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Chapter 197: After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium!

  Chapter 197: Handle

"You!" Zhang Mama couldn't help but sneer, "What benefits did that girl give you to make you speak up for her?"

"In this household, as long as you are a servant, you must address her as Miss Ou Yan! Is the girl someone you're entitled to call?"

Even if Ou Yan didn't give her a penny, she would still stand up for her, not for anything else but because she liked Ou Yan's personality and way of dealing with people.

Unlike Miss Yusha, who was so artificial and annoying.

"Miss Yusha has treated you well before," Zhang Mama walked along the corridor, her eyes always looking straight ahead, maintaining a smile on her lips, as if reminding her of something.

"Miss Ou Yan has also treated you well. How have you repaid her?"

Aunt Lan walked side by side with her in the corridor, then turned and stood in front of Ou Yan's room, whispering, "The attitude of the master and madam is clear. Whoever bullies Miss Ou Yan again or thinks about the young master, the consequences are self-evident, you know in your heart!"

She said this, knocked on the door, and respectfully said, "Miss Ou Yan, it's time for dinner."

"Huh, some people have chosen the wrong master and think they're clever!" Zhang Mama sneered sarcastically, then reached out and knocked on the door again, with a humble attitude, "Miss Yusha, it's time for dinner."

Two doors opened simultaneously.

Ou Yan walked out just in time to see Li Yusha.

Li Yusha was stunned for a moment, remembering the humiliation she had suffered today, her dissatisfaction surged in her heart, "Disappointed your sister today, didn't you?"

Ou Yan was about to pass by her, but upon hearing her words, she coldly curled her lips, "Little sister is truly ignorant. Don't you know there's something called 'Sky Eye' in the capital?"

"Sky Eye??" Li Yusha was startled. She had indeed heard of this thing. It wasn't the ordinary surveillance found in the market. It was as small as a grain of rice, but it could capture detailed images of the entire capital's streets, even to the extent of capturing every car's license plate and every person's movements.

It was said that only the top officials of the government departments had the qualifications to access Sky Eye. Some said it was to improve the overall quality of life and safety in the first-tier cities, while others said it was initially invested in the capital and would be promoted nationwide in the future to catch criminals.

Some even claimed that the family members of the top leaders in the capital lived in a place monitored by Sky Eye to ensure their safety.

Because of its wide coverage, as long as you weren't inside a building or obstructed, walking on the street, your every move could be seen!

Ou Yan opened her phone and enlarged the surveillance, "So it was you who opened the bottle caps."

Li Yusha and Zhang Mama looked over and saw Zhang Mama standing behind the truck, unscrewing two bottle caps with her hands, pretending to stumble when entering the door...

They hadn't expected such a surveillance system to exist, and it could capture such clear images!

"Is this person you?" Ou Yan raised her lips, coldly smiling, "If your old eyes can't recognize, I can take it downstairs and let everyone help identify..."

Zhang Mama was scared and knelt down immediately, "Miss Ou Yan, I was wrong. I shouldn't have wronged you..."

"Is it useful to apologize now? If this thing falls into the hands of the police, you're deliberately committing murder. If I hadn't accidentally stumbled, if it were a minor fall, you might only get three years in prison. If it were more serious, not to mention over three years, the entire Li family would hold you accountable!"

Zhang Mama trembled with fear, "Miss Ou Yan, tell me what you want me to do, as long as you don't tell the master and madam... I'll do anything!"

"Depends on my mood." Ou Yan put away her phone, "If I find you scheming behind my back or bullying Aunt Lan, then I don't know whether to hand this thing over to the police, to my parents, or to post it online."

Aunt Lan, standing beside her, hadn't expected Miss Ou Yan to mention her, and suddenly her spine straightened, showing some toughness!

"Miss Ou Yan, it was all my fault before, I will never do it again! I kowtow to you! Please delete the video..."

"Delete?" Ou Yan coldly smiled, "I just backed it up."

At the mention of this, Zhang Mama trembled even more.

Ignoring Zhang Mama's trembling like she was electrocuted, Ou Yan raised her phone and looked at Li Yusha, "Your people tried to harm me. Do you think you can escape responsibility? Will mom and dad believe you, or believe me?"

Li Yusha bit her lip, not expecting her to access Sky Eye and save the surveillance footage. How did she manage to do that?

"Aunt Lan, let's go."

Zhang Mama watched them leave, her whole person softened.

"Zhang Mama, are you okay?" Li Yusha hurriedly reached out to help her up.

"That place clearly had no surveillance. Could it really be Sky Eye, as Miss Ou Yan said? If that thing is so powerful, it can capture such clear images..."

Zhang Mama felt she was done for, too careless, thinking there was no surveillance in that place!

Completely unaware that there was such a thing as Sky Eye!

"We have to find a way to make her delete the video! It must not spread!" Li Yusha feared being implicated.

"But Miss Ou Yan, she doesn't seem like an easy person to talk to! She just said she backed it up!"

Isn't she deliberately keeping something to threaten them!

Too despicable!

"Zhang Mama, you don't know, that thing can't capture what's happening inside buildings. We can take action inside the building..."

Zhang Mama didn't expect Miss Yusha to suddenly become enlightened and come up with this idea, "Okay, as long as it can be deleted, we can rest assured..."

"Miss Ou Yan, you're really amazing!" Aunt Lan followed Ou Yan downstairs, unable to help but admire, "Since you have evidence, why don't you use it to accuse Miss Yusha! This matter is definitely related to her!"

Zhang Mama was definitely instigated by Li Yusha!

"This thing can only prove that Zhang Mama acted, as long as she insists that it was her own idea, unrelated to Li Yusha, and Li Yusha brings up the sentiment of growing up with her parents from childhood, or cries in front of the elders at home, cries in front of a few brothers..."

Then it's just a servant being fired!

Li Yusha, to a large extent, won't be kicked out!

At most, she'll face some minor punishment.

"This thing in my hands is like a handle, it can serve as a warning to them. If they're not afraid of death, can't sit still, they'll definitely find a way to threaten me to delete it."

Then they'll make mistakes, and we'll catch Li Yusha's mistakes!

And it has to be a big mistake!

Only then can parents make up their minds and no longer have any hope for her...

"Miss Ou Yan, you're really smart!" Aunt Lan reacted and admired this young lady, "Your thinking is thorough."

"That's enough." Ou Yan gestured for her to stop before entering the dining room.

Aunt Lan promptly shut her mouth.

During dinner, Li Yusha didn't dare to look at Ou Yan, keeping her head down, almost spilling the soup several times...

▶▶After breaking off the engagement, Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium!


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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