Chapter 12: Returning to the Capital


Chapter 12: Returning to the Capital

After finishing their meal, Wei Shuyi already seemed quite familiar with Chang Suining as they left the restaurant. 

Since Chang Suining was dressed as a young man, their conversation while walking side by side appeared quite natural at first glance.

He’s one of those naturally sociable types—listening to his clear and youthful voice, Chang Suining silently concluded in her mind.

At that moment, the sociable Wei Shuyi remarked, "When you think about it, meeting Lady Chang in Hezhou this time feels like a life-and-death bond, doesn't it?"

Chang Suining responded, "… I suppose."

It certainly was a life-and-death situation, but it was the lives of others they risked—not their own. The entire operation at Zhoujia village and th Prefect Magistrate's residence had cost many lives, making it undeniably "life-and-death."

Chang Ji twitched at the thought.

Risking other people’s lives and calling it a personal bond? How very noble of him.

Wei Shuyi, still smiling, continued, "It's strange, really. I feel like I've known Lady Chang for a long time, as if we were old acquaintances."

He spoke casually, yet with a hint of seriousness, entirely devoid of flirtation, as though gender had nothing to do with it—merely appreciating someone who resonated with him.

Chang Suining smiled faintly. "Perhaps."

In a way, they had known each other for quite some time.

"Thank you, Lord Wei, for the meal today. I assume you still have official duties to attend to?" She didn't give him a chance to continue, saying, "If that's the case, I won't keep you from your work."

With that, she and Ah Che made their farewells and left.

Wei Shuyi called after them, "Take care, Lady Chang."

Without pausing, Chang Suining raised her right hand in response as she walked away.

Watching the sharp and tidy figure of the "young man" disappear into the crowd, Wei Shuyi chuckled softly.

Once she was safely mingled into the crowd, Chang Suining finally exhaled in relief.

She certainly didn’t dislike Wei Shuyi; there was no reason to. 

But… this man—his words were as numerous as his schemes! 

She craved peace and quiet, often wanting to let his words go in one ear and out the other, but feared she might slip up and let something vital slip out in response. It was exhausting.

"Why is Lord Wei treating this Lady Chang so differently? Haven’t you always been hard to impress?" Chang Ji couldn’t help but ask.

Wei Shuyi replied, "Lady Chang is extraordinary—how could she not be impressive?"

Chang Ji muttered, “…”

Whether she’s impressive or not, she’s certainly different.

"Lady Chang is so capable and intriguing, impossible to figure out—" Wei Shuyi said, still smiling as he walked toward his office, "I’ve never met anyone quite like her."

Chang Ji, following behind him, grumbled softly, "When you say intriguing… could it be because Lady Chang doesn’t seem to care much about you? I counted; for every ten things you said, she only replied once."

Wei Shuyi corrected him seriously, "You don’t understand—this is called composed wisdom."

"Well, I’ve finally figured it out…" Chang Ji earnestly commented, "It turns out you like women who don’t pay much attention to you."

Although "like" didn’t necessarily mean romantic feelings, it was clear Wei Shuyi didn’t mind Lady Chang's indifference.

"Chang Ji," Wei Shuyi sighed, hands behind his back, walking leisurely, "Having you by my side all these years, no wonder people praise me for being benevolent and virtuous."

Chang Ji blinked in confusion. "?"

"If your lord were even a little less virtuous, you would have been thrown out of the Marquis of Zheng's residence countless times because of that loose tongue of yours."

Chang Ji shuddered and immediately fell silent.

He certainly didn’t want to be thrown out of the Marquis’s residence… 

Especially not when Lord Cui would surely mock him for it!


Just like the previous day, Chang Suining spent her day in a tea house, returning to the courtyard by dusk.

After finishing her evening meal promptly, a servant came to inform her that Chang Ji had arrived with some items.

Seeing the large packages being carried in, nearly filling the hall, Chang Suining was a bit surprised.

"In addition to daily necessities, there are ink, poetry collections, and storybooks for you to pass the time," Chang Ji said, handing her a box. "There’s also some silver in here. The lord said that since Lady Chang enjoys going out, it wouldn't be wise to be short on money."

Chang Suining was astonished—Wei Shuyi’s attention to detail was truly remarkable.

