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Chapter 67: You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!

  Chapter 67: The Mastermind Escapes

He grabbed a torch and intended to throw it towards the carriage where Chen Xue was sitting.


A hawk's cry pierced the sky, sounding extremely abrupt in the quiet night, waking many people up.

The servants of the Chen family were no exception. When they woke up, they saw Xiaoqing standing on the carriage, diving down.

Their vision blurred, and they saw a person falling to the ground, screaming in agony.

The servants of the Chen family immediately understood that someone was attempting an ambush. They became anxious. "Quick, protect the master and madam!"

The servants quickly surrounded the carriage where Chen Xue was, and then vigilantly watched the front.

Ahead, Xiaoqing's sharp claws grabbed the man's arm, causing him to scream in pain. He even tried to hit Xiaoqing with his hand.

"Beast, get off me!"

Xiaoqing quickly flapped its wings to dodge the man's attack, then its sharp claws struck towards the man's face.

The man instinctively used his other arm to shield his face, but he was instantly scratched, and blood gushed out, making him scream in pain again.


He cursed and dared not stay any longer. After all, the mission had failed, and who would have expected there to be an eagle here?

Moreover, the servants of the Chen family were awake, and he didn't want to risk his life.

"Don't even think about running!"

The servants of the Chen family couldn't let him escape. They quickly picked up wooden sticks from the ground as weapons and blocked the man.

"Get out of the way!"

The man roared and rushed forward recklessly, trying to break through, but the servants of the Chen family kept hitting him with the sticks, and Xiao Qing occasionally attacked from behind, tearing his back to pieces.

"Help, help... Chen's family is killing someone!"

Realizing that escaping was futile, the man suddenly shouted in desperation.

The nearby people had already been awakened by Xiaoqing's cries, and now hearing the man's words, they became even more alert.

The timid ones subconsciously moved away from the scene, while the bold ones came over to watch, including the Zhang family.

"Stop! What are you doing?" Several bailiffs rushed over and shouted at the servants of the Chen family, trying to stop them from attacking.

Xiaoqing was also smart. Seeing the bailiffs with swords appearing, it knew it was not good to provoke them, so it stopped attacking.

The servants of the Chen family also refrained from attacking.

Seeing this, the man quickly hid behind the bailiffs.

One of the Chen family's servants, named Chen Yi, who had been loyal to the Chen family since his grandfather's generation, stepped forward. "Gentlemen, this man intended to attack our master, and we caught him red-handed..."

"Nonsense!" The man suddenly interrupted Chen Yi's words and argued cunningly, "It was you who attacked me first. I was passing by here, who knew the eagle you raised suddenly attacked me, and then you all attacked me together..."

Watching the man distort the truth, the servants of the Chen family were furious. "You're the one talking nonsense! Have you ever heard of someone passing by into someone else's carriage?"

"If it weren't for Miss's pet finding out, you would have set the fire already!" Chen Yi had noticed the torch at the man's feet earlier, so he knew what the man intended to do and was naturally very angry.

"You wanted to set fire to our carriage and harm our master, and now that we've caught you, you want to twist the truth."

The man didn't expect to be discovered by the Chen family's servants. He felt very anxious, but he refused to admit it.

"I said I was just passing by, do you have any evidence?"

Chen Da and others were speechless.

At this moment, Yang Xiao Hua suddenly walked out. "I have a medicine. After taking it, anyone will tell the truth when asked. Do you dare to try?"

Although she was young, she was brave at this time. She was very grateful to Chen Xue for saving her, so she naturally remembered her kindness and wanted to help now.

As for the medicine she just mentioned, she didn't actually have it, but she knew that the man was stubborn and dared not actually try it.

Sure enough, the man became nervous when he heard this. "Nonsense, there's no such medicine in this world!"

"Since you don't believe it, do you dare to try?" Yang Xiao Hua raised her little face and stared at the man.

The man's face turned ugly. How could he dare to try it? So he looked at the bailiffs beside him, signaling them. Didn't we agree that I would help you, and you would save me when things went wrong? Hurry up and help me!

Seeing this, the bailiffs said, "Alright, let's stop here. We'll take him away. If he wants to kill someone, we'll find out through the investigation. If it's true, we won't let him off."

After speaking, the bailiffs turned around and prepared to take the man away.

But the servants of the Chen family looked at each other, then looked at Chen Yi. Chen Yi gritted his teeth and decided not to let them take the man away like this. It was not only about letting them take the man away, but also about the face of their Chen family. Most importantly, how to deal with the man was not up to them to decide; it was up to the master to decide.

So, he joined the other servants of the Chen family in stopping the bailiffs.

"No way!"

"He wanted to harm our master. How can we let him go so easily? At the very least, we need to wait for our master's consent."

"Who do you think you are!" The bailiffs sneered disdainfully. "What qualifications do you have to stop us?"

"Get out of here!"

Originally, they wanted to make up for their mistake by instigating a criminal to attack the Chen family. Who knew he was such a useless person? Not only did he fail to accomplish the task, but he also got caught.

How could they afford to let him stay? Wasn't this just handing them a handle?

So they were full of anger, naturally not polite to Chen Yi.

Chen Yi's face darkened. After thinking for a moment, he returned to the carriage. After all, he couldn't make the decision on this matter.


He respectfully called out, but received no response. His heart sank. Could something have happened to the master?!

After all, there was such a commotion just now, but the master didn't come out?

But, he also worried that the master was just asleep, so he was not awakened by the noise.

While hesitating, the two bailiffs had already taken the man away. Seeing this, the other criminals became anxious.

"Chen Yi, what should we do?"

After thinking for a moment, Chen Yi said, "Let them go. After all, they are bailiffs. It's better not to offend them too much. It's not good for our master."

And his mind was not here, but worried about the masters. After thinking about it, he knocked on the carriage, raising his voice a few decibels.

"Master, there's trouble outside."

However, there was still no movement inside.

Chen Yi's face looked extremely ugly. He wanted to open the curtain, but without the master's order, doing so would be crossing the line.

He had heard a lot about other mansions. Once they crossed the line, they would be fined at best, and at worst, they would be beaten to death.


If Chen Yuan was not in danger, he would beat himself to death.

If there was danger, but because of his own reasons, the master would be in trouble, he wouldn't even be forgiven by his deceased father and grandfather for the rest of his life.

Just as he was about to open the curtain, a figure rushed over from not far away.

The person was none other than bailiff Qian.

He had originally been watching from the sidelines, but he noticed Chen Yi's actions and saw him shouting at the carriage without getting a response.

Seeing him wanting to open the curtain but not daring to do so, he felt that something was wrong. The first thing that came to his mind was that Chen Yuan had fled.

So he didn't care about his previous oath or anything else. He rushed over quickly, pushed Chen Yi away, and then opened the curtain.

Sure enough, there was no one inside the carriage.


Bailiff Qian felt like he had been struck by lightning, and he stood there dumbfounded.

Did he really escape?

The next moment, he panicked. "Chen Yuan" was the "mastermind"! If he escaped, the entire exiled team might be beheaded.

He didn't want to die!

"Someone! Come here!"

He panicked and shouted loudly, and soon many bailiffs rushed over.

Bailiff Qian pointed at the servants of the Chen family and shouted, "Keep an eye on them! Don't let them escape too!"

After that, he ran to find Captain Sun in a hurry. "Captain, something bad happened. Chen's family has escaped!"


▶▶You Are Not In Exile, You Are Clearly Traveling!
:Check the Footnotes for the list of novels and the translations status 

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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