

He knew his grandmother well. Grandma wasn't the kind of person who would put on airs. If she genuinely didn't have money, she might have given a wooden hairpin instead. Now that she had taken out this golden bracelet, it meant she could afford it.

Only then did Zhou Qiao accept it and sincerely express her thanks.

Grandma waved her hand. "Alright, no need to kneel anymore. I've already had the tea for the eldest daughter-in-law. Let's eat."

Da Niu and Zhou Qiao helped Grandma up, supporting her from both sides, and walked towards the kitchen.

Shu Yu had already set the food on the table. "Let's eat. It'll get cold soon."

"You said you went to buy some food and it took you so long. I thought you got lost in the market," Grandma teased and pointed at her with a smile.

However, when it came to this, Da Niu felt guilty. "Grandma, it's not Shu Yu's fault. It's all my fault."

He recounted what had happened at the fabric shop.

Lu Erbai found it strange. "Did the shopkeeper at the fabric shop change? Why did their attitude suddenly change?"

"No, it's the same shopkeeper." Shu Yu took a bite of her food and casually replied, "They heard that I was banished and looked down on our shop. It's alright, I've already terminated the contract with them. I'll go to the prefectural city later and see if there's a suitable fabric shop. Can't we run a ready-made clothes shop without them?"

Grandma was astonished. "How did even the shopkeeper at the fabric shop know that you were banished?"

"I guess the whole county knows?" Shu Yu had already figured it out from the things she heard from Aunt Zhou.

But Grandma wasn't mentally prepared for this. She couldn't help but look at Ah Xiang and her daughter.

Ah Xiang and Fu Xiangdi exchanged glances and nodded slightly. "Yes, during this period, the whole Liufang Lane has been spreading this news."

Da Niu felt even more guilty. "Grandma, this matter, it's all our fault."

"What happened? Tell me."

Even if Da Niu didn't say anything, Shu Yu could guess the general process.

It should be Aunt Zhou causing trouble with Uncle Zhou and demanding a divorce.


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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