
Thank you so much Rei for your wonderful comments ❤️ 💕


Chapter 207: After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium!

  Chapter 207 She Dares to Guarantee


"Yan Yan, you saved your grandmother! In such a short time, you brought her back from the brink of death! You're truly amazing!" Li Yuanfu was extremely excited and wanted to hug her.

Unexpectedly, Song Qiaoying hugged her daughter first, "Great, your grandmother is fine! She scared us just now!"

They were afraid something might happen to the elderly lady...

They didn't expect their daughter's medical skills to be so remarkable.

No wonder Mr. Si always praised her medical skills.

It turned out it wasn't just the elderly favoring Yan Yan, but Yan Yan really had this ability!

Her medical skills were truly outstanding!

The decisiveness, calmness, and wisdom she showed during the rescue just now were simply admirable!

Ou Yan suddenly felt embraced by her mother. This feeling of being loved, pampered, and valued was something she had never experienced before.

"If your grandmother wakes up and knows about this, she'll definitely be very happy!" Song Qiaoying looked at Ou Yan admiringly, as if proud to have such a child.

While Li Yuanfu was proud, he also wondered what Ou Yan had experienced in the Bai family over the years. If she had grown up carefree, why did she learn so many extraordinary skills?

Clearly, with all these extraordinary skills, why wasn't she appreciated by the Bai family?

Thinking like this, he felt sorry for his daughter again, feeling that she had suffered a lot and endured a lot of grievances!

He secretly vowed to treat her even better and compensate her!

The doctors, nurses, and caregivers around were all stunned. From Li Yuanfu and Song Qiaoying's words, it was not just Li Yusha's grandparents lying in the hospital bed; this girl also had a share!

But didn't Li Yuanfu and Song Qiaoying only have one daughter?

So where did this girl come from?

It seemed that Li Yuanfu and Song Qiaoying were overly indulgent towards her, even more so than towards Li Yusha.

Looking at Li Yusha next to them, they all felt a little suspicious!

Realizing that the girl's identity was not simple, and considering that they had just spoken carelessly, the nurse next to her apologized to Ou Yan with her head down, "I'm sorry, I questioned your medical skills just now... I was blind!"

This girl's medical skills were definitely above theirs!

Liu the caregiver next to her also lowered her head, ashamedly saying, "I was too anxious just now, and said some unpleasant words... Please forgive me!"

She felt extremely ashamed of her ignorance and recklessness.

When the old lady had an attack just now, she even thought the girl had done something, but now she thought, which granddaughter could do such a beastly thing?

"What happened when I was out just now? Why couldn't grandma breathe suddenly?" Li Yusha started seeking attention again, "I'm not asking to blame anyone, I just want to know, so that everyone has an idea and can try to avoid this situation next time, don't let grandma suffer again. There were only brother and sister in the ward just now. Brother has always been steady. Sister, did you say something to grandma, and she got excited..."

She intentionally attributed her grandmother's illness to Ou Yan.

But Li Yihan coldly rebuked, "Didn't Yan Yan say it? Grandma has neurogenic respiratory distress, which is caused by cerebral hemorrhage affecting the respiratory center. It's not because she was stimulated by anyone. Yan Yan didn't do anything."

Li Yusha was afraid of her brother seeing through her thoughts, pretended to be innocent, nodded.

"It seems that it's useful to read miscellaneous books usually. At least in critical moments, you can draw inferences about the situation. Today, sister's luck is also good. I guess God wants sister to leave a good impression on grandpa and grandma, so he arranged this."

Li Yihan heard the implications in her words and asked coldly, "Is 'Medical Compendium of the Emperor's Canon' and 'Records of the Grand Historian' considered miscellaneous books?"

Drawing inferences? Lucky to save grandma??

Then why don't you save one and see?

"I mean extracurricular books. My parents only let me read academic books usually, and I didn't have the chance to read extracurricular books." Li Yusha took the opportunity to act cute, "Mom, I want to learn from my sister in the future and read more extracurricular books."

The doctor on the side respectfully said, "It's not just reading two books that can save people. Miss Yan Yan's medical skills are obviously above all of us, and you can't just copy them by drawing inferences."

Li Yusha was dissatisfied in her heart. Who asked you to speak more?

Dr. Xue ignored Li Yusha's resentment and respectfully bowed, "I dare to ask this Miss for advice. Is there any way to help the old gentleman and lady recover soon?"

Ou Yan smiled faintly. During the pulse diagnosis just now, she had already figured out the condition of her grandparents.

"I know a Chinese doctor, who is quite famous. She has medicine on hand, which happens to treat this condition."

Upon hearing Ou Yan's words, everyone present was stunned!

"Yan Yan, you still know a famous Chinese doctor? Does she have medicine to save your grandparents?"

Li Yuanfu was shocked, and he thought of his precious daughter's identity as an internationally renowned piano master. She must have a wide network, knowing a Chinese doctor isn't difficult.

Song Qiaoying also unexpectedly delighted, "So, your grandparents are saved?"

I didn't expect my precious daughter to know a famous Chinese doctor. It repeatedly made them admire her.

"Sister, is that Chinese doctor better than Dr. Xue? Dr. Xue is a top medical graduate from a top medical university. He comes from a family of three generations of doctors. Even he is helpless. Can your friend help? What if, what if you believe her, take the medicine for grandparents, but that person is deceiving you?"

Li Yusha, at this point, continued to explain, "I mean, grandpa and grandma's condition is very tricky. Many famous doctors and experts are helpless. Is your friend reliable? What if, just what if you trust her, take the medicine for grandpa and grandma, but that person is deceiving you?"

Nowadays, many scammers impersonate divine doctors and cheat money everywhere.

But Ou Yan's tone was confident, "She won't deceive."

Because, that person is herself!

Can Dr. Xue compete with Bai He?

Ou Yan smiled, "I can guarantee that as long as the medicine is used continuously, grandparents will wake up within a month."

Li Yuanfu and Song Qiaoying were both stunned. A month?

You should know that the two elderly people have been in a coma for a long time. Yan Yan dared to guarantee that they would wake up within a month?

That... that Chinese doctor must be amazing!

At this moment, Li Yihan looked at his sister with a probing look.

Even if Yan Yan knows that famous Chinese doctor, how dare she guarantee that grandparents will wake up within a month?

How does she know that the Chinese doctor has medicine suitable for their grandparents?

Seeing her full of confidence, could it be that the doctor she mentioned is herself?

Coupled with the doctors and nurses next to her admiring her, her medical skills must be very high!

▶▶After breaking off the engagement, Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium!


▶▶FULL-LEVEL BOSS DRESSED AS A PEASANT GIRL ▶▶Master Hou Madam Went To the Sky Bridge Again To Set Up a Stall ▶▶THE LAW OF TRANSMIGRATION: THE BLACK-HEARTED GOD'S DOMINEERING LOVE ▶▶THE WOODEN BEAUTY OF YOUNG MASTER SHENG ▶▶The reborn of paranoid boss cannon fodder wife ▶▶After breaking off the engagement Mr. Si chased his wife to the crematorium! ▶▶Peasant Woman’s Decreed Life as a Wife


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