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Chapter 11: No Interest


 Chapter 11: No Interest

As Wei Shuyi ascended the stairs with his attendants, the accusations from the couple still echoed in his mind.

Half an hour earlier, at the yamen:

"Sir, the couple from the Zhou family, who you ordered to be kept under close watch, has woken up and can now speak."

Wei Shuyi personally went to see the pair.

They had been carried out from the villa on Liuke Alley just the day before.

Wei Shuyi had already confirmed that Chang Suining had been abducted to Hezhou by this couple—though he hadn’t needed to investigate further. The blood-ink confessions found in his carriage had already explained everything.

After the routine interrogation, the woman's subsequent complaints were particularly pitiful, causing Chang Ji to momentarily lose control of his expression.

"…It was her, it was her who blinded me and hurt us!"

"She took all the silver and valuables from our home!"

"She sold us to Liuke Alley!"

"Not only that, but she even tricked our adopted son of eight years!"

"And…" The barely-breathing man added, "She also stole our donkey…"

If not for the crimes they had committed, the pair might have appeared as victims pleading for justice.

Chang Ji: "..."

That Lady Chang… How fierce was she, really?!

This was no delicate beauty—she seemed more like a warrior!

Even Wei Shuyi, usually composed, showed a rare hint of genuine astonishment.

"Shall we continue treating them?" the cautious doctor outside the interrogation room asked as Wei Shuyi emerged.

"Since we've finished questioning, there's no need to waste any more medicine," Wei Shuyi said, hands behind his back as he left.

These people were guilty of heinous crimes. No amount of punishment would be enough to absolve their sins. To treat them halfway and abandon them now was, in comparison to their evil deeds, an act of mercy.

Besides, the young lady had probably put in quite some effort to beat them up so badly—it wouldn’t be right to let her hard work go to waste.

But still...

"Tell me, how do you think Lady Chang managed to do it?" Wei Shuyi asked, eyes full of curiosity.

Chang Ji: "I’d love to know!"

Thus, when they later spotted Chang Suining again in the teahouse, Chang Ji couldn’t help but look at her with astonishment.

It was nearing noon, and the teahouse, only serving tea and snacks, was nearly empty. On the large second floor, only Chang Suining remained seated in her spot.

Wei Shuyi immediately noticed the figure by the window.

She turned to look at him, her eyes still calm. She stood up with composure. "Lord Wei."

Chang Suining made a point to remind herself to stand. She wasn’t in the habit of greeting officials, especially someone she remembered as merely a junior like Wei Shuyi.

But now, she was Chang Suining, so she had to adjust.

Though they had technically met twice before, this was the first time Wei Shuyi had seen Lady Chang up close.

This encounter felt... unusual.

For instance, though she stood up, she gave no impression of welcoming him.

She was younger and smaller than him, a grown man. In terms of status, he was an official of the court, and she was a young woman of the gentry. Yet somehow, she didn’t seem to be at a disadvantage.

There was something about her presence that couldn't be faked or concealed.

Wei Shuyi, ever a discerning man, sensed something even more intriguing but kept his expression neutral. He raised a hand with a smile. "I hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long, Lady Chang. My apologies."

"As we agreed, it's still before noon," Chang Suining looked at him. "It’s understandable that Lord Wei was busy with official matters."

Looking into her eyes, Wei Shuyi found her even more fascinating.

He had always been aware of his excellence—his family background, appearance, intelligence, and talent had earned him praise from a young age. Compliments surrounded him so much that he had no choice but to be self-aware.

With that in mind, he had never met a woman who looked at him with such indifference—no admiration, no flattery, no curiosity. Not even interest.

Instead of feeling disappointed, he found it refreshing.

His smile deepened slightly. "Since it’s already noon, why don’t we move to the restaurant across the street for a meal? What do you think, Lady Chang?"

Chang Suining thought for a moment and nodded.

The two left the teahouse and headed across the street.

The restaurant was busy, with the main hall already full of diners. The attendant led Wei Shuyi and his group to a private room on the second floor.

This had clearly been arranged in advance—Chang Suining understood.

But how had Wei Shuyi predicted she would agree to come?

Well, she could explain it as being prepared for any eventuality. And to be fair, she had indeed intended to agree.

After all, by the time their conversation ended, there would probably be no food left at the villa.

