
Thank you so much Rei for your wonderful comments ❤️ 💕


Chapter 235: After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium!

 Chapter 235 Don't you care about your life?


Ou Yan cooperated with him to take many photos until the carousel stopped, and Si Yechen got off the horse, holding her hand down.

"What do you want to play next?"

Ou Yan felt that all the projects in the amusement park were too childish. She took out the map and looked at it. The exciting ones were roller coasters, bungee jumping, and similar projects.

"Are you afraid of heights?" Ou Yan asked the man in front of her, lifting her gaze.

"Afraid of losing you," Si Yechen looked at the girl, word by word, "afraid of you not liking me, leaving me. Apart from that, I'm not afraid of anything."

"..." Ou Yan was inexplicably confessed for a while and walked forward directly.

Si Yechen followed her steps and held her hand, "Yan Yan, are you afraid of heights?"

If you're afraid, we can choose another ride.

Ou Yan smirked: Was she afraid?

If the space weren't too small, she could totally cross her legs and eat sunflower seeds, provided there was a plate of sunflower seeds next to her.

"Please fasten your seat belts," the staff reminded nearby, "Make sure to fasten your seat belts! Safety first!"

After Si Yechen fastened Ou Yan's seat belt, he didn't intend to fasten his own.

Ou Yan reached out and gently fastened it for him.

"Are you afraid of me dying?"

"Not really," Ou Yan said dismissively, "I'm afraid you'll be disabled, and I'll have to take care of you for the rest of my life."

Si Yechen raised a wicked smile, "If I can have your company for the rest of my life, I would gladly accept it."

Ou Yan glanced at him, did he curse himself like that?

"A girl like you, taking care of me would be too hard. In the second half of our lives, I'll take care of you." Si Yechen held her hand, lifted his lips, and said, "Rest assured, for you, I will be healthy and safe."

The roller coaster started quickly, and Si Yechen and Ou Yan heard screams from others around them.

The uphill was very slow, but the downhill was a straight plunge. The roller coaster flipped upside down suddenly, then bumped around, and screams filled their ears.

Si Yechen noticed that the girl's expression remained unchanged. He hadn't expected the little girl to be so brave.

Well, she dared to play with guns and lead an entire organization. How could she have a small courage?

Five minutes later, the roller coaster stopped, and many people hurried to vomit.

Si Yechen held Ou Yan's hand and asked, "After riding the roller coaster together, does it count as experiencing life's peaks and valleys together?"

A lifetime is too long. Just five minutes felt like a lifetime.

It seemed like they had gone through various dangers and trials together, but they never let go of each other's hands.

"I suddenly realized that every time I see you, it feels like riding a roller coaster."

Up and down, like a deer crashing around, that's how he described his feelings for her.

Ou Yan raised her eyes and couldn't help asking, "When did you start liking me?"

Si Yechen smiled gently, "The first time I saw you saving grandfather in the hospital, I thought you were special."

At that time, he didn't even know he had fallen for her.

Before meeting her, he didn't believe in love at first sight, and he even thought love was dispensable in his life, not important at all.

But after meeting her, all his thoughts and beliefs changed.

Living for so long, he wanted to hold a girl's hand for the first time, protect her, and have a future and a home of their own with her.

It was also the first time he tasted the agony of longing...

His mood changed completely because of a girl!

He felt lost when Ou Yan didn't reply to his messages.

He felt happy when Ou Yan smiled at him.

"What do you like about me?" Ou Yan raised her eyes and asked.

Si Yechen gently stroked her cheek and said softly, "I like your eyes and brows, every aspect of you, every expression. I like it when you're angry, jealous, happy... I like everything unique about you, I like the light in your eyes when you look at me."

Ou Yan was dismissive, "In the end, you just like good-looking people."

"I like you," Si Yechen corrected, "As long as it's you, everything about you, I like it all."

"..." Ou Yan felt warm inside, changing the subject, "Where to next?"

"Up to you to decide."

Ou Yan arranged for bungee jumping, and then they played rafting together.

In the narrow waterway, Si Yechen held her in his arms, and both of them had happy smiles on their faces.

Next up was the haunted house.

Si Yechen's gaze fell on the haunted house not far away. If Yan Yan was scared, he could protect her!

"Let's go there," Ou Yan's tone was casual, "Let's check it out."

She wanted to see if the haunted house was scary or if the Triangle District where she had stayed before was scarier.

Si Yechen heard her tone, not like she was going on an adventure, but more like going shopping. The little girl's courage was indeed bigger than he imagined.

Before entering the haunted house, they had to pass through a long narrow passage.

Si Yechen held Ou Yan's hand tightly, "Watch your step."

There were many traps on the way. After avoiding them one by one, they saw skulls hanging all over the walls, and bloodstains were everywhere.

This blood was too fake.

Ou Yan felt annoyed in her heart. Couldn't they make the blood more realistic to immerse people in the experience?

The couple following them had already been scared and screamed, running back!

Was it that scary??

Ou Yan was a little puzzled. Every now and then, ghosts would jump out to scare them. Instead of being afraid, Ou Yan's cold aura seemed to startle the ghosts.

Was the aura of this couple too strong??

As they walked further, they reached a room with coffins. As soon as they entered, the door behind them locked automatically.

It seemed like there was no way out, only the sound of ghosts and shaking lights everywhere.

"Don't be afraid," Si Yechen's voice was very gentle.


Ou Yan was a little scared. She was afraid that when the ghosts jumped out in a while, she wouldn't be able to control herself and kick someone away.

After all, she had subconsciously reacted several times just now. If it weren't for Si Yechen, she might have kicked the staff acting as ghosts into the corner next second.

Just then, the mechanism started, and dozens of darts flew towards them.

"Be careful!" Si Yechen protected Ou Yan in his arms and swiftly avoided many hidden weapons.

Ghosts suddenly popped out of the coffins and other corners, wielding knives to attack the couple. Ou Yan pulled a nearby curtain, only to find several holes punctured by knives.

"There's a problem!" Not only did Ou Yan notice, but Si Yechen also noticed that the attackers were not staff. Their skills were obviously at the level of killers!

Who sent these people??

Are they fearless?!

"Yan Yan, be careful." Just then, Si Yechen shielded her behind him, kicked one of the attackers away, and swiftly knocked down another one who pounced.

The target of these people was obviously him!

Are they his enemies??


▶▶After breaking off the engagement, Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium!


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife


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