Hello Chang’an


The most timid and delicate beauty in the capital unfortunately fell into the hands of human traffickers.

Everyone in the capital shook their heads and sighed: This wave is about to end.

Thousands of miles away, the good-for-nothing beauty opened her eyes and sold the trafficker backhand——

The girl who changed the core squandered the money she got from human trafficking and returned to the capital, only to find that her former little brothers had now become big bosses, and each of them raised “her” as their daughter——

one two three four……

So, now she has four male mothers?!

This article is also known as “After the Rebirth of the Beautiful, Powerful and Miserable Heroine” and “I will do what I want, and everyone will be safe”


Alternate Title       : 长安好

Status                    : Ongoing

Author                   : Not 10 / Fei 10

Genre                    : Romance

Tags                       HE Strong Women Cool article easy

 Chapter 1: A Soul Returns Home

Early spring, the second month of the lunar calendar. The frozen ground began to thaw, tender buds were about to sprout, yet the chill of spring was still biting.


A basin of cold water was poured down.

The bone-chilling coldness felt like an invisible hand, abruptly pulling back the faint consciousness that was about to sink into eternal oblivion.

"Seems like she's really dead..."

"Such bad luck! We used the usual dose, why did it kill her this time? We’ve already taken a deposit of sixty taels of silver, where are we going to find someone else to deliver tonight?"


A sharp pain stung her cheek. The girl, thrown into a corner, soaking wet with her eyes shut, frowned slightly.

"Ha! This little wretch is just pretending to be dead!"

Her disheveled hair was suddenly yanked, and instinctively, the girl opened her eyes, only to see a hideous, freckled face of a middle-aged man glaring at her.

"If you're not dead, get up!"

The pain from her hair being pulled, combined with the clearly unfavorable situation, left the girl no time to think. Her body acted faster than her thoughts. Using the force of standing up, she swiftly grabbed the man’s arm, twisted it backward, and kicked him hard below the waist.

Her movements were quick.

But she didn’t have enough strength.

Her only advantage was that the man wasn’t expecting any resistance, much less such a swift one—

In the brief moment when she escaped his grasp, the girl, realizing something was wrong with her body, quickly scanned her surroundings. She took a step back, her left foot lightly kicking a dagger from a pile of sacks. She caught it firmly and held it in front of her.

"You wretched brat! You’ve got some nerve!" 

The man was furious.

This girl had been timid and weeping the whole time, begging him to spare her and let her go home. When he pulled out a knife, she had been so terrified she couldn’t even speak—yet now this little weakling dared to turn the knife on him!

The woman standing behind the man was equally shocked by the girl’s disobedience. After cursing, she approached the man and finally got a clear look at the girl.

The girl had been unconscious when the man dragged her out of the sack. She clearly had a beautiful face but lacked any vitality.

But now, the girl, drenched and with her dark hair half-loose, looked even more otherworldly in her paleness after days of torment and fear.

Especially her eyes, cold and clear, with deep black pupils that seemed to conceal unknown mysteries, like the dark surface of a winter lake. It was impossible to look directly into them.

The woman had only one thought at that moment—this face was worth much more than a hundred taels!

She felt immensely fortunate. Luckily, the girl wasn’t dead; otherwise, they would’ve lost a fortune!

Seeing the girl’s trembling hands holding the dagger, the woman sneered mockingly, “Everyone who comes here and doesn’t behave ends up badly. Little lady, you’d better not make things harder for yourself.”

The woman’s sharp, threatening voice was unbearably grating in the girl's ears.

In the next moment, a wooden stool flew from the girl’s feet, hitting the woman’s knee squarely as she approached.

The woman screamed in pain, collapsing to the floor.

“You little wretch!” The man, enraged, grabbed a wooden stick, but the girl was quicker, lunging at him like a young wolf. She used all her remaining strength to knock him down, kneeling heavily on his neck.

Though he was strong, with his neck pinned, he couldn’t move. Just as he instinctively reached to shove her off, the girl drove the dagger through his hand, nailing it to the ground.

The woman, realizing what had happened, struggled to get up and rush over. But before she could move, the girl, with a quick motion, pulled the bloodied dagger from the man’s hand and flung it like an arrow. It flew straight into the woman’s eye socket.


The woman shrieked, clutching her bleeding eye and collapsing.

