Chapter 162: You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!

 Chapter 162: Hoist with His Own Petard

"We've been exiled and live in misery, and now you want to finish us off? Do you have any humanity left?"

Zhang Yiquan rolled up his sleeves, revealing bruises on his arms. His mother, looking weak and breathless, sat on the ground. Zhang’s wife, holding their son, mumbled incoherently, appearing deranged. Seeing this, the crowd fell silent. 

Zhang Yiquan's family indeed seemed pitiful, stirring sympathy among the onlookers. Many knew about the Zhang and Chen family feud and leaned towards the Zhang family, seeing them as fellow ordinary people, unlike the Chen family's exalted status as immortals.

While they admired the Chen family, the Zhang family's shared plight as commoners garnered their empathy. They couldn't openly criticize the Chen family but began to view them differently.

"Nonsense!" A Chen family servant stepped forward. "You claim your wife is our doing? Everyone saw that bandits injured her!"

Zhang Yiquan retorted, "I clearly saw you knock my wife unconscious, and my son lay bleeding at your feet."

"That was to save your son!" Xu Tian approached, explaining, "You were unconscious, and your wife was injured by bandits. When she woke, she wasn't right, and your son was severely injured."

"Others witnessed this," Xu Tian continued, "If you don't believe me, ask them!"

Some onlookers who were present stepped forward. "That's right, we saw it. The bandits stabbed the child with a dagger!"

The crowd gasped in shock and looked at Zhang Yiquan's son, who appeared perfectly healthy, which seemed miraculous. Remembering rumors, they soon heard Xu Tian's confirmation.

"If it weren't for Miss Chen's life-saving elixir, your son wouldn't have survived."

The crowd buzzed with astonishment, now believing in the existence of such a miraculous elixir. 

"Impossible!" Zhang Yiquan's face changed. Though he had heard the Chen family saved his son, he hadn't believed it. Now, he couldn't ignore the reality, even if grudgingly.

"These are just your words. Show me proof!"

Xu Tian was at a loss, not knowing how to provide evidence. 

"Want proof?" Chen Xue emerged from her carriage, her expression cold.

The crowd instinctively stepped back, wary of her wrath. Zhang Yiquan felt a bad premonition but didn't believe Chen Xue could produce evidence after so long.

"No proof means you're lying!" Zhang Yiquan said defiantly.

"Oh, really?" Chen Xue sneered, producing an object and stepping two meters from the carriage.

With a flick, a light appeared, projecting an image from the side of the carriage. The crowd watched in disbelief as the image moved, showing scenes of the Chen and Zhang families.

"This is..." The onlookers were astonished to see moving images of the past, depicting the aftermath of the bandit attack.

"That's the scene after the bandit attack!" someone exclaimed.

As others explained, the crowd grew even more shocked, realizing they were witnessing past events. They saw Chen Xue administering the elixir to Zhang Wei, witnessing his miraculous recovery.

"This is immortal magic!" Zhang Yiquan was stunned, seeing the scenes of his son's miraculous recovery.

"If there was any doubt before, it's gone now," the crowd thought, now fully believing in the miracle.

"Our young lady had only two elixirs, and she used them both on your family. Now you accuse her, ungrateful and shameless!" Xiao Die angrily scolded.

"Two elixirs?" The crowd recalled hearing that Chen Xue gave Zhang Yiquan two elixirs, one of which saved his son. The other was meant for his wife but remained unused.

This rumor now seemed true, sparking greed in the crowd. If the elixir was no longer with Chen Xue, anyone could claim it.

"Oh no!" Zhang Yiquan realized the danger. If everyone believed he still had an elixir, they might turn on him, leading to his demise.

"That's nonsense! There's only one elixir," Zhang Yiquan quickly rebutted.

"Is that so?" Chen Xue retorted, "You say it's one; it's your choice. I gave it to you; what you do with it is your business."

She turned and re-entered the carriage, leaving Zhang Yiquan looking defeated. Though she admitted there was only one elixir, the crowd likely wouldn't believe it.

Zhang Yiquan felt like he had shot himself in the foot. If he hadn't tried to smear the Chen family, none of this would have happened.

No, he thought, the Chen family had already spread these rumors. His actions only made them more credible. Now, everyone believed he still had an elixir.

▶▶You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!(COMPLETED)
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