
Thank you so much Rei for your wonderful comments ❤️ 💕


Chapter 109: Smallpox Erupts - Rebirth of the Noble Daughter

 Chapter 109: Smallpox Erupts

On the third day of Feng Yunhe's illness, the smallpox indeed began to appear.

At first, it was just a few red rashes popping up on his arms and legs, but soon they multiplied, covering his small body densely, making it unbearable to look at.

Doctor Zhang prescribed medicine that kept him sleeping for a long time, so he didn't suffer much. Even his small face was covered with red rashes.

He frowned in his dreams, and it was unclear if he was still in pain even in his dreams.

The rashes grew larger and began to ooze yellow fluid, one after another. Doctor Zhang instructed the two to burst the blisters and carefully apply medicine, hoping to speed up the recovery.

The medicine powder mixed with water turned into a thick black paste, which was carefully applied to the burst blisters. The yellow pus was absorbed and the black paste quickly solidified. With a light touch of a small wooden stick, it fell off, leaving only faint red marks at the broken areas.

Truly a miraculous physician; his intervention was so effective.

Feng Jinyao was so happy she almost cheered, while Yin Canwen admired him deeply.

However, Doctor Zhang remained stern and coldly ordered them to 'continue'!

Sure enough, the blisters grew faster than Feng Jinyao and Yin Canwen could handle. Areas that had been treated well the day before were now covered again, even larger and more frightening than the previous day.

The two, who had been so happy, suddenly fell into despair. If smallpox was so easily treated, how could it cause such fear?

They patiently continued to burst and apply medicine to each blister, being even more meticulous.

To avoid infection from the yellow fluid, Doctor Zhang handed over his old sheepskin gloves, wrinkled and somewhat disgusting.

Feng Jinyao glanced down, feeling embarrassed, but wearing them was better than getting infected.

She took the gloves and continued to apply medicine to Feng Yunhe.

Seeing Feng Yunhe's body covered in a cycle of healing and breaking, his once delicate and lovely appearance now resembled dried meat, with no healthy spots left, only covered wounds on top of wounds.

Feng Jinyao felt heartbroken. Fortunately, her eldest brother and sister-in-law were not present. Otherwise, seeing him like this might have broken their hearts.

She didn't know how many days and nights had passed. This morning, Feng Jinyao woke up from a nightmare, still shouting 'no' in her sleep.

It turned out she had another bad dream.

Looking outside, the faint golden sunlight was gradually spreading across the courtyard, gradually dispelling the tension brought by the nightmare.

She opened the window for fresh air, but the faint smell of vinegar still lingered outside. Feng Jinyao was starting to get used to it.

She glanced down at her clothes, which she hadn't changed for several days, and felt they were starting to smell.

Once Feng Yunhe recovered from this illness, she vowed to soak in a bath for half a day to get rid of this smell.

Outside, the courtyard door creaked open, and two men in tightly wrapped clothes walked in. Although they were several meters apart, Feng Jinyao still recognized them.

"Elder Brother, Second Brother."

"Ah Yao, how is it going?"

"It's still the same. But Yunhe hasn't suffered much, he's been sleeping all the time."

Feng Jinxu's worry grew day by day. Even without seeing it with his own eyes, he knew it was a life-threatening situation.

He wanted to step forward again, but was held back by Feng Jinlin.

"Elder Brother, it's hard to come to this day. Wouldn't it be a pity to fail now?"

After Feng Jinxu was knocked out and taken away by Feng Jinlin that day, he woke up in a rage. Feng Hai scolded him harshly, saying that if he didn’t care about the family, he should just leave. Burdened with filial duty, Feng Jinxu had no choice but to comply.

So, these past days, he had been responsible for delivering food. Every day, he would hear a few words from Ah Yao about the situation inside but knew nothing more.

He understood everyone’s intentions, but his heart ached with guilt for Yunhe. As a father, he couldn’t be by his son’s side during such a time, and the feeling of guilt grew stronger.

“Big brother, remember what Doctor Zhang said. Just a few more days, Yunhe might recover.”

Although she said this, Feng Jinyao was worried.

With the smallpox spreading day by day, she doubted the efficacy of the medicinal powder, but she couldn’t let anyone outside know, or the first one to rush in would be Feng Jinxu.

She steadied herself and smiled at her two brothers.

Perhaps it was her determination and perseverance that calmed Feng Jinxu's restless mind.

“Today is New Year’s Eve. Later, we’ll have the kitchen send over some of your favorite dishes. This is the first time we won’t be spending the holiday together, sigh.” Feng Jinlin, worried about their elder brother barging in and disrupting Feng Yunhe’s treatment, tried to lighten the mood with some cheerful words.

Feng Jinyao, having lost track of day and night inside the house, was surprised it was already New Year’s Eve. She glanced back at the still-sleeping Feng Yunhe, her resolve growing stronger.

“It’s alright. When Yunhe recovers, we’ll have another New Year’s dinner together.”

“Alright, we’ll be waiting.”

Feng Jinlin and Feng Jinyao exchanged smiles before half-dragging and half-pulling Feng Jinxu away.

After they had been gone for a while, Feng Jinyao opened the door to retrieve the food box. Seeing the stack of food boxes from previous days in the corner, she couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

Fortunately, the Feng family had plenty of supplies. Otherwise, they would have run out of food boxes by now.

The noise of their conversation had woken up Doctor Zhang and Yin Canwen in the adjacent room. After a simple wash, they came over. Seeing the food box, Doctor Zhang felt a pang of homesickness.

“Today is New Year’s Eve. I wonder what my old wife is eating. She is so forgetful; if no one watches her, she might not eat properly.”

Doctor Zhang's worry was evident. How could he have known that he wouldn’t be able to return once he came here? Now, who knows how long it would be before they could reunite? He felt some resentment.

Yin Canwen, whose elders had all passed away, had no such worries and felt no particular longing at this moment.

Opening the food box, they found today’s meal was quite sumptuous.

“Second brother came yesterday and said everyone at home is safe and no one has been infected. Father said that in half a month, if all goes well, the household servants and maids could go out to buy supplies. Otherwise, they might have to dig up roots on the back hill.”

This remark made Doctor Zhang laugh, dispelling the bit of sorrow he felt.

Yin Canwen obediently laid out the breakfast. After a simple meal, Doctor Zhang proceeded to check Yunhe’s pulse and change his medicine.

After a moment of calm concentration, his usually stern expression finally relaxed.

Looking at Feng Jinyao, his eyes finally showed some warmth. “The most dangerous time has passed. Now we need to be careful and let him rest so that the toxins can be expelled. The young master will recover.”

▶▶Rebirth of the Noble Daughter  

Next Chapter ▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife


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