
Chapter 675: Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall

 Chapter 675: A Solitary Figure in the Darkness

Certainly, here's the revised text with the replacements you requested:Chapter 675: A Solitary Figure in the Darkness

Fu Yueyuan knew that this matter couldn't be rushed and understood how highly regarded Qin Ruan's child was by the Hou family.

He quickly spoke up, "I'll bring my son to visit another day. Second Young Master, Third Madam, take your time leaving."

This time, Fu Yueyuan personally saw them off.

Fu Yiyuan stood in place, silent for a moment, and then walked out of the lounge.

Outside the door, he didn't see his little sister and asked the bodyguard Fu Qiyue who was guarding the entrance where she had gone.

The latter respectfully lowered his head and said, "Eldest Young Master, Miss ran into an acquaintance and was taken away by them. There's someone following her."

Fu Yiyuan absentmindedly nodded.

His deep eyes scanned the diminishing number of guests in the banquet.

Knowing that it was about time, the banquet was coming to an end.

Fu Yiyuan's face was as calm as water as he considered whether he should really form an alliance with the Xiao family.

The marriage alliance between the Fu family and the four major families in the capital was also a statement to the other five influential families.

Whether they could establish themselves in this complicated situation depended on whether the Fu family was tactful enough.

For so many years, the forces in the capital were deeply rooted, and the alliances between families were crucial.

The Fu family's entry into the capital and becoming one of the six major families was made possible under the premise of agreeing to the Xiao family's terms.

This marriage alliance couldn't be rejected for any reason.

With the Pure Yang physique carrying a natural cold poison that prevented him from getting close to women, Fu Yiyuan's thoughts sank after recalling Qin Ruan's words.

He gave a stern order to the person beside him, "Go and bring Miss Xiao here."

The bodyguard looked up and asked, "Which Miss Xiao from the Xiao family?"

"Xiao Wenrou."

"Yes, Eldest Young Master."

The bodyguard turned and left, heading straight to where Xiao Wenrou was probably located.

During the wait for Xiao Wenrou to arrive, Fu Yueyuan had already returned.

He had been delayed by someone at the banquet, exchanging pleasantries and politely declining toasts, killing some time before standing in front of Fu Yiyuan.

Father and son looked at each other and walked into the lounge one after the other.

Fu Yueyuan fixed his eyes on his eldest son and coldly asked, "What do you want to say?"

Fu Yiyuan's gaze slightly lowered, and he replied calmly, "Father, we can't offend the Hou family."

As for whether his encounter with Qin Ruan on the balcony was intentional or not, only he and his father knew.

Qin Ruan's humble background made the Fu family look down on her at first.

Fu Yueyuan was also aware that this incident might provoke the Hou family.

He sighed deeply, "This time, we were careless. I never expected an unknown little girl to possess such terrifying strength."

The scene of the vixen being beaten to the point of losing her soul was still fresh in his mind.

Hearing his father's dissatisfaction, Fu Yiyuan advised, "Father, it has been many years since the change of dynasty. The Hou family has been standing in the capital for hundreds of years, and no one can shake their position."

Fu Yueyuan looked at his son with a hint of sarcasm and sneered, "The Fu family's goal is not the Hou family, but to secure a place among the four major families."

Fu Yiyuan frowned and didn't fully agree, "Among the four major families, the Hou and Long families are in-laws, and the Lu family was directly placed in a position of power in the cabinet by the Hou family. Only the Gu family is left. Shouldn't we consider our past friendship and not act against them?"

Fu Yueyuan's face revealed a mocking expression as he laughed, "The alliances between the major families come and go. In the end, each family has its own ultimate goal. We don't aim to replace the Hou family; we just want a place among the four major families."

Fu Yiyuan pursed his lips and spoke frankly, "Father, you are too eager."

He could see his father's determination to enter the four major families.

But for the Fu family, which had just arrived in the capital, considering entering the four major families so soon was too hasty.

Fu Yueyuan's forehead wrinkled deeply, and his face showed contemplation.

He fell silent for a moment and said, "This time, I was careless. There's no rush in this matter. Let's plan carefully. First, let's discuss your health issues."

Fu Yiyuan's expression turned cold, "There's nothing to say about my health. It's time to bring my third brother back."

When he mentioned his third son, Fu Yueyuan's face turned dark, and he said sternly, "Don't mention that rebellious son to me again!"

"I can't leave a male heir," Fu Yiyuan's voice also became somewhat heavy.

Fu Yueyuan frowned and didn't give up, "From what I heard from Third Madam Hou, she seems to have a solution."

