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Chapter 34: Former Close Friend


 Chapter 34: Former Close Friend

"Minister of Rites, Pei Min?! I've had no recent quarrels or long-standing grudges with his family. Why would he plot against my daughter like this!" 

Though rash by nature, Chang Kuo wasn’t a fool. His angry curses soon gave way to doubt. "Something's not right... this doesn’t add up!"

Even though the Pei family wasn’t as powerful as the Cui family, it was still a prominent clan. Why would they target a young girl?

This revelation only confirmed one thing—there was indeed a bigger force behind this.

"Even if it’s not Pei Min himself," Chang Suining took the letter, reading it thoughtfully, "this villa belongs to him, so the murderer must be someone very close to him."

Yu Zeng had likely reached a similar conclusion, as the letter also listed Pei Min's trusted aides and the details of his family members.

Pei Min, despite being in his sixties, still had a young son of only ten. The extent of his descendants made clear how prolific the Pei family patriarch had been.

Chang Kuo, frowning deeply, muttered, "That old man never seems to stop..."

Out of consideration for the children present, he withheld further comments.

"We must investigate this quickly!" Chang Kuo summoned steward Bai, handed him the list, and issued instructions: "Be thorough, don’t overlook any clues or suspicious points."

Steward Bai responded earnestly and left to make arrangements.

Chang Kuo, too, didn’t rest, taking Chang Sui'an with him to the study. Before leaving, he gently told Suining, "Now that we have a lead, you can rest and recover. Leave the rest to your father and brother."

Suining nodded on the surface, but her mind continued to churn.

Returning to her courtyard, she asked Xi'er about some of her "past" experiences, trying to search for any clues.

Pei family...

Standing by the window, Suining fell into deep thought.

Could it be that the Pei family had discovered something? But even if that were the case, why would Pei Min want to kill A Li?

Hiring an assassin... that’s not a move someone like Pei Min, a dignified family head, would make. 

Hiring someone to kill, especially someone as unreliable as Zhou Ding, who couldn’t guarantee success—it made no sense for Pei Min to stoop to such methods.

In conclusion, the mastermind might have some skill, but not enough to suggest Pei Min himself was behind it.

Who could it be?

As Suining pondered, a servant named Que'er entered with an invitation in hand.

Seeing her mistress lost in thought by the window, Que'er silently bowed and handed the invitation to Xi'er.

Just as Que'er was about to leave, Suining turned around and asked, "What is that?"

Though a simple question, it made Que'er nervous. She quickly answered, "It’s an invitation to a flower-viewing party, Lady."

"A flower party?" Suining’s expression changed slightly.

"Yes, Lady," Xi'er explained, "It's spring, and the madams from various noble households are beginning to host their annual flower-viewing banquets. But since you never liked such events, these invitations have just been set aside. There were two others from earlier this week as well."

These madams always sent invitations out of courtesy. Though Suining wasn’t among the top-tier noblewomen, she was still recognized, so her household received its fair share of invitations.

However, Suining rarely attended such gatherings, and the invitations usually ended up being just a formality.

"Pick the most prominent and lively one," Suining said from the window. "We’ll attend."

Xi'er was stunned but didn’t question it. She glanced at the invitations and said, "If it's the most prominent, then this one should be it."

Suining extended her hand.

Xi'er handed over the invitation.

The invite was beautifully crafted, with delicate patterns on the paper and a fine fragrance. The calligraphy was elegant and graceful. But the most important detail lay in the sender:

"The flower-viewing party hosted by the marquis of Zheng is quite famous. It’s been held for many years, and nearly all the influential families in the capital attend," Xi'er explained, in case Suining had forgotten the details.

"..." Suining silently closed the invitation, letting out a deep sigh in her heart.

How could she forget her only close friend from years past?

She was about to meet an old friend once again.

—Though now, she would be seeing her in a body that was seven years younger than her own death, and an entire generation younger than her former peers.


The day before the flower-viewing party at the Marquis of Zheng’s estate, Chang Kuo and Cui Jing were summoned to the palace for an audience with the emperor.

With the army’s triumphant return, the emperor was in high spirits in the Hall of Glorious Harmony.

Before Chang Kuo even returned home, carts loaded with lavish rewards from the imperial household arrived at the General’s Residence in Xingning Quarter, drawing a crowd of onlookers.

With Chang Kuo absent, it fell upon Butler Bai, Chu Xing, and the Chang siblings to receive the rewards and express their gratitude.

As the eunuchs read aloud the emperor’s praise, and the rewards filled the courtyard, Chang Suining joined the others in bowing to give thanks.

After the eunuchs left, steward Bai smiled and asked Suining, "Would the Lady like to select something from the rewards to be sent to her courtyard?"

This had always been the family custom—if there was anything among the rewards that would appeal to a lady, it would be given to her first. If the lady didn’t care for it, then it would be stored away.

After all, there were no other ladies in the house.

Chang Sui’an also chimed in, "Yes, sister, have a look and see if there’s anything you like."

Suining glanced at the rewards. "No need. Since these are imperial gifts, they should be properly stored in the treasury."

With that, she left the main hall.

"Ning Ning, where are you going?" Chang Sui'an quickly followed her.

"To the training grounds."

"Huh? More training? Why don’t I accompany you?"

The siblings made their way to the training grounds together.

As they walked, Suining quickened her pace.

Chang Sui'an noticed her mood seemed off. Though he didn’t know why, he didn’t dare to ask, so he filled the silence with conversation. "You know, aside from this recent battle with the southern barbarians, Father hasn’t been on the battlefield in many years. We haven't received such grand rewards from the emperor in quite some time."

Chang Suining suddenly slowed her steps. "Was it because of his leg injury?"

"That’s right." Speaking of the past, Chang Sui'an tone became somber. "Father's leg was injured twelve years ago in a battle against the Northern Di. You were too young to remember, but I was about two years old, and I vaguely recall hearing Uncle Chu and the others talking about it in hushed tones—"

"I heard that in that battle, Father seemed to lose control, attacking the enemy with reckless abandon. He led several charges himself, ignoring all advice to retreat. In the end, we won the battle, but Father was gravely injured... And afterward, when the Northern Di Khan surrendered, Father, without any orders from the court, beheaded him in front of our entire army of 100,000 soldiers!"

See you tomorrow! Love you all! 

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