
Thank you so much Rei for your wonderful comments ❤️ 💕


Chapter 110: Recovery - Rebirth of the Noble Daughter

 Chapter 110: Recovery


“Why would I deceive you?” Doctor Zhang, with a look of feigned offense, finally allowed Feng Jinyao to relax.

She had been worried, but she hadn't expected such a turn of events. Heaven had given her another chance at life, and she had managed to pull her nephew back from the brink of death! Looking at Feng Yunhe, she cried tears of joy, her shoulders, which had been tense for days, finally relaxing a little.

Standing nearby, Yin Canwen, aware of everything Feng Jinyao had gone through in recent days, felt his admiration for her grow even stronger. If he could win her favor, he would cherish her forever!

New Year's Eve.

Every household was bustling with activity—putting up couplets, hanging lanterns, lighting firecrackers, and changing into new clothes while waiting to receive their New Year’s money, everyone was filled with joy.

The entire capital was in a festive mood, except for the unusually quiet Feng residence.

When Feng Jinlin delivered breakfast, he heard the good news and quickly spread it throughout the household. Everyone finally relaxed, but they remained vigilant. Although Feng Yunhe was out of danger, they still needed to be cautious.

While kitchens in every home were showcasing their culinary skills, the Feng residence was still permeated with the smell of vinegar.

Since the Feng residence had closed its doors, many were curious about what had happened.

When the news reached the Bai family and Guiyuan Hall, everyone was as anxious as ants on a hot pan.

Minister Bai, understanding the severity of the situation, even though he had retired, went to the palace overnight to explain the matter to the Emperor. If ill-intentioned people found out, the Feng family might be in serious trouble!

It was unclear how Minister Bai explained it to the palace, but the next day an imperial decree arrived, praising the Feng family for their calm and decisive action, containing the illness within the courtyard and preventing it from spreading to the capital.

All the rewards from the imperial household were sent to the Bai family. The eunuch who came specifically reminded them that once the Feng family recovered, they would still be pillars of the Great Jin.

With the palace’s attitude so clear, the public naturally sang praises.

Moreover, the neighbors had smelled the vinegar from the Feng residence every day and seen the thick smoke when they burned clothes. Their respect for the Feng family grew even more.

The tale became a popular story among the people, and for a time, the Feng family was the talk of the town.

When Feng Yunhe finally woke up, it was already afternoon. Although there was no bright sunshine, it was still warmer than the early morning.

His whole body was wrapped in bandages, feeling cool and covered with some kind of ointment. His limbs were weak, and he felt very feeble.

Although Feng Jinyao had been moistening his lips with warm water, his throat felt like it was on fire and he couldn't make a sound. He had to knock on the bed frame to get someone’s attention.

Yin Canwen, who was nearby, heard the sound and immediately rushed over, seeing Feng Yunhe open his eyes. Excitedly, he shouted, "The young master is awake!"

Doctor Zhang, who was closer, quickly arrived at the bedside, first checking his forehead for fever and then asking if there was anything wrong.

Feng Yunhe made a few sounds, raised his hand to point at his throat, looking very anxious, fearing he might be mute because of the illness, which would be worse than death for him.

Doctor Zhang smiled reassuringly, "You've been asleep for several days. It's normal to not be able to speak immediately. Drink more water and eat something later, and you'll be fine."

Hearing that he wasn't mute, Feng Yunhe relaxed. Feeling his stomach growling with hunger, he pointed to it, and Yin Canwen immediately understood.

"Young master, please wait a moment. You just woke up, so drink some warm water first, and then we'll give you some porridge."

Feng Yunhe nodded obediently. He knew that his survival was due to the people around him, but he wondered why he hadn't seen his aunt.

He remembered that before he passed out, his aunt had been by his side.

"Are you looking for the third young lady?" Yin Canwen asked.

Feng Yunhe nodded, "Don't worry, the third young lady has been by your side these past few days and was exhausted. She only went to rest this morning after hearing that your illness was no longer critical. She should be waking up around now."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a creak, and Feng Jinyao pushed the door open. She had been worried about making noise, but upon entering and seeing the two by the bed, she thought something was wrong and hurried over.

"What happened?" she asked anxiously.

Moving Yin Canwen aside, she saw Feng Yunhe's bright eyes staring at her. Letting out a cry, Feng Jinyao rushed over.

"Yunhe, you're awake? Are you feeling better? Is there any discomfort? Tell your aunt!"

A series of questions left Feng Yunhe unsure where to start. Seeing her bloodshot eyes and dark circles, he felt immense gratitude towards her.

“… Aunt…”

Suppressing the pain in his throat, he called out to Feng Jinyao. His voice was hoarse, like that of an old woman. Hearing him speak, Feng Jinyao felt even more emotional. She touched his forehead and said,

"Good, it's good that you're awake. Everyone in the family was worried sick."

Feng Yunhe had no idea what day it was, how long he had been asleep, or that he had even felt pain. It seemed he had just taken a long nap, and upon waking up, everything had returned to normal.

Yin Canwen handed over some warm water, helping him drink a little, which revived him somewhat.

The congee from the kitchen had a pinch of salt in it. Feng Yunhe devoured it eagerly, gulping it down one mouthful after another until he had finished half a bowl.

"Do you want more?" Feng Jinyao asked. Feng Yunhe nodded eagerly; he felt like he could eat half a cow.

But Doctor Zhang, standing nearby, warned, "No, you have to wait an hour before eating more. You've just woken up, and eating too much too quickly will upset your stomach and make you vomit."

Feng Yunhe looked pitifully at Feng Jinyao. She shrugged, indicating there was nothing she could do, and sighed. Feng Yunhe had no choice but to lie back and savor the lingering taste of the congee.

Once someone wakes up and has the strength to eat, they can recover. Especially children, who recover remarkably fast.

It was uncertain whether it was Doctor Zhang's medicine or Feng Yunhe's strong will, but after eating that half bowl of congee, Feng Yunhe, though still a bit weak, could speak more fluently.

"Aunt, how is everyone else? Did I infect anyone?"

This was Feng Yunhe's biggest worry. He had no idea when he contracted the illness and had been in contact with many people.

Father, mother, his second brother, Zhu Jin, Yueli, and many others in the main household—if they got infected because of him, he would feel terrible.

"Don't worry, no one in the family got infected. Doctor Zhang's medicine is very effective, and everything at home is under control. You just focus on recovering."

Feng Jinyao wanted to pat his shoulder, but seeing the dark medicinal paste still applied, she worried about hurting him. So, she spoke softly.

▶▶Rebirth of the Noble Daughter 


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife


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