
Thank you so much Rei for your wonderful comments ❤️ 💕


Chapter 80: You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!

  Chapter 80 Master Chen, It's Not Possible!

In this world, especially in the Southern Barbarian Region, life is hard, people struggle to eat enough and stay warm, and there's a constant threat to life.

As long as they can provide enough food and warmth, there will be followers.

Moreover, even if the court doesn't allow their power to grow and become dominant, and sends troops to suppress them, Chen Xue still has a backup plan.

That is to establish a sect.

For people in a feudal world, this method is very effective. Many people here can't eat enough or stay warm, so they all hope for a spiritual refuge.

Even those wealthy merchants who are well-fed will seek spiritual solace.

If she really establishes a sect, she can definitely attract many people.

And this method of building power is safer and more secure than before.

As long as the doctrine is established and loyal believers are recruited, these believers will automatically spread the doctrine, allowing them to hide in the shadows.

Moreover, unless the court annihilates all the people in the world, it is impossible to eliminate the sect she establishes unless they eliminate the doctrine itself.

But doctrine, even if the written texts are burned, can still be passed down through word of mouth, making it extremely difficult to stop.

However, establishing a sect, while a good method, is a double-edged sword. If handled well, it can protect oneself, but if mishandled, it could backfire.

After all, some believers can become fanatical and uncontrollable.


In short, Chen Xue has already come up with several plans to establish power. What needs to be done now is to stockpile resources and earn more contribution points.

However, it's very difficult for them to collect more resources on their own.

"In fact, the fastest way is to establish a association"

Master Chen spoke up. If the association becomes powerful, they will have enough influence.

This coincides with Chen Xue's previous thoughts.

Similarly, establishing a association is also the fastest way to collect resources.

It can be said that this is killing two birds with one stone.


Chen Xue sighed and looked around. "We are all in exile. It's probably difficult to establish a association..."

If Chen Yuan were still the Minister of Revenue, then to establish a association they would need to have power, connections, and money.

But now, they are struggling to survive. Establishing a association at this time would be a joke.

"That's right." Madam Chen nodded. "Even if we want to do some small business, Captain Sun won't just sit idly by."

The few fell silent. Captain Sun is definitely their biggest obstacle at the moment.

This time, he almost caused the Chen family to be executed by that general. Chen Yuan was still terrified, and he harbored a strong dislike towards Captain Sun, wishing he could eliminate him.

"This Captain Sun is indeed a troublemaker!"

Chen Yuan sighed. In the past, he wouldn't have thought like this, but several times, these yamen runners had wanted to deal with them.

He could handle himself being targeted, but he couldn't bear to see his wife and daughter being bullied. A straightforward person like him would even scare himself when he gets serious.

Of course, he was just thinking about it. It's impossible to really kill Captain Sun. Firstly, he couldn't bring himself to do it.

Secondly, even if he did kill Captain Sun, it might not change the situation. If the court sends another captain, and that person is even more ruthless, then what?

He can't just go around killing them all!

"This is troublesome!"

Chen Xue also frowned. "Unless we can find someone to replace him, or make Captain Sun lose power."

Replacing him with someone they trust as the captain, then they wouldn't have to worry about anything.

But this is simply impossible. After all, the bailiffs are appointed by the court, and even if Chen Yuan wasn't exiled, he wouldn't have the authority to appoint them, especially now.

As for making Captain Sun lose power, this could be planned.

"Perhaps we can support Xu Tian and wait for his power to grow, then he can resist Captain Sun..." Madam Chen suggested.

"Yeah!" Chen Xue clapped her hands. "That's a good idea..."

"Wait a minute?"

"Where's Xu Tian?"

Chen Xue suddenly remembered something and her face changed. "Could something have happened to him?"

In the past, whatever happened, Xu Tian would always come over first to check on her father's condition.

With such a major riot happening now, Xu Tian should have come over. Even if he didn't have time at that moment because he was suppressing the prisoners, he should have time now that the riot has been quelled!

So, all Chen Xue and the others could think of was that something might have happened to Xu Tian.

After all, other prisoners are very resentful towards the bailiffs, and even killed several bailiffs during the riot.

"Go and find out if Xu Tian is okay!" Chen Yuan immediately lifted the curtain and instructed Chen Yi.

"Master Chen..."

Before he finished speaking, they heard a familiar voice. Looking up, they saw Xu Tian limping over, with a bandage on his head, and traces of blood seeping through it.

"Master Chen, are you all alright?"

Xu Tian hobbled over, worriedly inquiring, ignoring everything else, he grabbed Chen Yuan's hand and inspected it.

Chen Yuan quickly pulled his hand back. "I'm fine, but you seem to be injured. Is it serious?"

Hearing Chen Yuan's concern, Xu Tian was deeply moved. "It's nothing, just a minor injury. If I hadn't passed out at that time, I would have come to find Master Chen earlier."

He said his luck was both bad and good.

When the riot broke out, he was knocked unconscious by a prisoner.

His good luck was that he fell in a slightly secluded place and wasn't trampled by the prisoners. Moreover, he was only knocked unconscious at that time, so he didn't suffer any other injuries.

Chen Yuan glanced around, and Chen Yi and the others immediately understood, scattering to confirm that there were no eavesdroppers around.

Then, he stood on the carriage and looked at Xu Tian. "Xu Tian, do you want to be the captain?"


"Master Chen, what are you talking about? What captain? I don't seem to be suitable to be a captain!"

Chen Yuan also understood. Xu Tian is too straightforward, and he doesn't have many tricks up his sleeve. Many times, you can tell what he's thinking just from his expression.

This is also why, despite having people like Yang Tian around him, he still hasn't entered the court.

In the court, even the daring censors are not single-minded. They also know how to be flexible and can read the Emperor's intentions.

Of course, except for a few truly upright censors, but these are rare. Moreover, it is only when they encounter a very wise Emperor that they can stay in the court and act as censors.

"Nothing!" It's just a test, Chen Yuan didn't say much. Instead, he changed the subject. "You said, do you think it's possible for us to do business?"

"Do business?"

Xu Tian was even more confused. Shouldn't Master Chen be determined to return to the court? Why does it seem like he's planning to change his career?

Master Chen was once the top scholar, the best talent of his time. Such a talented person being exiled is a loss to the court already. Now, he actually wants to change careers?

No, Master Chen can't change careers, and the court can't lose Master Chen. Xu Tian was suddenly anxious.

"No, Master Chen, this really won't work!"

Chen Yuan: ...

If it won't work, then it won't. Why are you so agitated, making it seem like I've done something to wrong you?

PS: Thank you for your support and votes. Thank you for your support.

▶▶You Are Not In Exile You Are Clearly Traveling!(COMPLETED)
:This Novel is already completed read it in patreon

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▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife


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