
PWDLAW Chapter 386 Getting Along

 Chapter 386 Getting Along

Chu Ziluo widened her eyes in surprise "You really don't eat meat? Big brother, aren't many children in the temple still novices? Can't they eat meat?"

Chong Jin was not fond of speaking but being in someone else's home, he needed to observe proper etiquette.

He nodded gently, "The temple is a sacred place where meat is not allowed. As the saying goes, compassion is the basis of Buddhism. If one eats meat, one lacks compassion."

"We have received the Buddha's blessings to sustain ourselves, so naturally, we should respect the Buddhist way."

Chu Ziluo clapped her hands, "Big brother, you said it so well. Since you were raised in the temple, you should respect the Buddha."

Chong Jin unexpectedly glanced at Chu Ziluo.

This country girl surprisingly had such a clear mind, emphasizing the importance of repaying kindness and was someone worth befriending.

Chong Jin nodded, "You're right."

Chu Jin took in a sharp breath, "Not being able to eat meat all this time, it's so scary. Fortunately, I'm not a monk, but in the future I can donate more money for oil lamps, so you can have eggs."

Ye Muyu listened to the conversation of the three children nearby and was quite satisfied. Having principles in life was necessary and she felt a great sense of accomplishment in raising well-behaved children.

"Drink your tea while it's still warm. Do you like it?" Ye Muyu gently stirred the tea and finished it in no time.

She then stood up and said, "I'll go to the kitchen to cook. You three children can entertain yourselves."

"Ziluo, Xiao Jin, take care of Chong Jin."

"Mother, understood." Chu Ziluo obediently replied.

As Ye Muyu left, Chu Ziluo busily drank her honey pomelo tea. This sour and sweet tea was her favorite.

Chong Jin glanced at the fruit tea in the cup with some curiosity. He had never seen this kind of tea before. He scooped a little with a spoon, took a sip, and the mildly sour and sweet taste caused a fleeting spark of interest in his eyes, quickly disappearing.

He then drank it slowly and properly.

Chu Jin, on the other hand was more rough. After trying it, he found it delicious and gulped it down in two or three sips.

He patted his belly contentedly, "Mother, this tea is so delicious."

"You can only drink one cup a day." Chu Ziluo reminded him anxiously.

Although Chu Jin wanted more, he dared not disobey. He could only nod reluctantly, "Just one cup, I won't sneak any more."

"Sister, you're great. Our parents taught us to be honest. Only when you listen obediently can you have food and drink." Chu Ziluo smiled and comforted him.

Although Chu Jin was greedy, he also understood the importance of obeying his parents' demands. If he didn't behave, he might not even get one cup next time, he shuddered at the thought and had no intention of sneaking any more.

"Sister, I'm going to the study to draw." Chu Jin said.

Chu Ziluo finished her last sip of tea and nodded, "Then I'll go with the little brother."

The three children then went to the study, each picking up a book of their interest.

Chong Jin had already guessed the situation of Chu Ziluo's family roughly when he greeted her at the school gate through the villagers. Now, seeing so many books in the study, he was sure that this should indeed be the household of a scholar. No wonder Uncle entrusted him to this family.

In the village, only this family would probably not mind too much whether Uncle had left or not, and would naturally treat him normally.

At this moment, Ye Muyu entered the kitchen.

Hu Shi saw her coming in and said, "Madam, I only have a bit of pumpkin left to chop."



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