Chapter 103: Is Xiao Fu Bao Disliked? The Whole City Loves Me With Their Lives


 ### Chapter 103: Archery Class

Qi Wangfei let Suisui follow her pace, only letting her rest when she couldn’t hold on any longer.

To avoid Suisui feeling pressured by the thought that she couldn’t hold out as long as her brothers, Qi Wangfei smiled and explained, “Suisui, there’s no need to rush. You haven’t practiced formally yet, so it’s fine if you can only manage a shorter time. With regular practice, you’ll gradually get used to it and be able to hold on longer.”

The explanation was a bit lengthy, so Suisui took a moment to understand before nodding vigorously, “Yes, I’ll listen to Mother and persist!”

After saying this, the little girl tried to imitate a determined expression and let out a “ha” sound, then resumed her stance.

Feng Xuanrui and the others didn’t hold their stance for long before they started practicing archery.

Feng Xuanqing, being older, performed the best. The instructor quickly had him mount a horse to try practicing mounted archery.

Feng Xuanjie also had good accuracy, but his slim build made the instructor wary of him falling, even when riding the smallest pony. Moreover, he had fallen more than once.

So, after asking for his opinion and learning that he wasn’t keen on riding, the instructor didn’t force him.

Feng Xuanrui hadn’t practiced for over a month, so his skills were noticeably rusty. His lack of strength meant he needed more practice.

Feng Xuanbo’s accuracy was… well, lacking.

He had even hit the target next to theirs more than once.

Feng Xuanrui was quite helpless, turning to him and asking, “Feng Xuanbo, why don’t you try mounted archery instead?”

Feng Xuanbo stubbornly turned his head away, saying, “I won’t!!!”

It was clear that he wasn’t good and just wanted to spoil things for the others.

Feng Xuanrui was so annoyed he could have smashed his head in before leaving the capital!

Feng Xuanbin was younger and weaker.

His bow and arrows were specially made for him.


His accuracy was about as good as Feng Xuanbo’s.

Suisui, having never seen archery before, was stretching her neck to look curiously.

Feng Xuanbin, feeling bored and not performing well, saw Suisui watching curiously. He glanced at the instructor, who was talking to Feng Xuanrui, and decided to sneak away.

He was very familiar with the art of skipping classes!

He thought he was very skilled at sneaking away under the instructor’s nose.

Unbeknownst to him, as he turned and sneaked away with a bent back and tiptoeing steps, Master Shen casually glanced in his direction.

There were only five children in the class, and Master Shen thought he’d be blind not to notice one missing.

However, seeing Feng Xuanbin’s escape route towards the direction of the princess, he assumed Feng Xuanbin was looking for the little ones to play with.

As long as he was still in the training field, he could catch him later, so there was no need to expose him now.

Feng Xuanbin thought he had successfully skipped class and was quietly sneaking away.

He showed Suisui his specially made small bow, “Sister, sister, look at my beautiful little bow!”

Suisui, having never seen such a thing, hesitated to touch it when Feng Xuanbin handed it to her. She looked up at him and asked quietly, “Can I touch it?”

Feng Xuanbin didn’t understand Suisui’s hesitation. Hearing her question, he simply stuffed the bow into her arms, saying, “Of course, if you like it, you can have it. I’ll ask Father to make me another one later!”

At that moment, Feng Xuanbin completely forgot about the last time he got into a fight over a bow with another young prince, injuring his mouth in the process.

He thought: It’s just a bow. If his sister wants it, it’s hers!

Feng Xuanbin was generous, but Suisui felt a bit at a loss.

The delicate little bow was placed in her arms, and Suisui nervously held it up, inspecting it closely.

It was beautiful and delicate.

Before, Suisui hadn’t known what it was for.

After seeing the other brothers’ lessons, she vaguely understood.

Seeing Suisui focusing on the bow and seeming unsure how to use it, Feng Xuanbin eagerly came over, “Sister, Seventh Brother will teach you how to use it. It’s really simple!”

Feng Xuanbin had escaped from class with only a bow, so he didn’t have any arrows to demonstrate with, which troubled him.

He thought about going back to get some but was afraid of being caught by the instructor.

Without the actual arrows, how could he demonstrate?

Qi Wangfei, observing from the side, wanted to laugh but held it back to avoid hurting the children’s feelings.

She signaled Haitang to help get some small arrows.

Feng Xuanbin quickly went over to thank Haitang, “Thank you, sister Haitang.”

After thanking her, he added, “Thank you, Mother,” since Haitang was one of Qi Wangfei’s attendants.

The little chubby boy was always able to adapt and had a sweet mouth.

Seeing Feng Xuanbin like this, Suisui couldn’t help but envy him.

She thought: Seventh Brother is so amazing!

Feng Xuanbin didn’t notice Suisui’s feelings, but Qi Wangfei did.

However, she didn’t want to interrupt the children’s play and chose to let them enjoy themselves without saying much.

Feng Xuanbin said he would teach Suisui archery.

Suisui had never tried it before.

However, she was quite strong from doing farm work in the past, so she had a solid foundation.

Feng Xuanbin, although he often attended classes, didn’t understand why archery required practicing stances and arm strength.

He thought that to shoot, one should just draw the bow!

Feng Xuanbin didn’t realize that his bow’s frequent inability to be fully drawn was due to a lack of strength. He thought it was because he was still young.

He believed that when he grew up, he’d be as skilled as his second brother… or even better!

Thinking of his second brother, Feng Xuanbin puffed up his little belly with pride, “Sister, when Second Brother comes back to the residence, he can teach us. He’s amazing!”

“Our little bow here, Second Brother could crush it with one hand!”

“As for me, a little chubby boy, Second Brother could easily lift two of me with one hand!”

“Our Second Brother is incredible!”

Mentioning his second brother made Feng Xuanbin go on and on, unable to stop showing off.

Suisui listened with admiration, “Second Brother is that amazing?”

“Wow, Second Brother is awesome!”

Even though Feng Xuanbin was not talking about himself, Suisui’s praise made him lose himself in pride.

Then, as he tried to draw the bow, he still couldn’t manage to pull it fully.

Not only that, but when he released the arrow, he didn’t control the force well, and the shot sent him stumbling backward a few steps.

Feng Xuanbin quickly retreated, his face paling in panic, “Ah, ah, help, help…”

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