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Chapter 68: You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!

  Chapter 68: The Disappearance of the Chen Family

"Captain, the Chen family has fled!"

Captain Sun was drinking when he heard this, and he sprayed the wine out in shock, looking at him incredulously, "What did you say?"

"The Chen family has fled!"

Bailiff Qian repeated once again, and this time Captain Sun finally reacted, "What's going on exactly? When did they flee?"

Bailiff Qian briefly explained, and after listening, Captain Sun frowned, "Are you sure the carriage was empty?"


"What about the other carriage?"

Bailiff Qian suddenly choked up. He hadn't actually confirmed the other carriage yet, and for a moment, he panicked. Could he have made a mistake about the carriages?

Damn the Chen family, could they have deliberately set him up?

Seeing this, Captain Sun understood. He frowned, "Take some men and go confirm it again."

Bailiff Qian didn't dare to argue and quickly left, afraid that he had made a mistake.

Captain Sun then gathered his other subordinates. "Go gather all the prisoners together and count them."


"Chen Da, what should we do?"

The servants of the Chen family were a bit panicked when they saw the situation. Not only because they were surrounded by bailiffs, but also because of what bailiff Qian had said – the master had fled.

They were all baffled. How could they not know if the master had fled?

They had seen the master and Miss Chen enter the carriage with their own eyes, and they hadn't come out since then. So, how could the master have fled?

They had been guarding outside the carriage. If the master had come out, how could they not know?

But, it seemed that only after bailiff Qian opened the curtain did he say that the master had fled, meaning the master was not inside the carriage.

How was that possible!

So, they were both baffled and panicked, not knowing what to do.

Chen Da, however, remained calm. He didn't know why the master and the others in the carriage had disappeared, but he was very clear that they needed to buy time.

Maybe, by the time the time came, the master and the others would reappear.

So, Chen Da immediately found Yang Xiao Hua. "Do you have any medicine that can instantly make people unconscious or unable to move?"

Yang Xiao Hua was smart and immediately understood what they were up to. She couldn't refuse to help Chen Xue, so she naturally agreed.

"Yes, but I can't make it without the necessary herbs."


Chen Da frowned as well. With the bailiffs watching them now, if they dared to leave, these people would attack them.

Even if they could leave, they wouldn't be able to find the necessary herbs in a short time, and making the medicine would take time too.

Before long, bailiff Qian returned with a group of men.

He went straight to the other carriage, as the first one had already been checked and found empty.

Seeing bailiff Qian heading towards the carriage loaded with supplies, the servants of the Chen family naturally objected.

"What are you doing? Trying to rebel?" One of Qian's subordinates shouted angrily.

"Sir, what's going on?" Chen Da still had some sense left and respectfully inquired, "We've been honest and law-abiding. Have we done anything wrong?"

But bailiff Qian ignored him and waved to his men, "Go check that carriage and see if anyone's inside!"


"Stay your hand!"

The master humiliates the servants to death.

At this point, the servants of the Chen family were not concerned about the bailiffs' status. In their hearts, the Chen family was the boss, the most important.

Even the emperor didn't hold much sway in their hearts.

"You dare to defy us!"

Bailiff Qian directly drew his sword and slashed at the servants of the Chen family. The servants quickly dodged, but with shackles on, it was difficult to avoid, and one of them was injured. Fortunately, the wound wasn't deep.

"Chen Liu!"

Others hurried over to help him up, glaring at bailiff Qian, even picking up branches and various objects from the ground and throwing them.

But bailiff Qian and his men paid no attention. After all, they couldn't be harmed, except for catching a whiff of a strange smell.

They raised their weapons and started attacking, forcing the servants of the Chen family back. As long as they didn't kill them, there would be no consequences.

Furthermore, if the Chen family members really had fled, then these servants were as good as dead anyway. Even if they killed them, it wouldn't matter.

More and more bailiffs arrived and blocked the servants of the Chen family. bailiff Qian put away his weapon and opened the curtain of the carriage.

Sure enough, there was no one inside.

Not only that, but it was also filled with supplies.

In the past, he might have been tempted to take them, but now he just wanted to confirm whether the Chen family had really fled!

"Go tell the captain that the Chen family has fled!"

Bailiff Qian called out to one of his men and then looked at the first carriage again, wanting to confirm again to make sure he hadn't been mistaken.

"You scoundrels!"

The servants of the Chen family were very angry, but they were blocked by the armed bailiffs.


Suddenly, one of the bailiffs seemed to lose his balance, not because of any other reason, but suddenly collapsed to the ground.

Other bailiffs also felt a slight weakness, and even Qian the bailiff felt a bit uncomfortable.

Seeing this, the servants of the Chen family immediately retreated a dozen steps, panting heavily beside the carriage.

Although Yang Xiao Hua didn't have this kind of medicine, she had asked her father for it. It was something they used for self-defense.

Although it couldn't kill, it could make people feel weak all over.

However, maybe because of the wind, the effect wasn't as good, but it seemed to have scared the bailiffs.

"What's going on?"

bailiff Qian's face changed. Could it be that the Chen family was getting their just deserts for impersonating the Kunshan Immortal?

But shouldn't it have been on the Chen family members? Why were the servants acting weirdly?

"What did you do?" bailiff Qian quickly realized and believed that it was the servants of the Chen family playing tricks.

"What? What did we do?" Chen Da looked confused, as if he didn't understand what he was saying.

Bailiff Qian snorted coldly, becoming smarter now. He didn't approach, "Let Chen Yuan come down. Otherwise, we'll report to the court that your Chen family intended to flee. By then, it won't be exile, but extermination of nine generations!"


Chen Da and the others changed their expressions. If bailiff Qian really did that, then the result might really be as he said – extermination of nine generations.

But the key was, they didn't know where the master had gone?

They were sure the master was in the carriage, and he hadn't left. But bailiff Qian had said the master wasn't there.

So, they dared not ask the master, let alone lift the curtain. If the master wasn't there, wouldn't that expose everything?

Anyway, all they could do now was to buy time.

Chen Da decisively refused, "Our master has already gone to bed. Without his orders, how dare we disturb him!"


"I think he ran away!" bailiff Qian snorted coldly. "You need to think clearly. If Chen Yuan ran away, you are the scapegoats. He has abandoned you. Are you still going to protect him?"

"If you reveal his whereabouts and help us catch him, you can make contributions and maybe even avoid death."

Bailiff Qian tried to entice them, believing that few people could resist such temptation, after all, who wants to die!

As long as they weren't idiots, the servants of the Chen family would surely know how to choose the best option.

▶▶You Are Not In Exile, You Are Clearly Traveling!
:Check the Footnotes for the list of novels and the translations status 

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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