
Thank you so much Rei for your wonderful comments ❤️ 💕


Chapter 253: The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

  ### Chapter 253: Making a Small Profit and Deciding to Act (5)

Initially, the Li family's land hadn't been irrigated with Spirit Spring Water, so their soybeans grew averagely. After harvesting, Li Zhong had the villagers stack them separately, and when they were eventually threshed, the yield per mu was also around 180 catties, and the quality was much inferior to that of the Mo family's.

The villagers who helped couldn't understand why they received the same care but the Mo family's soybeans grew better. Could it be that the Mo family's land was blessed by a deity?

They believed in the saying that there are gods three feet above one's head, but no one had ever seen one. This absurd idea flashed through their minds simultaneously, then they dismissed it, thinking that it was probably because Mo Yan had planted vegetables in the first year.

After all the soybeans were harvested and dried, the Mo family's twenty mu of soybeans yielded a total of 4,800 catties, with a yield per mu of 240 catties.

This news spread throughout Liuyang Village, attracting a long line of people wanting to buy seeds without any need for deliberate promotion.

This year, most people in the village planted mung beans or soybeans to cultivate the land, with a few planting grains. However, due to the poor soil, there wasn't much harvest from the grains. Upon careful calculation, planting beans and selling beans would earn more money than planting and selling grains.

Originally, those villagers who had previously planted beans intended to plant grains next year. However, seeing that the Mo family's soybeans had a yield per mu not much lower than that of grains, and even earned more money when sold as seeds, many people now wanted to continue planting soybeans to cultivate their land.

It took about five catties of soybeans to plant one mu of land. Since the families wanting to buy soybean seeds had land areas of almost twenty mu or more, each family would buy over a hundred catties of beans.

Just by selling soybean seeds in the village, the Mo family sold four thousand catties of beans. With each catty of soybean seeds priced at fourteen wen, these four thousand catties of soybeans sold for fifty-six taels of silver. After deducting labor and seed costs, they earned about fifty taels.

It might not sound like much, only equivalent to the daily income when they sold vegetables initially. However, Mo Yan hadn't managed the soybeans in the field at all, so she was already quite satisfied to earn so much silver.

Of the remaining eight hundred catties, Mo Yan planned to keep one hundred fifty catties as seeds. She would sell them as seeds next year and keep fifty catties for making tofu or cooking. The remaining six hundred catties would be sold to the seed store.

As for the Li family's two thousand catties of soybeans, she also planned to buy them. When winter came, she would dilute some Spirit Spring Water to soak and sprout the beans. They would surely sell well on the street.

However, when Mo Yan mentioned buying the soybeans from Li Zhong, he was very angry. "That ten mu of land already belongs to you. You hired people to take care of it in the first place. If I now take the soybeans as my own and sell them back to you, what kind of person would I be?"

"Grandpa Li, that land and those soybeans were yours when they were planted. It's only natural for you to give them to me. If you don't accept payment, what kind of person would I be?" Mo Yan smiled and retorted.

Li Zhong felt helpless. With a stern face, he said, "You bought those seeds and sowed them in the fields. I didn't intervene at all. If you take them now, it's only fair. But if you mention silver again, I'll be angry!"

Since Li Zhong insisted on not taking silver, Mo Yan had to temporarily abandon that idea and planned to find another way to compensate him in the future.

Seeing Mo Yan no longer insisting, Li Zhong breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Since the land is now empty, are you planning to continue planting vegetables by building greenhouses?"

"Let's leave it empty for now. It's been non-stop work all year round, and the land needs a break too!" Mo Yan joked with a half-truth.

Li Zhong was a bit puzzled by this statement. He felt it was unlikely to be the reason, but after spending so much time with her, he knew that this young miss who wasn't very old wouldn't speak without reason. Since she had made this decision, she must have her reasons, and he wouldn't question her.

▶▶The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor
:This Novel is already completed read it in patreon

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife


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