
Chapter 873: Full-level Boss Dressed As a Peasant Girl

 Chapter 873: Returning to the Village

Shu Yu rolled her eyes inwardly. Can they really come to me for such question?

However, there was some truth to Lu Sanzhu's self-praise.

At least in some aspects, Lu Sanzhu had indeed gained admiration. He had found the right path for himself now.

The old lady grew impatient. "Alright, hurry up and get on the carriage. We're going back to the village."

Lu Sanzhu immediately tried to climb onto Shu Yu's carriage, but the old lady pulled him down. "You go on that carriage, there's no space here."

Lu Sanzhu looked pitiful and sighed before walking back to his original carriage.

Lu Sixing spoke a few words to the old lady while holding her child, but knowing that it wasn't the time for a chat, she got back on the carriage with her child.

Xiang Weinan came out and saw that there were many people on the two Lu family carriages. He called Yuan Shanchuan and Lu Erbai to his carriage.

He had wanted Shu Yu to come as well, but considering her current relationship with Meng Yunzheng, he decided against it.

Yuan Shanchuan came over but refused to sit inside the carriage. Instead, he drove the carriage from the outside.

Lu Erbai, on the other hand, got into the carriage, but... he felt awkward sitting opposite Xiang Weinan. After a while, he exchanged seats with Hu Li and sat on the outside of the carriage.

Seeing this, Lu Sanzhu ran to Shu Yu's carriage again and said to the old lady, "Let me help drive the carriage."

The old lady finally didn't say much.

The three carriages were loaded with people and headed towards the city gate.

They bought some incense, candles, and paper money along the way and didn't stop until they reached Shishi Village.

The villagers at the village entrance were wide-eyed when they saw the three carriages approaching one after another. The scene was quite grand.

The one at the front was Da Niu and Zhou Qiao, which was not surprising. Then came Yuan Shanchuan and Lu Erbai.

Hmm? Lu Erbai?

When the villagers saw Shu Yu and Lu Sanzhu sitting at the back of the last carriage, they collectively gasped.

The news of Shu Yu's exile had originated from Shishi Village.

Therefore, although it was fine in the county, the entire Shishi Village, from the seventy-year-old elderly to the five or six-year-old children, knew it very well.

Moreover, the First Branch of the Lu family, led by Li Shi, was about to divorce. The second son had been sent back home from the private school, and the youngest daughter's engagement had been canceled. This made the villagers sympathize with the First Branch, and the fact that the daughter of the Second Branch had been exiled, with Lu Erbai's family following her to the southwest and disappearing, made them even more lamentable.

Many people sympathized with the Second Branch. Their daughter had been exiled, and Lu Erbai's entire family had disappeared in the southwest, leaving only the Third Branch in the county. Lu Sanzhu and Liang Shi had thick skins and didn't care what others said.

But it was different for the First Branch. Except for Da Niu and his wife, everyone else was still in the village.

Therefore, this person couldn't commit crimes or do bad things. Once they were sentenced, it wouldn't only affect their immediate family, but even relatives with a slight connection would suffer.

During this time, the hottest topic of discussion in the village was the Lu family's affairs.

Who would have thought that the people they were discussing just yesterday would appear before them the next morning?

Some people reacted quickly and immediately ran to the village chief's house.

"Village chief, something's wrong. That Second Miss from the Lu family, she really, really escaped and came back."

Fan Zhongzheng had a headache. Since early morning, the Second Zhou's wife had come to their village, saying that they were done for because Lu Shuyu had escaped from her place of exile and had even gone directly to the county government office to meet Da Niu.


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife



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