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Chapter 66: The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

  Chapter 66: Glittering Big Thick Legs

After bidding farewell to Uncle Meng, Mo Yan walked home with a heavy heart.

Uncle Meng's words might not be entirely correct, but they did serve as a wake-up call for Mo Yan. Wealthy and powerful families might set their sights on her produce, and there was no guarantee that opportunists attached to influential figures wouldn't try to seize their benefits. If they encountered such people, the Mo family would be powerless to resist.

Moreover, the greenhouse vegetables were just a small part of her plan for prosperity. She valued the orchard, medicinal garden, and especially the high-yield rice in her space even more. In a society where the average yield per acre was only three hundred catties, even the elite might be tempted by these crops. If utilized properly, it would certainly be a remarkable achievement worthy of recognition throughout history.

With her extraordinary ancient jade space, building her dream estate wasn't difficult for Mo Yan. However, she didn't want to pave the way for others. In this feudal society where imperial power was supreme and social hierarchy was strict, her family had no foundation whatsoever. Once they started to grow, they would be defenseless against those "nobles" who became envious.

Just like Bu Shiren before, even though he was just a small shopkeeper, he dared to frame others and even resort to private punishment against a scholar, all because of the influence of the Wuan Mansion. Mo Yan found it difficult to cope with such insignificant characters, let alone those of higher status.

What should she do? Was she only capable of growing vegetables in her space?

Mo Yan scratched her head, feeling frustrated with her own incompetence. In the past, when she read transmigration novels, the female protagonist could easily encounter powerful figures just by strolling around, and they would help her solve all sorts of problems. However, since she arrived in this world, let alone powerful figures, she hadn't even met a small official—

Wait a minute, she seemed to have met one! Mo Yan suddenly remembered Xiao Ruiyuan, the big block of ice! Unfortunately, because she was afraid of trouble, she didn't approach him properly back then. Although it wasn't impolite, it certainly wasn't courteous either. It's no wonder the guy left without even saying goodbye, leaving behind a thousand taels of silver and a precious sword.

Ah, there was once a glittering pair of long thick legs right in front of her, and she didn't know how to hold on to them. She only regretted it after losing them!

Well, she didn't really regret it. For a person or a family to truly grow and prosper, they had to rely on themselves! Xiao Ruiyuan might indeed be a big shot, but he came with big troubles. It was better to keep a safe distance from him!

After some reflection, Mo Yan arrogantly concluded that her decision back then was extremely wise. She easily brushed aside that bit of regret and began to secretly plan which dishes to cook to celebrate the successful sale of vegetables that evening.

When she returned home, it was already dark. Mo Yan called Xin'er and Li Yan into the kitchen to help prepare dinner.

There weren't many ingredients at home, just a small piece of pork belly, two pounds of spare ribs, and some previously made lamb jerky. With these ingredients, Mo Yan planned to make twice-cooked pork, sweet and sour spare ribs, steamed lamb jerky, garlic stir-fried greens, stir-fried shredded radish, and a light tofu and pickled vegetable soup.

These were all simple home-cooked dishes that could be prepared quickly in less than half an hour.

Although everyone knew that Mo Yan was a skilled cook, even ordinary radishes could be made delicious, each time she cooked, they would have new expectations. It was because she could make so many dishes, even if there was no repetition in ten days or half a month.

Many of the dishes Li Zhong had never tasted before, and he hadn't even heard of some of them. Li Zhong had joked more than once that with Mo Yan's cooking skills, even if she opened a small restaurant, she would be successful, and the family would have no worries about food and clothing.

Mo Yan had never thought of making money from her cooking. Cooking was just her hobby. Cooking for family and friends and conquering their taste buds made her feel proud. If cooking became a profession, where would the interest lie?


The next day, as dawn broke, the father and daughter hurriedly had breakfast and rushed to the North City Gate.

Not long after they arrived, Uncle Meng and the others drove their carts slowly through the gate. The carts were covered tightly with oilcloth, so they didn't attract much attention from passersby. Lin Da and the others greeted Mo Yan and her father as they got off the carts.

Lin Da and Lin Song were selling vegetables in the West Market. Since neither of them had been to the vegetable market before, they were led there by Uncle Meng. The West Market was inhabited by ordinary commoners who might not be willing to spend the price of pork on vegetables, so for now, only Uncle Meng's cart of vegetables would be sold there.

The South Market was inhabited by wealthy merchants, and even though it was the first day of sales, there should be many buyers. To prevent a repeat of yesterday's situation in the East Market, Mo Yan arranged for three carts to go with Mo Qingze and Lin An.

The remaining five carts of vegetables were taken to the East Market by Mo Yan herself. Just like yesterday, as soon as they unloaded the vegetables from the carts, many people crowded around to buy. Some were repeat customers from yesterday, who had found the vegetables even more delicious than seasonal ones and wanted to buy more to give to their relatives and friends. Others had heard the neighbors' praise and came early in the morning to taste the freshness. Seeing the well-grown vegetables, they didn't mind the higher price and bought a little of everything.

Xiong Shi and Zhou Shi were efficient in serving the customers, and their enthusiasm attracted Mo Yan's praise. With their help in packaging and weighing the vegetables, Mo Yan and Lin Meng managed to handle the money and change, just about coping with the steady stream of customers.

Although they were busy, no one felt tired! Especially Lin Meng and the others, who could hardly believe that vegetables, comparable to the price of meat, could sell so well. The money they made that day was probably stronger than what they could earn through a year of hard work!

▶▶The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor
:Check the Footnotes for the list of novels and the translations status 

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife




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