
Chapter 671: Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall

 Chapter 671: Why Did You Want to Put Me in Danger?

Qin Ruan released Hou Yirong's hand, leaning her arm on the armrest, her icy gaze locked onto the fox demon. The demon possessed a charming figure, fair skin, and seductive eyes that exuded an irresistible charm.

Even as a woman, Qin Ruan couldn't help but be amazed by her beauty.

In a calm tone, she answered Hou Yirong's question, "There was an incident on the elevated bridge on my way back. Someone tried to kill me, causing the car to almost plunge into the river."

Though her words sounded casual, Hou Yirong could imagine the danger involved.

He lowered his gaze and stared at Qin Ruan's belly. Their child was safe, and his third brother should have already been informed.

Hou Yirong suddenly turned his head, his eyes flashing with a chilling intent as he glared at the fox demon.

"Did you do it?"

The fox demon blinked her seductive eyes and replied, "No, I don't know her!"

Hou Yirong didn't buy her evasive answer and turned to Ling Xuzi. "Master, it's almost winter, and I want a fox fur cushion."

His voice was low, calm, and filled with killing intent.

Ling Xuzi narrowed his eyes slightly and responded, "Although she is a house fairy, since she has disrupted the order of the mortal world, it is only right to capture her."

Then, he looked at Qin Ruan and asked, "Third Young Madam, would you like to handle this yourself, or should I do it for you?"

Qin Ruan's voice remained indifferent. "No need to trouble you, Master."

She reached out towards the empty space and, from the center of the lounge, manipulated the fox demon to be brought in front of her.


The fox demon was controlled by an invisible force and brought before Qin Ruan.

Before she could steady herself, her shoulders sank, and she ended up kneeling on the ground.

Qin Ruan raised the fox demon's chin with her hand and gazed coldly into her eyes. "Do you know who I am?"

The fox demon stared back angrily, "I don't know!"

She tried to stand up, but her body felt as if it was being crushed by a mountain, leaving her unable to move.

Qin Ruan's lips slightly curved as she touched the fox demon's jawline. Her skin was smooth and tender, giving a pleasant touch.

But in the next moment, Qin Ruan's exquisite face turned grim.

She released the fox demon's chin and raised her hand, unhesitatingly slapping her across the face.


The slap carried great impact, causing the fox demon's body to fall to the ground.

Qin Ruan once again used her spiritual power to lift the fox demon, and with a raised hand, she struck the other side of her beautiful face.

The fox demon wanted to resist, but her hands wouldn't obey her.

Seeing Qin Ruan about to strike again, the fox demon widened her alluring eyes and screamed, "I don't know you! Why do you have the right to hit me?"

Qin Ruan's palm stopped just a few centimeters away from the fox demon. She released the swollen half of her face and stared coldly, "If you don't know me, why did you want to put me in danger?"

The fox demon's face showed anger. "I never hurt you!"

She had only been greedy for Fu Yinru's yang energy and stayed by his side to absorb it for a few days. How come all these annoying Taoists kept popping up?

The woman in front of her was obviously a Taoist, and her strength surpassed hers. Even if she exerted all her power, she couldn't hurt her in the slightest.

Qin Ruan's eyes, filled with dim and unclear emotions, glanced over the fox demon's enchanting eyes that were constantly emitting charm.

In the depths of the fox demon's eyes, there was confusion, grievance, and a faint sense of fear.

This expression made Qin Ruan slightly frown.

To confirm whether the fox demon had indeed confused Lin Hao to the point of wanting to kill, Qin Ruan reached out and grasped the back of the fox demon's neck, bringing her closer.

She slowly lowered her head, as if she was about to kiss the demon.

Hou Yirong, standing beside them, saw this scene and his lips twitched slightly.

He approached Qin Ruan and pressed her shoulder, leading her backward to the sofa. "Sister, are you being controlled by the fox demon?"

If these two came into contact, it would be hard for him to explain to his third brother.

Qin Ruan raised her head, tilting it slightly. Her expression seemed to smile but not smile. "I'm discerning the scent on her to see if she's the culprit."

"Turns out you were sniffing her scent."

Hou Yirong misunderstood but didn't feel embarrassed. He smiled and let go of Qin Ruan's shoulder, allowing her to continue.

Qin Ruan's eyes showed a trace of helplessness.

She lowered her head and got close to the fox demon's neck, sniffing deeply.

The lingering demonic scent left in the carriage was the same as the one on the fox demon, proving they were related.

The fox demon sensed Qin Ruan's proximity and felt angry at being humiliated, wanting to resist.

However, when she smelled Qinxin's cold and unique scent, her seductive eyes showed a scattered and infatuated light.

She deeply inhaled Qinxin's alluring fragrance, feeling compelled to submit to it.

The fox demon licked her lips, unable to resist her desire to get closer to Qinxin. "So fragrant, you smell so good."

Her face was filled with a look of intoxicated longing.

As if she had consumed some addictive drug, she was hooked and couldn't control herself.

Qin Ruan felt goosebumps all over her body and uncomfortably pinched her fingertips.

Was this fox demon crazy?

She furrowed her brows, staring at the face that didn't seem to be lying. Her eyes were filled with doubt.

The demon that had previously confused Lin Hao and nearly caused a major accident in the carriage had left a demonic aura that was connected to this fox demon.

According to reason, she shouldn't have mistaken the culprit.

Qin Ruan looked up and glanced at Fu Yinru and Fu Yueyuan, trying to discern something from their expressions.

Their faces showed nothing, as if they were wearing masks, and she couldn't see what they were thinking.

Qin Ruan then turned to Ling Xuzi and asked calmly, "Master, why did you come tonight? Was there something wrong?"

Ling Xuzi stepped forward and explained in detail about the events leading up to Fu Yinru being entangled by the fox demon.

This included the two women who had physical contact with Fu Yinru and the events where one died and the other was injured.

Qin Ruan's lips curled into a cold smile as she stared at Fu Yinru.

If she remembered correctly, Fu Yinru had shaken hands with her on the balcony of the VIP room earlier.

It was a normal social gesture.

Qin Ruan's mind was filled with doubts

as she smelled something strange.

Everyone in the room had their thoughts challenged by the scene before them.

The confrontation between the human and the demon had taken a sudden turn.

An ambiguous signal seemed to fill the air.

Hou Yirong had earlier thought he was thinking too much, but now it seemed that he had confused the situation.

How could this fox demon be kneeling in front of them, seemingly bewitched by Qin Ruan?

It should be Qin Ruan who was bewitched by the fox demon.

Hou Yirong muttered to himself, walking forward and kicking the kneeling fox demon away.

She was the wife of his third brother, and he couldn't tolerate anyone coveting her, even if it was a woman.

▶▶ Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife



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