Thinking of Qin Ruan's attitude before leaving, even Fu Yueyuan himself had no confidence in her words.

Fu Yiyuan's handsome face remained cold, and his eyebrows raised, "After offending Second Young Master and Third Madam of Hou Family tonight, it will be difficult for the Fu family to smoothly enter the cabinet. I'm afraid it won't be easy to ask Third Madam to help me with my health issues."

Fu Yueyuan was well aware that he was taking a gamble, but he gritted his teeth and said, "We have to try."

Fu Yiyuan was not one to mince words and brought up his third brother again, "Third brother has been away from home for so many years. He is now in the capital. Father, why bother looking for him far and wide?"

He mentioned his third brother again, and Fu Yueyuan's anger flared up, his chest heaving heavily.

He stared at Fu Yiyuan and showed a wry smile, "I already said not to mention that rebellious son. When he left back then, he was so full of himself! Dream on if you think I'll beg him!"

"Father, you..." Fu Yiyuan's words were cut off.

"Eldest Young Master, I heard you were looking for me?"

Before Fu Yiyuan could finish speaking, a deliberately soft and alluring voice came from behind.

Father and son turned around and saw Xiao Wenrou walking into the lounge.

She was wearing a light blue dress, and her swaying skirt resembled waves as she walked.

Fu Yiyuan's dim eyes softened, and a faint smile curled up on his lips.

He politely greeted her, "Miss Xiao."

Xiao Wenrou narrowed her eyes as she scrutinized Fu Yiyuan.

This man's appearance was quite good, but he seemed a bit cold.

Xiao Wenrou didn't bother with any small talk and straightforwardly asked, "Is the engagement officially announced?"

Fu Yiyuan nodded slightly, "The banquet

is about to end."

The time had come for them to go out and officially announce the engagement between the Fu and Xiao families.

Xiao Wenrou stood in front of Fu Yiyuan, and the two looked harmonious together, like a perfectly matched couple.

Fu Yueyuan's face softened, and he showed a gentle smile as an elder.

For the Fu family and the Xiao family, there was no turning back on this engagement.


At the entrance of the banquet.

Qin Ruan and Hu Yiyuan stood under the steps, whispering to each other.

As soon as Fu Yueyuan saw them off, he went back alone, and Qin Ruan was also ready to leave with Hu Yiyuan.

Hu Yiyuan said he had something to discuss with her, but his eyes were on Hu Yirong.

Even though he knew the other's identity, Hu Yiyuan wasn't afraid and neither haughty nor humble as he said, "Second Young Master Hou, I have something I want to talk to Ruan."

Hearing him use a somewhat intimate address for Qin Ruan, Hou Yirong raised his eyebrows and squinted as he looked at him.

This guy is quite interesting. Throughout the whole night, he kept staring at Qin Ruan.

If he wasn't looking at her with such clear eyes and hadn't crossed any boundaries, Hou Yirong would have kicked him out long ago.

Hou Yirong waved his hand casually and turned to leave.

He left Qin Ruan and Hu Yiyuan alone.

Qin Ruan adjusted her light-colored windbreaker and distanced herself, saying in a detached tone, "Speak."

Hu Yiyuan chuckled, and a bright smile appeared on his face, "Seeing you gives me a familiar feeling. Aren't you confident enough to trust me?"

Qin Ruan's face showed a strange expression, which quickly disappeared.

Her voice was indifferent, "My body isn't too cumbersome at the moment. In terms of strength, you won't be able to hurt me."

Hu Yiyuan raised his hand to his forehead and showed a helpless expression, "You saying that makes me feel quite frustrated."

He really couldn't beat Qin Ruan. Being told that directly made him feel a bit deflated.

He wasn't annoyed, though. His thoughts were just more complex because Qin Ruan was so straightforward.

"Just tell me what you want," Qin Ruan said in a flat tone.

Hu Yiyuan took a step back, a bright smile on his face, "I can see that you're familiar with me. This is just to remind you."

Qin Ruan clicked her tongue, her lips curling into a smile, "Understood. Is there anything else?"

Hu Yiyuan took out his phone from his pocket and handed it to Qin Ruan, "Leave me your number, and let's keep in touch."

If this person weren't his big brother's classmate, Qin Ruan would have left already based on his strange behavior just now.

Since he was a friend of her big brother, Qin Ruan gave him some face.

She took Hu Yiyuan's phone and entered her number.

After handing the phone back to him, she turned to leave.

Her footsteps were steady, and her figure was aloof, like a solitary figure walking in the darkness.

Hu Yiyuan kept staring at her back, his eyes showing a complicated and heavy light.

▶▶ Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife



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