Chapter 158: You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!

 Chapter 158: No Mercy

"Let him go!"

Zhang Yiquan roared like an enraged lion, glaring fiercely at his captors. His son was his bottom line.

"We don't have that much patience!"

The man holding Zhang Yiquan's son's head sneered, his face full of murderous intent. "I'll count to ten... no, he probably can't last ten seconds."

"I'll tell you everything! Just let Wei'er go first!"

Zhang Yiquan's eyes were bloodshot. Even though he had no idea what they were looking for, he was forced to comply for his son's sake.

"Where is it?"

"Let go of Wei'er first!"

"Or I'll bite my tongue and kill myself!"

"Is that so? Then try it!"

But the men didn't care about Zhang Yiquan's threats. Instead, they grabbed his son's hair more tightly and lifted him up.

Seeing his son's face covered in snow, Zhang Yiquan felt a pang in his heart. He bit his lip hard, wishing he could rush over and die with them.

Blood trickled from his mouth as he squeezed out from between his teeth, "The item is buried in the snow, several miles from here."

"How do we know you're telling the truth?"

"Believe it or not, I'm telling the truth!"

Zhang Yiquan had a defiant look, as if daring them to believe him.

The men looked troubled. If it was that far away, they couldn't leave their group to verify it.

Zhang Yiquan knew this well, which was why he said it.

"I've got an idea," one man suddenly said, his eyes brightening as he looked at Zhang Yiquan. "You go get the item and trade it for your son's life!"


Zhang Yiquan hadn't expected them to come up with such a plan. His heart sank. How could he find something he didn't even know about?

He cursed the absent officers in his heart. Where were they? Why hadn't they shown up yet?


"Good idea."

The others agreed happily. They couldn't leave, but Zhang Yiquan could. And if he got caught, it wouldn't be their problem.

"If you want your son to live, do as we say!" they threatened fiercely.


Zhang Yiquan hesitated for a few seconds, then nodded. "Now let go of me!"

The men exchanged glances and released him.

As soon as they let go, Zhang Yiquan grabbed a handful of snow and threw it in their faces.

They instinctively raised their hands to block the snow, giving Zhang Yiquan a chance to rush at the man holding his son.

But injured as he was, he was no match even for one of them.


As soon as he got close, the man kicked him to the ground.

"If you want to die, we'll help you!"

They started beating Zhang Yiquan again, this time without holding back, clearly angered.

"Stop! Stop!"

Zhang Yiquan curled up on the ground, covering his head and begging for mercy, but they had lost all patience.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before long, Zhang Yiquan was beaten so badly he couldn't even beg for mercy.

"It seems we need to be tougher to make him cooperate." One man, tired of beating him, turned angrily towards the boy.

If they had only been scaring Zhang Yiquan before, now they were genuinely furious and ready to hurt his son to make him comply.


Lying on the ground, Zhang Yiquan saw their movements and panicked. But in pain and unable to move, he could only cry out in despair.

"What are you doing!"

At that moment, Zhang Yiquan heard what sounded like an angelic voice. Hope lit up his eyes.

He looked up and saw Kuang Wei approaching with a group of men. They scolded the attackers upon seeing them.

Zhang Yiquan was overjoyed. They were saved, Wei'er was saved.

The attackers cursed and fled into the night, quickly disappearing.

"Help my son, please!"

As the attackers vanished, Zhang Yiquan breathed a sigh of relief, then looked up at Kuang Wei and his men, pleading, "Please, help us!"

Kuang Wei spotted the boy on the ground and quickly checked him over, then sighed in relief.

"Don't worry, he's just unconscious."

Hearing this, Zhang Yiquan relaxed even more and promptly fainted.

"He's fainted?" One officer frowned. "Is he faking it?"

"It seems real," Kuang Wei said, looking at Zhang Yiquan's injuries. He seemed genuinely unconscious.

"What now?" another officer asked, concerned. They needed Zhang Yiquan for something.

"Wake him up with snow!"

Kuang Wei glanced around and instructed his men.

They grabbed snow and covered Zhang Yiquan's face with it. The cold shock soon woke him up.


He opened his eyes, saw Kuang Wei, and was about to speak when he remembered something and quickly changed his tone.

"Wei'er, where is my Wei'er?"

Zhang Yiquan looked around frantically for his son, worried about his safety.

"Don't worry, he's fine."

Kuang Wei clapped, and his men brought the boy over.

Zhang Yiquan, ignoring his own pain, rushed to hug his son. The boy's weight and his own injuries nearly overwhelmed him, but he held on, not wanting his son to fall.

"Thank you, officers!"

Relieved, Zhang Yiquan thanked Kuang Wei and his men.

"If you want to thank us, hand over the item!" One of Kuang Wei's men interrupted impatiently.

"Item? What item?"

Zhang Yiquan instinctively asked, then froze, realizing what they meant.

It seemed this group was after the same thing as the earlier attackers. This made him even more curious. What was this item that everyone was after?

He was utterly confused. Why did everyone think he had something he knew nothing about?

"Think carefully!" The officer threatened. "We have ways to deal with you."

"That's right," another officer added. "How many days can you go without food?"

They were clearly threatening to withhold food from Zhang Yiquan.

His heart sank. He had no money left; the attackers had taken everything. If the officers denied him food, he couldn't buy any.

More importantly, he could endure hunger, but his wife and son couldn't.

"Damn it!"

Zhang Yiquan clenched his fists in frustration, feeling helpless.


*PS: During the day, Xiaoyu works and only has time to write at night. After work, she spends most of her time writing, with no other leisure activities. While others go shopping or eat out, Xiaoyu is stuck writing with few readers and little income. (-----___-----)*

(End of Chapter)

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