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PWDLAW Chapter 297: Argument

 Chapter 297: Argument

Now, these villagers were unfairly blaming everything on her Cao family.

Mrs. Xu was not someone who could endure such a character. She angrily retorted, "All of you want to curry favor with others. If they maintain their integrity and don't want you to curry favor with them, it's your own shame. I find it even more shameful."

"Pah! What kind of people are you all? My Cao family may not have produced any scholars but does that mean we can't have any in the future? What doesn't my Cao family have? It's just that there are many younger generations!"

"Hahaha, you're cracking me up, Mrs. Cao. You do have a lot of confidence. I haven't heard that any of your younger generations have achieved anything notable in school. However, in this art competition, the Chu family has five or six girls in the top one hundred. It seems like not a single one from the Cao family made it. The Chu family's girls even made it to the top ten, while not even one from the Cao family made it to the top one hundred. I think some people have lofty ambitions, thinking highly of themselves but in reality they are just ordinary folks."

Mrs. Liu, never one to be bullied, retorted sharply, inadvertently hitting Mrs. Xu where it hurt.

Mrs. Xu, already resentful due to the results of the art competition, now harbored even more resentment towards Chu Heng, who had prevented Cao family girls from studying the four arts in the Chu family.

She had just learned of the results, and fueled by anger, she came here to complain to the main branch of the Chu family, at least demanding some compensation for the Cao family.

There was also the matter of the pickling recipe for sour cabbage from the third branch of the Chu family. If she could extract that, it would be even better.

If all else failed, she would stir up trouble for Chu Heng.

Who told him to be so meddlesome, causing such a big embarrassment for the Cao family in this art competition?

However, he was just a scholar, could he really decide the fate of the entire Chu family?

"Shut up! Could it be that you have some relationship with Chu Heng? I see you're always defending him." Mrs. Xu, enraged, uttered words without restraint, instantly drawing the attention of the villagers who were watching the spectacle.

Mrs. Liu was immediately besieged.

"Mrs. Cao, are you saying your son wants to marry an old woman like me because we've exchanged a few words? Is your son also interested in marrying me, an old woman in her sixties?"

"That's right. Scholar Chu has talent and is admired by others. That's his ability. You, Mrs. Xu, have nothing. All you can do is talk nonsense."

"Before, I didn't know that the Cao family was like this. It's really malicious. You dare to say anything and everything, not afraid of offending people."

"I guess it's just jealousy. Chu Heng's third and fifth branches have made a lot of money recently. I heard that the fifth branch has developed so quickly, thanks to Chu Heng's connections."

"True. As relatives, you probably resent Chu Heng for not taking you along to prosperity!"

"Where haven't we benefited? Even us outsiders have gained a lot of benefits. Take the herbs from before. If it weren't for Mrs. Ye, how would we know which herbs could be sold? Every family has earned a few pennies, and being human, we can't be without a conscience." These accusations made Mrs. Xu blush with shame, partly from guilt and partly from anger.

"And there's kudzu root. Grinding that wild grass root into powder, it tastes like cold noodles, so delicious. My child eats a bowl of it every day and he never complains of hunger again."

"That's right, Mrs. Cao. Aren't you exploiting these advantages too? Yet, you slander others with your words. It's truly shameless." Mrs. Liu raised her chin proudly, scolding.

"Why are you all arguing? Could it be that you're bullying me because I'm alone?" Mrs. Xu was furious, and seeing the villagers siding with Chu Heng made her chest feel like it was blocked by a stone, causing her to breathe heavily.

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▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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