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Chapter 70: The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

  Chapter 70: Test

"Why would Second Grandpa speak out to embarrass Dad even though he knows the difficulties we're facing?"

The gentle voice sounded particularly pleasant, but it made Old Mo's face flush red, and a flash of viciousness flickered in his eyes.

Against the light, the people in the room couldn't see the mocking expression on Mo Yan's face, but Mo Yan could see the expressions of everyone in the room clearly, naturally not missing the hint of ruthlessness on Old Mo's face.

"Yan'er, don't be disrespectful! Hurry up and apologize to your Second Grandpa!"

Mo Qingze frowned and reprimanded softly. Even though she was a girl, she couldn't lose her manners towards her elders.

Mo Yan pursed her lips. Politeness depended on the person. These people were unreasonable, and she couldn't be polite to them! But she still had to give her father face.

Thinking like this, Mo Yan took a few steps forward, walked to Old Mo, who had a constipated expression, and bowed with an apologetic look, saying, "Second Grandpa, Yan'er was just too anxious and worried that father would be deceived, which led to the rudeness. Please forgive me, Second Grandpa, and don't blame a junior like me."

Worried that her father would be deceived?

Old Mo's chest hurt when he heard this, and the loving expression he had barely managed to put on froze on his face in an instant. He restrained himself from slapping Mo Yan's face hard with the hand he had stretched out. "It's... it's okay!"

Being able to infuriate this fake saint of a father made Mo Yan extremely pleased. She put on a bright smile and said to Mo Qingze, "Dad, Second Grandpa is really good. He didn't blame me. Please don't scold me anymore!"

Mo Qingze: "..."

However, Hong Shi didn't sense the underlying meaning. Seeing the conversation taking a different direction, she couldn't help but feel anxious. She said to Mo Qingze, "Since you're unwilling to drive away those outsiders, then don't. Why don't you and Yan'er sit at home and count the money while leaving the business to your brothers? Give each of them five taels of silver a month. Since we're all family, there's no need to be so particular!"

The more Hong Shi talked, the more she felt that this idea was good. In the end, she even had an expression of "I'm generous and not petty, so I won't fuss over this." It was as if their family had suffered a great loss!

Five taels of silver a month?

Everyone in the room was stunned by Hong she's words. Mo Yonglu and Mo Yongshou were delighted, Wu Shi and Mo Yongfu were scared, and Mo Xin'er and Mo Zhen were angry.


Mo Yan laughed in exasperation, looking at Hong Shi, who was smug. She couldn't help but ridicule, "What's the matter, Second Grandma, are you agreeing with this?"

Seeing that the most difficult little troublemaker in the Mo family was actually laughing, Hong Shi couldn't help but feel happy. She even thought that she had given too little money and should give each of them ten taels instead. After all, her three sons had to endure the cold wind every day, which wasn't easy!

"Agree, I don't want to stand on the street early in the morning and feel the cold wind blowing!" Mo Yan said with a smile.

As soon as she finished speaking, everyone's eyes immediately focused on her. Some were excited, some were anxious, and some were puzzled. Seeing her two younger siblings almost jumping with anxiety, Mo Yan could only give them a calming look and continue, "But managing the business of selling vegetables and handling money is not something anyone can do. I wonder if my uncles..."

"Isn't it just counting? Anyone can do it!" Mo Yongshou blurted out before Mo Yan could finish her sentence. He couldn't hide his excitement, and his proud expression couldn't be concealed. After all, he had attended school, and he could even recognize some characters, let alone counting!

"Yeah, I can do it too!" Mo Yonglu couldn't fall behind and also spoke up.

Seeing his two brothers speak, Mo Yongfu felt a bit down and said, "Yan'er, Uncle can't count. Let's just forget about it."

"How can we just forget about it? Your eldest niece has agreed, and now you're being stubborn again? Do you want to upset your mother?" Mo Yan hadn't spoken yet, but Hong Shi exploded, pointing at her son with resentment.

"But, Mom, I really can't count. What if I make a mistake and lose the money?" Mo Yongfu bowed his head timidly, feeling even more inferior after being scolded by his own mother.

Mo Yan looked at the drastically different reactions of the mother and son and felt that Mo Yongfu had made a better impression on her. At least he knew his limits, right?

She glanced at Old Mo, but she met his gaze directly. She didn't miss the astonishment and wariness in his eyes, and the smile on her lips became even more obvious.

But to Old Mr. Mo, this smile seemed to be full of ill intent, making him extremely uneasy.

Old Mo's reaction delighted Mo Yan, who said to Hongshi, who was still scolding her son, "Since Uncle doesn't want to, Grandma, you shouldn't force him either. Later, let Uncle help deliver vegetables to the wealthy households in the city. It's cheaper than managing the business of selling vegetables."

After speaking, she saw Wu Shi shaking her head urgently, and Mo Yan understood her meaning. She smiled lightly and shook her head too.

Wu Shi covered her mouth and tears streamed down her face.

Mo Yan felt helpless but couldn't say anything. She could only shout towards the courtyard, "Brother Lin, Sister-in-law, come in."

"Yan'er, w-what are you calling them in for?"

Hong Shi and her two sons nervously watched Mo Yan, afraid she would change her mind again.

Ignoring them, Mo Yan waited until Lin Da and Lin An entered before saying, "Yan'er doesn't know the specific abilities of the two uncles, so let's test it now! These people helping our family sell vegetables are barely qualified. Since the two uncles want to manage the business, they naturally have to be better than them, otherwise it will be difficult to convince others. My dad and I are really worried!"

At this point, Mo Yan looked at the increasingly unpleasant expressions of Hong Shi and the others, blinked mischievously, and said teasingly, "Why do the two uncles look so bad? Are you afraid of being surpassed by them?"

"Humph, let's see who's better. I've studied before. How could I be surpassed by a few country bumpkins?"

Provocation worked like a charm. Before Old Mo could stop them, Mo Yongshou couldn't wait to step forward, looking disdainfully at Lin Da and the others, with his chin almost reaching the sky.

"Alright, Third Uncle is indeed a 'talented person.' Let's begin!" Mo Yan smiled and said loudly, but no one could detect the sarcasm in her words!

A talented person? Isn't someone who loves to show off and loves to take the lead also called a 'talented person'?

Lin Da, Lin An, and the others understood immediately upon hearing this. They had seen shameless people before, but they had never seen such shameless ones. They were not even considered family anymore. After causing a scene earlier, now they came over with delusional thoughts of becoming the master of the house. Where did such audacity come from?

It was also because they considered the face of their relatives that they didn't directly refuse. They had to be more clever later and suppress the arrogance of this family that dared to challenge the status quo. They must not lose and embarrass their relatives. 

▶▶The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor
:Check the Footnotes for the list of novels and the translations status 

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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