The man, suffocating from the pressure on his neck, passed out, his eyes rolling back.

The girl, her strength almost completely drained, released her hold on the man and sat down on the ground beside him. She casually picked up a cloth bundle that had fallen nearby and looked toward the doorway.

A boy stood there, staring in shock.

"Is that your father?" the girl asked, her voice weak but calm.

The boy, around eleven or twelve, glanced at the unconscious man beside her and quickly shook his head, fear and confusion filling his eyes.

"Hurry up and tie her up! Go get the physician for us! Get the physician now!" the woman with the bleeding eye shouted.

The boy hesitated, clearly torn between conflicting emotions.

"Do you want to fight me?" the girl asked, her voice calm.

The boy quickly shook his head again, this time more emphatically.

"Anyone else here?" The girl looked past him at the small courtyard filled with coffins.

Though it was daytime, the gate was barred from the inside.

The boy shook his head.

"I'll tie you up, or you tie them up," the girl gave him a simple choice.

Seeing her stand up, the boy didn’t hesitate any longer. He grabbed some rope and quickly tied up the unconscious man.

"You ungrateful brat! I’ll beat you to death!" the woman cursed, her voice trembling in pain, as she reached for a nearby wooden stick.

The boy instinctively flinched, but the girl threw the cloth bundle to him. 

The boy, knowing full well what was inside, boldly emptied its contents onto the woman.

Caught off guard, the woman inhaled a few breaths of the drug before collapsing, powerless.

After tying her up as well, the boy thoughtfully dragged both of them to a corner, out of the way.

When he was done, he glanced back toward the girl, only to see her eating a roasted chicken.

He stared, bewildered, at the remains of the chicken bones.

The girl casually wiped her hands with a nearby cloth.

She wasn’t actually hungry.

But her body was too weak. Instinct drove her to eat to regain strength.

After surveying the room, she walked out into the courtyard.

Several freshly made coffins stood there. She picked one that looked about right, stepped onto a stool, and climbed inside.

It fit her perfectly.

Satisfied, she closed her eyes.

To think, after dying, there was still so much trouble. In the end, she even had to find her own coffin. No proper underworld attendants, everything left to her own devices. Fortunately, she had always been good at managing herself—but this handling of the afterlife was rather careless.

The boy, watching this bizarre scene unfold, was speechless.

Exhaustion quickly overcame her, and she fell into a deep sleep.

When she opened her eyes again, the sky was filled with the colors of dusk.

The girl sat up in the coffin, contemplating her situation.

Now that her strength had returned, her senses were clearer, and her mind was sharper.

This wasn’t some after-death illusion.

But she had definitely died. Completely and utterly.

Instinctively, she reached for her neck, where there should have been a wound.

There was none.

“How can this be…”

The voice wasn’t hers.

Under the fading light, she examined her hands.

They were slender, fragile, and covered in scars—hands that weren’t hers.

Slowly, the girl stood up, taking in the real world around her.

In the corner of the yard, a tree had a few scattered peach blossoms.

It was spring.

But she had died during a heavy snowfall in the twelfth lunar month.

She had died looking toward her homeland.

And now—

It seemed she had truly returned.

Looking once more at the unfamiliar hands, the girl realized—

Had she come back to life in someone else's body?

Before she could think any further, light footsteps behind her snapped her back to reality.

Previously, she had dismissed everything as some death-induced fantasy and responded purely on instinct, but now things were different—

It was the same boy.

He stood timidly at the bottom of the steps, staring at her with an expression that suggested he saw something not of this world—which, in truth, she wasn’t.

"Do you know me?" she asked.

The boy shook his head without hesitation.

Without an answer, the girl jumped out of the coffin.

Seeing her heading toward the courtyard gate, the boy hesitated, then quickly ran to block her path, shaking his head anxiously.

"You… you can’t leave!" he said in a rush.

“So, you’re not mute after all.”

“No, I’m not…” The boy’s expression was complex, filled with urgency. “You can’t leave!”

The girl showed no emotion. “I don’t like hitting children.”

“It’s not that!” The boy pointed to the tightly shut wooden gate, lowering his voice, his large eyes filled with unease. “Outside… it’s all of them!”

"All of them—" The girl stared at him. "What do you mean?"

--- End of chapter ---

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