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TLT:TB-HGDL Arc 3 Chapter 150: Scheming Lord, Cooperate a Bit (37)

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 Arc 3 Chapter 150: Scheming Lord, Cooperate a Bit (37)

Luo Liyan was so scared that she closed her eyes and tiny wood splinters flew past her face.

After a few steps, she felt Weichi Che stop and the temperature around her rose. There was the sound of gently flowing water.

What is he planning to do?

Luo Liyan's heart jumped and she was about to open her eyes when she was suddenly thrown forward, splashing water all around her.

"You... you scoundrel... I don't know... how to swim..." Luo Liyan struggled and she saw Weichi Che jump into the water, landing beside her.

She instinctively reached her hand out, but before she could touch Weichi Che, he pulled her into his embrace and swam effortlessly.

"Are you sick? Why did you dig the bath so deep?" Luo Liyan hung on Weichi Che's sturdy body like a koala.

Despite her provocative tone, Weichi Che laughed lowly "If I don't dig it deep, how can I enjoy your willingness to embrace me?"

"What's so funny?" Luo Liyan watched the smile on his face which hadn't changed much since childhood and snorted. "Even talking about embracing me, you've mistaken me for someone else. Aren't you afraid of hurting someone's feelings?"


Hearing her still refusing to admit her identity, the warmth on Weichi Che's face gradually faded.

He held Luo Liyan and swam to the edge of the pool, pressing her against the warm, dark stone steps. He gently rubbed her smooth face with his nose.

"Do you know how delightful your scent is? Even after twelve years, I could never forget it."

"It's just ordinary cosmetics. If you want this scent you can find it all over the city," Luo Liyan said, looking into his sparkling eyes as they focused intently on her causing her heart to race.

"Oh, really?" Weichi Che sneered, his lips curling into a mocking smile. Suddenly, he grabbed her collar with force and pulled it down revealing a large expanse of snowy skin.

The vibrant brassiere was soaked by the splashing water, hugging the petite and plump curves revealing an enticing shape.

Weichi Che gazed at the alluring sight in front of him with eyes as if he were a predator about to pounce.

"You pervert!" Without thinking, Luo Liyan raised her hand and gave him a resounding slap across his face, producing a crisp sound.

The air around them instantly froze and Weichi Che calmly looked at the little woman in his arms. He reached out his rosy tongue and gently licked his lips, exuding danger and irresistible sensuality.

"Aren't you the one who said it's the scent of cosmetics? Well, then I'll wash you clean and see if I'm mistaken or if you're lying to me."

Wh... what?

Luo Liyan shrank back in fear.

If he actually takes off my clothes, what would happen?

Although the whip marks on her body were nearly imperceptible they would definitely not escape Weichi Che's eyes. If he discovers the truth it's very likely he will retaliate wildly for her strange approach to him.

Luo Liyan tightly gripped her chest, "Well... washing it is useless. The scent of cosmetics has long seeped into my skin."

Weichi Che was taken aback, never expecting her to come up with such a ridiculous argument just to deny her identity.

"Then let me taste and see what a scent soaked in cosmetics is like." Weichi Che sneered and he bent down to press his lips against Luo Liyan's crimson petal-like mouth.

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