Looking at the box presented to her, she said, "I’ll accept the items, but the silver is unnecessary."

Chang Ji replied, "But the lord said that on Master Yu’s request, he must not let you be deprived in any way."

"I have enough silver for my needs, so there’s no question of deprivation," Chang Suining said. "Though I appreciate Sir Wei's generosity, a gentleman takes money only by proper means. This silver is unnecessary, so please thank him for me, but I must decline."

Chang Ji opened his mouth, then shut it.

A gentleman takes money by proper means… 

Does that include money taken from Zhoujia’s kidnappers?

Holding back his words, Chang Ji bowed and left to report back to his lord.

When Wei Shuyi heard the reply and saw the silver returned, he nodded thoughtfully. "Ordinary gentlemen refuse unjust wealth, but Lady Chang refuses unnecessary wealth… Such wisdom, truly enlightening."

Chang Ji sighed. 

He’s determined to compliment her no matter what, isn’t he?


For the next few days, Chang Suining continued her routine of going out daily, visiting nearly every busy tea house in the city.

Occasionally, she would stop by a

 simple tea stall on the street. Once, while passing through in his carriage, Wei Shuyi happened to see the "young man" casually sitting there, holding a rough tea cup. Despite her thin and frail appearance, the air around her made it seem like after finishing that tea, she could take on a tiger on a mountaintop, like Wu Song.

Seeing this, Chang Ji couldn't help but feel that the title of "warrior" suited Lady Chang perfectly.

Meanwhile, Chang Suining reflected that, though Wei Shuyi seemed laid-back and casual in conversation, he was remarkably efficient in his official duties.

Within five days, he had wrapped up all necessary matters—proving that a man of his rank and age held his position through more than just scholarly talent.

With everything settled, the Imperial Envoy and his retinue, along with the prisoner Prefect Magistrate Zhao, departed Hezhou, bound for the capital.


As the carriage left the city, heading north, Chang Suining lifted the curtain to look ahead.

She had long dreamed of the day she could return to her homeland, and returning to the capital was even better than she had hoped for.

Now that the day had finally come, her identity had changed.

But as long as she remembered who she was, she would always be herself.

She was A Li, but she was also herself.

She would uncover the truth behind A Li’s story.

And she would find the answers to the unresolved questions that had haunted her before she died.

Though time had passed and the world had forgotten, now that she had returned, she wouldn’t let it remain a mystery, buried in silence.

Chang Suining lifted her face, watching as clouds rolled across the sky.

A gust of wind swept the clear but unsettled sky, darkening it completely.

By noon, the rain began to fall.

The initial downpour was heavy, forcing them to halt. After an hour of waiting for the rain to ease, they resumed their journey.

By dusk, the road had become difficult to traverse due to the rain, and the horses were exhausted, so they decided to rest where they were.

"They said that although we're an hour behind schedule, the relay station is only ten li away," the Wei family servant, who had been attending to Chang Suining in the carriage, said with a smile. "People and horses need to rest, so we'll stay here for a while. Would you like to get out and stretch your legs, Lady Chang?"

Chang Suining, unused to long carriage rides, felt stifled and agreed.

The resting spot had been carefully chosen—nearby was a clear, shallow stream where the horses could drink.

Seeing the horses drinking by the stream triggered an old memory for Chang Suining, and she walked over.

As she approached, she gently petted one horse’s head, and long-forgotten memories surged back like shooting stars across her mind.

A soldier tending the horses noticed and commented, "Ah, it seems this young man loves horses too… Horses, you know, they’re quite perceptive creatures."

Chang Suining nodded slightly. "Yes, they understand everything—they just can't speak."

She once had a horse named Liu Huo.

"Do you practice riding and archery?" Wei Shuyi's voice came from behind her. He had approached without her noticing, smiling as he spoke.

He didn't call her Lady Chang in front of others, and everyone assumed the "young man" was a close acquaintance of the imperial envoy.

Just as she was about to turn toward him, her expression shifted suddenly. Her entire body tensed with alertness.


"Watch out!"

She grabbed Wei Shuyi and pulled him aside forcefully.


An arrow shot across the stream from the opposite bank.


In the next chapter, an important character will make an


I am quite in love in this novel and this one will be prioritized - shishiballs

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