
Thank you so much Rei for your wonderful comments ❤️ 💕


Chapter 225: The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

  Chapter 225: Discussing Marriage Matters in the Boudoir, Banquet with Hidden Calculations (9)

The people of the Mo family just noticed that there was still a girl standing nearby. Seeing her dressed in luxurious silk garments and exuding an aura of elegance, they knew she wasn't from an ordinary peasant family.

However, as they thought about this extraordinary girl being friends with Mo Yan and harboring resentment towards Hong Shi and the others from the Mo family, their expressions turned even uglier.

Among the crowd, Mo Yongxi's eyes almost glued to Liu Tinglan's figure, filled with jealous madness. With Mo Yan already causing trouble, why could this troublemaker still make such wealthy and powerful friends?

Troublemakers, all of them!

Standing beside Mo Yongxi, Mo Erni'er's expression was inexplicable. She looked at Li Zhong standing beside Mo Yan, sneering coldly with a hint of scheming in her eyes.

After Mo Yan led the Mo family into the hall, learning that the dishes in the kitchen were ready to be served at any time, she went to the study and called Mo Qingze, who had lost track of time chatting with Master Liu, to come out and help Li Zhong arrange the banquet.

Seating arrangements at the banquet were also significant. The head table was reserved for the closest elders or the most prestigious guests among the visitors.

Master Liu was a Jinshi scholar, and no one present had a higher status than him, so he was seated at the head table.

Old Mo was the closest elder to the Mo family, so despite the poor relationship between the two families, since they had come, they couldn't be seated elsewhere, so he was also seated at the head table.

Yang Bao was the village chief and deserved a seat at the head table. shopkeeper Xing, and shopkeeper Mu, the furniture shopkeeper, were also considered important guests of the Mo family, so it was appropriate for them to sit there.

Each table was set for eight people, and with the addition of Mo Qingze, there were only six people at the head table. The remaining two seats were filled by Lin Yong and another elderly villager.

Originally, the Liu family and Hong Shi's group were supposed to sit together, but Hong Shi was too unsettling. Therefore, Mo Yan arranged for them to sit with Cai Shi and her group instead.

Cai Shi was straightforward. Although she was a bit taken aback by the grandeur of the Liu family, she didn't care much about others and naturally greeted the Liu family, sharing some countryside anecdotes to liven up the atmosphere.

Madam Liu wasn't the type to hold a grudge, so she didn't feel any resentment towards Cai Shi's straightforwardness. As a result, the atmosphere at the table was quite pleasant.

Before the delicious dishes were formally served, everyone chatted happily, and only Hong Shi's table seemed exceptionally quiet.

Apart from Hong Shi and the four women, the other four women were also villagers.

Since entering the Mo family's door, Hong Shi had been smiling awkwardly. The others knew that she wasn't easy to get along with, so they didn't talk to her much. Feeling ignored while others were chatting animatedly, she felt increasingly left out, her face becoming longer and longer.

Seeing her mother-in-law's increasingly unpleasant expression, Wu Shi was very worried. She was afraid that her mother-in-law would cause trouble at the banquet, which would be difficult to handle.

When the delicious dishes, rich in color, fragrance, and taste, were served one after another, everyone stopped chatting and looked at the dishes on the table.

Seeing a table full of sumptuous dishes, the villagers, who rarely had the chance to eat meat, were extremely happy and praised the Mo family for their generosity, saying they were fortunate today.

The children who couldn't sit at the table eagerly watched the adults, urging them to serve them dishes. Some ignorant children couldn't resist reaching out to grab food, but when the adults caught them, they scolded them and disciplined them with a slap on the hand.

Mo Qingze warmly served dishes to Master Liu, but Master Liu, being the elder, insisted on letting Old Mo serve first. Old Mo smiled modestly and picked up his chopsticks only after a few polite exchanges.

Seeing the head table in action, the others picked up their chopsticks and started eating heartily.

Each dish on the table was ample, and the villagers, no longer snatching food as they used to at banquets, were afraid of showing disrespect to the distinguished guests. Therefore, they restrained their children, forbidding them from crying or causing trouble, otherwise, they would be punished with a "stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots."

With so much delicious food and no need to compete with others, the children had no time to cry or make trouble, and each of them behaved well.

Mo Yan didn't sit at the table; instead, she, Li Zhong, Li Xiu, and several other women were responsible for serving dishes to each table.

When Li Zhong brought a dish of stir-fried pork to the seat where Mo Erni'er and the other girls were sitting, Mo Erni'er suddenly stood up and asked Li Zhong, who was about to leave, with an innocent face, "Grandpa Li, what's your relationship with my uncle's family? Why have you been living with my uncle's family all this time?"

▶▶The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Next Chapter▶▶


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife


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