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Chapter 801: Full-level Boss Dressed As a Peasant Girl

 Chapter 801: Time Flies

Meng Yunzheng's plan to open a school and become the headmaster was still just a plan, so Shu Yu didn't mention it to her family.

However, Meng Yunzheng decided to take Da Hu with him. They would both study at home, and it was a great opportunity for Da Hu .

So this time, when Shu Yu returned to Zhengdao Village, she only had her grandmother with her.

San Ya also stayed behind to learn medicine from Zhao Xi. But before that, she needed to learn how to read.

Before, Zhao Xi had pretended to be a big brother and lived with Shu Yu's grandmother in Zhengdao Village. It was because he was worried about the safety of the Lu family, especially since they were new to the area. Having a man around could provide protection and help with physical labor.

But now the situation was different. Shu Yu was already living with the Lu family, and she was in charge of the manor. She had plenty of time to spare.

Shu Yu's grandmother had also become acquainted with their neighbors and had a rather difficult personality.

Since Zhao Xi wasn't a real big brother, it was inconvenient for him to continue living in the village.

He stayed in the county town to teach San Ya medicine. Most importantly, he could keep an eye on Da Ya.

That young head of the Huifeng Escort Agency had even visited the Lu family during the New Year. At that time, his eyes were anything but innocent, constantly staring at Da Ya. It gave Zhao Xi a sense of crisis.

Shu Yu resumed her daily routine of working on time and occasionally taking walks with her grandmother at the foot of the mountain during breaks. Life was quite comfortable.

As the weather gradually warmed up, the sunflowers that Shu Yu had planted finally started to thrive.

Shu Yu was delighted and would visit them every day.

In February, Heichang County finally welcomed a new magistrate after a long period without one.

The new magistrate was young and didn't have much background; otherwise, he wouldn't have been assigned to this southwestern region.

As a result, after he arrived and learned about Qi Chan's identity, he treated him with extra respect.

Originally, Qi Chan had planned to leave once the new magistrate arrived, as his task was accomplished. However, the magistrate sincerely asked him to stay for a while longer to guide him, citing his own lack of knowledge due to being new to the position. Qi Chan didn't want the order he had painstakingly established to be disrupted in a short period. Moreover, the new magistrate seemed to genuinely want to achieve something, so Qi Chan decided to stay.

The prefect magistrate's representatives had come twice, wanting to bring him back.

After all, it wasn't just the new magistrate who wanted to establish a good relationship with Qi Chan. Seeing that Qi Chan might soon return to the capital, the prefect magistrate's didn't want to miss the opportunity to spend time with him.

Shu Yu only heard about the changes in the county town in passing and continued with her own affairs.

Once the new county magistrate settled in, he visited Zhengdao Village and was pleased with everything. He praised the estate's manager for keeping the records neatly arranged and commended Shu Yu for her meticulous paperwork.

Shu Yu remained calm, but Wang Changdong and the others were very excited.

Making a good impression on the new county magistrate was crucial at the beginning of his tenure.

By March, Qichan was finally taken away by the people sent by Cheng Daren.

However, there was still no news about the heat patches from the capital.

Last time, it only took two months for Yao Tianqin to be reinstated in his official position. It had been almost three months for her, but why was there no news yet?

As the weather got hotter, the effectiveness of the heat patches would be compromised.

Even Shu Yu, who was confident in herself, couldn't help but worry that something unexpected had happened.

▶▶ Full-level Boss Dressed As a Peasant Girl
:This Novel is already completed read it in patreon

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▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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