
PWDLAW Chapter 370 Apology

 Chapter 370 Apology

Chu Heng stood up and walked to the door. Ye Muyu saw him giving some instructions to Luchuan but she couldn't hear what was being said.

Luchuan grabbed Lu Sangqi, lifted him onto the carriage and sent him back.

Seeing Lu Sangqi being taken away, Ye Muyu breathed a sigh of relief.

Having him around the house all the time made her somewhat uncomfortable.

After Chu Heng finished lunch, he went to the academy when Luchuan returned.

In the afternoon, Ye Muyu worked on drying vegetables with Hu Shi.

Some common vegetables needed to be blanched first, not too cooked, just blanched, and then taken out to air dry.

Chu Ziluo went to the old house again.

Seeing her becoming more outgoing, Ye Muyu didn't stop her. Children should play with friends on regular days. However, Chu Ziluo came back saying that it seemed Chu Qingxiang's wedding date had been moved up.

But there was no official announcement from the old house, so it was probably not confirmed yet. Ye Muyu only heard it in passing.

After cooking vegetables all afternoon, the entire courtyard was filled with wooden racks holding dried vegetables.

There were green vegetables, bitter gourds, green beans, and more.

These vegetables, if not picked, would become overripe and unsuitable for consumption. In the village, wasting food was unacceptable and even wild vegetables were picked eagerly.

Therefore, during the summer vegetable season, dried vegetables would be made.

Chu's family was no exception.

Ye Muyu thought that when Chu Heng set out for the capital in August, it would take about seven or eight days on the road. Without relay stations, they might have to camp outdoors. These dried vegetables would come in handy.

With the help of Hu Shi and Zhang Shu, Ye Muyu had an easy time. She dried one-third of the vegetables in the afternoon.

She only needed to finish drying the remaining vegetables in the next round.

After spending the day cleaning vegetables, both Ye Muyu and Hu Shi felt hot.

So, when it was about to rain in the evening, they bathed and washed off the sweat.

Chu Heng came back quite late in the evening.

However, he brought back some chicken, red dates, ribs, and goose eggs.

Ye Muyu took the chicken meat, which had already been plucked, from his hands and casually asked, "Why did you buy so many vegetables today?"

"Madam, Doctor Qi said you need to nourish your body, so these are all nutritious foods."

"In addition, Master also bought Ten Complete Tonics." Luchuan interjected from the side. Seeing that Chu Heng not only didn't get angry but also had a rare smile on his face, he knew he did the right thing.

Ye Muyu looked at Chu Heng in surprise and seeing the smile on his face, her eyes flickered.

Suddenly, she remembered the kiss at noon.

Her ears turned red. Since she had taken a bath today, her long hair was draped over her shoulders and the dim lighting made it difficult to see clearly.

"Ten Complete Tonics are precious, right?" Ye Muyu asked softly.

Chu Heng reached out and touched her forehead. Once he confirmed it wasn't hot, he withdrew his hand, sounding pleased, "Not expensive, it's a gift from Lu Sangqi as an apology."

"Lu Sangqi?" Ye Muyu immediately thought of Doctor Qi. When she first saw him, she thought he was a young noble, and many times a person's identity could be revealed through their momentum and speech. It seemed that his real name was Lu Sangqi, indeed related to Doctor Lu.

Chu Heng didn't care much, "Yes, it's Doctor Qi. He used an alias when he came to the village and he'll probably leave tomorrow."

Thinking of the Ten Complete Tonics being Lu Sangqi's apology, Ye Muyu suddenly thought of his personality. Indeed, someone who dared to bully her family wouldn't let go easily.

"What did you say to him? He actually willingly gave an apology." Ye Muyu found it quite rare.

▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife  

Next Chapter ▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife



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