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Chapter 70: You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!


Chapter 70: Riot

Knowing this, Chen Yuan slowed down and decided to work slowly. This was his first time farming, and after clearing an acre of land, he already felt sore and tired. However, he wanted to plant early to ensure an early harvest, making things easier when his wife and daughter arrived in the South.

However, since the seedlings hadn't sprouted yet, even if he finished clearing the land, he wouldn't be able to plant immediately. Moreover, the most important thing was that he was exhausted.

"I'll go change my clothes then!"

Chen Yuan walked towards the screen not far away. Since they had moved everything out of the house, there was no screen left. Their wardrobe had been moved inside as well.

"We should build a few houses in the space when we have time!" Chen Yuan suddenly turned back to his wife and daughter. Without houses, resting would be inconvenient.

Although they had beds, it felt like sleeping outdoors.

Besides, tasks like bathing were inconvenient too.

Chen Xue nodded, "Dad, do you know how to build houses?"

He certainly didn't.

Chen Yuan hesitated for a moment; that was indeed a problem. He didn't know how to build houses either.

Among the servants, there might be someone who knew, but he couldn't bring them into the space. After all, it involved his daughter's secret, and he couldn't let more people know.

"I'll learn how to build bamboo houses when I have time."

Bamboo houses were simpler and easier to build. They only required bamboo and didn't need many other materials.

"Then we'll need to figure out a way to get more bamboo when the time comes."

Chen Xue's eyes suddenly lit up. Having seen many movies in her previous life, she imagined a bamboo house standing in a valley, with flowing water nearby and fish swimming happily.

The dense bamboo forest obscured each other, and a green stone path extended from the bamboo house, crossing through the bamboo forest and over a small stream.

Alongside the stone path, colorful flowers bloomed, with butterflies fluttering and bees buzzing, creating a picturesque scene.

She had fantasized about this secluded, almost immortal-like life in her previous life, but it had seemed impossible. Now, in this world, she had the opportunity.

Although they were currently exiled, with the space in hand, who said they couldn't make things better in the future?

So, she shared her thoughts with her parents. Madam Chen also became interested, and Chen Yuan naturally didn't object; he chose to support her.

"Then we need to plan carefully!"

The group continued chatting with enthusiasm, completely oblivious to what was happening outside. They had no idea that their disappearance had caused a stir.



Captain Sun led his men to the carriage where the Chen family was supposed to be. He wanted to confirm if they had really fled.

He also sent people to search the surroundings. Even if the Chen family had escaped, they wouldn't get far.

"Open the carriage!"

As Captain Sun gave the order, bailiffs approached the carriage. The Chen family's servants rushed over but were forced back by the bailiffs wielding Swords.

Ignoring the injuries, Chen Yi rushed forward, risking his life to stop them. However, a bailiff slash at his leg, causing him to kneel in pain.

Other bailiffs then rushed towards the carriage, ready to open the curtains where Chen Xue and the others were.


Suddenly, a cacophony of noise erupted around them, growing louder and accompanied by flickering flames.

As everyone turned around, their faces filled with shock and curiosity, a bailiff stumbled over, his face filled with fear.

"Captain, the prisoners have rioted! Many of them have escaped!"

"Damn it!"

Captain Sun couldn't help but curse. Although he had anticipated this, the scene still unfolded before him.

Compared to checking if the Chen family had escaped, suppressing the riot was the most important task. After all, if all the prisoners escaped, he wouldn't have enough heads to chop off.

"Kill them!"

"Anyone who dares to run, kill them!"

Captain Sun drew his sword and roared at the surrounding crowd, "Don't hold back. Kill whoever tries to escape. I'll take responsibility for the consequences."

Hearing this, the other bailiffs didn't hesitate. When they saw prisoners attempting to flee, they raised their weapons and attacked.

"Kill them! Kill these damn bailiffs!"

"Yes, we have hundreds of people, and there are only a dozen of them. We don't need to fear them!"

The prisoners roared, picking up stones and sticks and charging towards the bailiffs.

Meanwhile, the short man, seeing this scene, revealed a smug expression before slipping into the crowd and quietly leaving with his people in another direction.

Obviously, his earlier words were just meant to incite the prisoners against the bailiffs, buying himself a chance to escape.

The prisoners didn't notice this; they were filled with excitement and resentment, only wanting to retaliate against the bailiffs who had bullied them.


The bailiffs snorted coldly and mercilessly killed the first person who charged at them, blood spraying everywhere as their large blades swung.

Seeing this, the prisoners shuddered.

Many of them were former officials who had never experienced such a scene before.

However, some servants remained calm, having witnessed beheadings at the Wu Gate in the past.

Some even seemed to have had a good relationship with the person who was killed. Witnessing this, they were stirred with bravery.

"You bastards, come and meet your doom!"

Seeing the prisoners go crazy, the bailiffs, even with their swords, began to retreat, knowing they were outnumbered.

"What should we do?"

"Captain, we can't hold them back!"

The bailiffs regrouped around Captain Sun, their faces pale as they looked at the dense crowd ahead. They were at a loss, having never experienced a riot before. Even Captain Sun, who had, couldn't think of a good solution.

"You need to understand!" Captain Sun shouted, "Under heaven, there is nowhere to run. Where can you go? Can you hide in the mountains for the rest of your life? If you do that, how are you different from savages? How are you different from being exiled to the South?"

"If you run away, it's a dead end. If you're exiled to the South, there's still a way out. If you make merit, you can restore your household registration and even re-enter officialdom."

"Think it through. Drop your weapons now and stand aside. I'll overlook what happened just now."

▶▶You Are Not In Exile, You Are Clearly Traveling!
:Check the Footnotes for the list of novels and the translations status 

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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