Plus, sitting in the teahouse earlier, she had already smelled the delicious aroma from this restaurant.

After ordering food, Chang Ji and Ah Che went outside to stand guard.

Watching the young boy, and remembering Lady Chang's feats, Chang Ji hesitated before quietly asking:

"Little brother, are you being forced?"

Ah Che looked confused. "Forced into what?"

"To follow Lady Chang," Chang Ji lowered his voice, "were you forced?"

"?" Ah Che gave him a look that said, ‘What nonsense are you talking about, big brother?’ His face then showed visible anxiety, worried that these words might reach his lady. "Brother, please mind your words. The lady is my savior!"

"…" Chang Ji nodded and silently closed his mouth.

Inside the private room, as they waited for the food, Wei Shuyi handed a jade pendant to Chang Suining.

Chang Suining recognized it instantly.

"This was found on Zhou Ershuan. They said it belonged to you."

Chang Suining nodded lightly.

It was hers.

She had left it with A Li before she left the capital.

Had A Li kept it with her all these years?

She took the pendant, holding it as if she could still see A Li’s innocent face.

"Lady Chang, I must truly thank you for this trip to Hezhou."

Wei Shuyi’s warm voice interrupted her thoughts. "Why does Lord Wei thank me?"

"I have two reasons to be grateful," Wei Shuyi said with a smile. "First, the confessions you provided were a great help. Without them, my task in Hezhou would not have gone so smoothly."

Chang Suining paused for a moment. "So, you saw me that day—"

Wei Shuyi smiled, saying nothing, but clearly affirming.

Chang Suining: "..."

So that’s why he was so sure "Lady Chang" was really Lady Chang. He had already taken note of her when she hid in his carriage.

But... knowing someone had snuck into his carriage, he just let it happen?

What was wrong with this man?

Her thoughts drifted to her old friend’s letters, filled with complaints and helpless sighs.

When she was younger, she rarely returned to the capital, so she didn’t know what Wei Shuyi had been like as a child. Her impression of him was shaped entirely by her friend’s letters:

"My son is prettier than the girls!"—"My son is so smart, truly a prodigy!"—"But he seems to have a sharp tongue…"—"This brat has driven away three teachers!"—"How did I raise such a rebellious child, wahhh!" Even the handwriting had become visibly agitated.

"But how did Lady Chang recognize it was my carriage?" Wei Shuyi asked, probing.

He was fishing for information.

Chang Suining remained calm. "I didn’t recognize it. I just hid in a carriage that looked wealthy, assuming the owner would be someone with enough conscience to help in such a situation. I didn’t expect to stumble into Lord Wei’s hands."

Wei Shuyi appeared to understand. "I see. If Lady Chang had recognized it as mine, she surely would have come to me for assistance."

Chang Suining didn’t respond.

She had indeed recognized it as a Wei family carriage, but at the time, she had mistaken Wei Shuyi for his uncle, Wei Yu. And back then, she hadn’t even known who she was.

"The second reason for my gratitude is on behalf of Master Yu," Wei Shuyi continued. "Lady Chang escaped danger through her own abilities, and though I couldn’t help, you still agreed to return to the capital with me, allowing me to earn Master Yu’s favor."

Chang Suining looked at him. "Why not cancel them out, and you don’t claim the favor?"

Wei Shuyi shook his head in disapproval. "That wouldn’t be right. I owe Lady Chang a favor, and Master Yu owes me one. That’s how the ledger should be balanced."

Looking at the man earnestly calculating in front of her, Chang Suining thought to herself that his skin was thick—thick and unapologetic.

But at least he was generous and provided good food.

Oh well, since he admitted to owing her a favor, it wouldn’t be unfair to Ah Zeng.


After all, when it came to collecting favors, she was never shy.

"May I ask, Lady Chang, have you studied martial arts?" Wei Shuyi asked casually.

Chang Suining’s gaze shifted.

If Wei Shuyi had seen the jade pendant and met Zhou Ershuan, he surely knew what she had done.

A Li’s body didn’t seem like one trained in martial arts, but Chang Suining needed to explain her "unusual" abilities, so she

 calmly said, "I’ve only learned a little."

She refrained from mentioning how little it was, hoping it would dissuade further curiosity.

Yet, Wei Shuyi didn’t seem entirely convinced.

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