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The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife(2)

 Chapter 2: Xiao Cheng Asked Me to Buy It

Xiao Wei stared at the basin in the kitchen, scooping water from the bathtub into the basin and then carrying it out to pour.

He watched Bai Lu's figure in the distance with suspicion. She seemed to be thinking about saving money to run away every day.

She even resorted to threatening him with pesticide to get money.

Buying a pot? That was definitely necessary. Bai Lu needed to retrieve all the money the original owner had saved up.

There was a grocery store on the street, selling grains, daily necessities, school supplies, and snacks. It was almost like a small supermarket from the future.

Li Shuixian saw Bai Lu and immediately greeted her, her chubby body trembling: "Lulu, why did you come in the rain? Have you eaten?"

Unaware that Bai Lu was not particularly fond of this "good sister," Li Shuixian assumed it was Bai Lu's money she coveted.

After some casual greetings, they got straight to the point: "Did Xiao Wei give you the twenty yuan?"

"What twenty yuan?" Bai Lu put the umbrella aside, her expression calm, and her voice somewhat distant.

Li Shuixian was momentarily stunned.

Bai Lu, true to her name, had a small, delicate face, fair skin like winter snow, and clear, pure eyes. Despite her seemingly timid and weak nature, she appeared pitiable, as if anyone could mold and shape her.

However, at this moment, Bai Lu, while appearing to smile, made Li Shuixian uneasy. Like a thorny red flower by the river, beautiful and captivating when in bloom, impervious to wind and rain, possessing extraordinary toughness, yet covered in thorns.

Touch and get pricked!

Especially those eyes, usually gentle and quiet, now seemed to open a certain switch, emitting hypnotic sounds, involuntarily prompting confessions.

"It's the twenty yuan that Xiao Wei saved! The day before yesterday, he came to my shop wanting to buy something, saw a new school bag, and the cost price was thirteen yuan. I sell it for fifty yuan, and he wanted to buy it for twenty yuan! It's ridiculous. I deliberately told him that a child shouldn't carry such a large sum of money and that he could only buy it with an adult present."

"I told you later to pretend to drink pesticide, scare Xiao Wei, and make him hand over the money, right? Xiao Wei's mother died by drinking pesticide back then. You use this method, and you can definitely force him to pay. Why does a second-grader need a new school bag? The old one can still hold books with a few patches!"

"Lulu, that twenty yuan should be yours. Bring it over, save enough for the ticket to another province, buy the ticket, and you can go meet your beloved brother Jin Fan! If he doesn't accept, you can just get rid of the child..."

The original "Bai Lu" and Xiao Cheng did not have a normal marriage; their relationship was quite tense.

Born into a family that favored sons over daughters, the original Bai Lu was always timid and weak, obedient to her parents. Her parents worked in a brick factory, and after their house collapsed in a typhoon, they borrowed bricks from the factory owner to build a new brick house. They owed thirty thousand yuan and hadn't paid it back. Bai Lu's mother planned to marry her off to the factory owner to settle the debt.

On the day of the factory gathering, the boss invited everyone to sing karaoke in the city, and Bai Lu's mother took her to accompany him. Unfortunately, Bai Lu drank too much.

And ended up in Xiao Cheng's room by accident.

Her mother only found out the next day. Xiao Cheng was known as a troublemaker in town, often leading a group of hooligans to collect debts for the big boss, and he was quite ruthless. Bai Lu's mother dared not do anything to him and could only marry Bai Lu to him.

She also demanded that he pay the factory owner thirty thousand yuan as a dowry.

Xiao Cheng disagreed. Being forced and still having to pay, that wasn't his style.

Later, when the original Bai Lu became pregnant, her mother used the child in her womb to threaten to get rid of it, and Xiao Cheng compromised.

Because she was already pregnant, the original Bai Lu thought about living with Xiao Cheng after the child was born, especially since he was handsome. But Xiao Cheng ignored her, often not coming home, and when he did, there was nothing to talk about.

Influenced and instigated by Li Shuixian's brainwashing, and facing Xiao Cheng's indifference, the original Bai Lu gave him more than five hundred yuan she had received from Xiao Cheng for household expenses to buy a train ticket.

The town was too remote, with no train station. They had to take a bus to the provincial capital and then transfer to a train to another province.

She had never left the province and didn't know how to take a bus. Li Shuixian knew the bus station driver and had to ask for her help.

As for the child...

Bai Lu looked down at her flat belly.

Actually, this was a misdiagnosis by the hospital.

But she couldn't tell anyone, especially Li Shuixian, at least not for now.

In her previous life, after handing over the last twenty yuan, Bai Lu wanted Li Shuixian to buy the ticket immediately. Li Shuixian made various excuses, dodged the request, and delayed the purchase. In the end, she denied ever receiving Bai Lu's money and even turned hostile, refusing to acknowledge their relationship, without any signed loan agreement.

Bai Lu was angry and argued with her. In the midst of the altercation, they both fell into the swift-flowing river behind them.

Li Shuixian was rescued in time and survived.

Bai Lu, on the other hand, wasn't so lucky.

The search and rescue team searched for three days and three nights, but there was no sign of her. She disappeared without a trace.

Since then, there was no "Bai Lu" in the world.

Although the original Bai Lu had malnutrition and often had delayed menstrual cycles, sometimes more than ten days, sometimes half a month, or even a month, she still experienced menstruation even after being pregnant for more than five months. She doubted whether it was a misdiagnosis and hurried Li Shuixian to buy a ticket to find Lin Jin Fan.

What the original Bai Lu didn't expect was that her trusted friend would not spare even a pregnant woman.

Now that Bai Lu had come here, accepting her karma, she wouldn't let her life end today.

Suppressing the coldness in her eyes, Bai Lu's tone returned to being soft and innocent: "I didn't find any pesticide at home."

Li Shuixian, lost in thought for a moment, didn't pay much attention. She was straightforward, and suddenly speaking her mind wasn't uncommon.

Anyway, Bai Lu was so foolish that no matter what she said, she would think it was for her own good.

"That Xiao Wei is quite cunning! Maybe he hid somewhere, behind the door, in a wooden box, or even in your firewood shed. Keep looking, and you'll definitely find him."

"As for Xiao Cheng, he's just a wicked bully, always hanging out with a group of idlers, not doing any proper work. If you follow him, you'll only suffer. It's better to choose Lin Jin Fan, who will surely have a bright future after getting into a good university, buying a big house in the city. Then you can live comfortably..."

Li Shuixian started brainwashing Bai Lu again but noticed that Bai Lu was shopping in her store.

She was carrying a lot of things.

A large iron pot, a new school bag, exercise books, a pencil case, newly arrived snacks, chicken biscuits, wife cakes, noodles, soy sauce, aged vinegar, eggs...

She practically bought everything, from daily necessities to study materials. She even took several toothbrushes and toothpaste.

If it weren't for the rice being too heavy and her hands full, she probably could carry a bag as well.

"Lulu, why did you buy so many things?" Li Shuixian suspected she still had money.

Bai Lu looked innocent: "The pot at home is broken, and we're out of soy sauce. Many things are missing."

If something is missing, you have to restock!

Restocking requires money, and Li Shuixian smiled with her eyes almost closed: "So you brought money."

Bai Lu rolled her eyes inwardly, honestly shaking her head: "I don't have money."

As soon as Li Shuixian heard this, her smile disappeared. She took a few big steps forward, taking back the things in Bai Lu's hands.

"It's Xiao Cheng who asked me to come and buy these."



Next Chapter ▶▶



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