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Chapter 865: Full-level Boss Dressed As a Peasant Girl

 Chapter 865: Zhou Qiao's Worries

Da Niu immediately turned over to face her and asked with concern, "What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Then why are you frowning? Aren't you happy that Uncle Erbai's family is back?"

Zhou Qiao sat up abruptly. "Of course, I'm happy. I've been looking forward to their return. It's just that... it's just that..."

"Just what? Is there something you can't tell me?" Da Niu also sat up.

Zhou Qiao pursed her lips, turned her face slightly, and whispered, "I'm afraid that if I say it, you won't feel comfortable."

"No, I won't. Just tell me, I'm listening."

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Qiao finally spoke in a soft voice, "I was just thinking that now that Uncle Erbai's family is back, this shop will be managed by second Auntie alone. Shouldn't we return to Shishi Village?"

As she spoke, her fingers fidgeted uneasily.

Zhou Qiao hadn't thought about occupying the shop and not giving it back. It wasn't hers to begin with; she was just temporarily taking care of it.

She wasn't afraid of returning to the village to do farm work. She had grown up doing that and had long been accustomed to it.

However, returning to the village meant living at home and getting along with her mother-in-law.

She had no understanding of Li Shi before. She had only heard that Li Shi was a decent person and always treated others kindly.

Since she had lost her mother, she had hoped to take care of Li Shi like a mother after getting married.

But after getting married, she realized that she had been too naive.

Da Niu was good, and her father-in-law treated her well too. Lan Hua was a beautiful girl who occasionally had her own thoughts, but she was easy to talk to and respected Zhou Qiao. Er Niu was lively and studying at a private school, so they didn't spend much time together.

In any family, there might be some flaws, but they were all willing to adapt to each other.

It was only her mother-in-law who put on a sweet face while harboring a bitter heart. When they were in front of others, Li Shi would praise Zhou Qiao endlessly, but once they were home, she would delegate all the chores to her and nitpick over the slightest dissatisfaction. She always wanted Zhou Qiao to follow the standards of the dowry and gifts she received at the time of their marriage.

Zhou Qiao was truly afraid of her mother-in-law. Fortunately, Da Niu brought her to the county town to look after the shop.

Even then, her mother-in-law was still unwilling and claimed that a daughter-in-law should stay at home and serve her in-laws, rather than enjoying herself in the county town.

It was only when her elder sister-in-law returned to her maiden home and said that Da Niu married late, while others their age already had two children. If the couple were separated, when would her mother-in-law get to hold her grandchildren?

Reluctantly, her mother-in-law agreed to let her follow Da Niu to the county town.

But her mother-in-law still felt dissatisfied and insisted on coming along, claiming that she would take care of the couple's daily life.

However, Da Niu refused. With only one room in the shop, where would his mother stay?

His mother wanted to stay at Ah Xiang's place in Liufang Lane, but Da Niu still disagreed. Ah Xiang's house was used for making clothes, and there wasn't much space to stay.

Moreover, if his mother came to the county town, what would happen to their home? Er Niu needed to go to school, Lan Hua was preparing for marriage, and his father worked in the fields all day. They needed a mistress in the house.

Thinking about having to live with her mother-in-law every day after returning to the village, Zhou Qiao felt a bit stifled.

Da Niu, who had been with his wife for six months, could guess her thoughts to some extent. He reached out and held her restless hands, whispering, "Don't worry, I'll be there. Although we have to return the shop to Uncle Erbai, I can grow sunflowers."

"You mean the yellow ones in the yard, the ones the size of a basin?"


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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